Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1389

[I just added more lemon juice?

Qiye didn't understand Lily's so-called difference.

"Brother, mine can give it to you."

Yumi on one side picked up her barbecue.

"No, I'll start over by myself."

Nanaya rejected Yumi, and when he picked up the tongs and wanted to grill the meat again, Lily took the initiative to put the meat in front of him into Nanaya's bowl.


"As compensation for me eating your brother-in-law, brother-in-law, eat mine."

Lily glanced at Yumi and said in a warning tone.

"Um... I think I bake it better."

Yumi's unyielding temper came up, and she also piled the meat on Qiye's plate.

"Lily's barbecue is scorched." Yumi pointed at the black spot on Lily's barbecue with his chopsticks and said, "Do you want big brother to eat charcoal?"

Qiye didn't think there was any problem with this burnt stain, and even the taste would not be affected.

But Yumi deliberately said that the whole piece of meat was charred.

"what did you say?"

Lily immediately refused to accept it. She bared her fangs and wanted to show you a beautiful look.


Weaving forcefully closed the menu in his hand.

"You two! Do you want me to teach you the most basic dining etiquette?"

The cold face was really scary, Lily and Yumi, who had wanted to argue, were silent immediately.

For a while, the surroundings of the dining table became very quiet, and only the sound of roasting meat was left.

"Haha, everyone, eat more meat."

Qiye distributed the meat on his plate to everyone, but he still reserved some for himself, and he also paid special attention to leaving a little bit of the meat roasted by Yumi and Lily.

"Dog feeding, you also eat more."

Qiye picked up chopsticks and put the meat into the bowl of Inujigai.

"Thank you!"

With a flushed face, Takasho Inugai almost overturned the drink in his hand with excitement, and then picked up the plate with trembling hands and took the pieces of barbecue.

From just now, his expression is a bit like a lamb who has strayed into the wolf pack.

The other four people sitting here are either big shots or superstars.

Eating with them is indeed a very big challenge for him who is not even a formal debut.

Fortunately, the attention of the other four people at the table was never on him.

Yumi and Lily stared at Nanya from start to finish, not focusing on the barbecue.

And Qiye and Zhi really enjoy barbecue, Qiye even asked the waiter to serve rice.

"Ho Ho Ho, sure enough, this is a complete barbecue."

Zhihehe smiled, he picked up his own roasted entrails and sprinkled it with hot sauce.

"Don't you feel greasy?"

Looking at the grease dripping from the internal organs, Qiye's mouth twitched slightly.

"Look at what you said, senior." Zhizhi put the internal organs into her mouth, "isn't it called internal organs if it is not oil?"

"Is this going to be fat?" Qiye asked in a low voice.

Qiye still remembers the evil spirit expression when he was overweight.

Zhizhi replied: "It's okay to be presumptuous once~ just wait and remember to exercise afterwards."

If others said this, Qiye would think it was just evasive.

But Zhizhi is a very self-disciplined person. He said that if he could exercise, he would really exercise.

Probably the contented look of Zhizhi diverted everyone's attention, and everyone at the table also turned their attention to the barbecue.

Even Lily and Yumi began to bow their heads and concentrate on grilling.

As idols, they have always been very restrained in eating and drinking. Today, Qiye was a shield, and the two girls simply learned to weave and wantonly.

Takao Inugai was also very excited. The barbecue this time is a high-end product that he can't eat at home.

Seeing that everyone was not paying attention to himself, he started his own barbecue journey.

Everyone is busy eating, naturally no one speaks.

All that can be heard is the sound of meat dancing on the iron plate and the swallowing of the crowd.

Wait until the first round of meat is roasted and eaten up, while waiting for the second round of barbecue to be on the table.

Qiye said again: "This FGO project is really hard for everyone."

Speaking, Qiye touched the cup of drink with everyone again.

"Look at what you said, brother-in-law, this was originally our job."

Lily replied with a smile "haha".

"After that, please, Lily." Nanaya nodded slightly, "And Yumi and Inugai, too. Because the FGO shooting plan is basically back to back, you will be busy for a long time. ."

"no problem."

"give it to me!"

Lily smiled and grabbed Qiye's hand: "Brother-in-law, you are really bad-hearted, and you arrange such a heavy job for others. How do you want to compensate them~"

Between talking, Lily gently slid her fingers across Qiye's palm.

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