Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1399

[Sure enough, I must think of a solution next time I meet my sister.

Lily knew that as long as her sister didn't nod her head, no matter how she hinted that Qiye would only pretend to be stupid.

Even because of his overly aggressive attitude, the other party has begun to avoid himself.

When pretending to be drunk yesterday, Qiye treated herself very tenderly.

This is the warmth Lily hasn't felt for a long time.

[I really want to be treated like this by my brother-in-law.

Because of this, Lily felt very unhappy after seeing Yumi being treated differently.

Although before in [Trier], the relationship between Lily and Yumi was pretty good because of their close age.

After all, before Kujokaze and others joined, Lily and Yumi were the only little kids in the team.

But that is past tense.

After entering the prologue crew, Lily has always been very strong against Yumi.

Originally, Yumi and herself were stars with a difference of several orders of magnitude, and the status of the two parties in the circle has never been equal.

But with the blessing of "Madoka" and Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Yumi's recent status in the entertainment industry has begun to threaten Lily.

Of course, none of these Lily matter.

But her position in Qiye's mind, Lily would never give up.

But after the competitive psychology, he envied Yumi immediately.

[If I were you... Brother-in-law should be close to me!

[If possible, I am the one who talks and laughs with my brother-in-law!

[So if...]


Lily's mind became more and more tangled. She didn't know how to make Qiye fall in love with herself, let alone how she should discuss this issue with her sister.

With a heavy heart, her whole body became muddled.

When Lily reacted, she realized that she had caused trouble.

"Cut! Lily, what are you doing?!"

Qiye's angry voice came from the loudspeaker.

Lily found herself standing in the center of the set at this time, standing in front of her was Yumi holding a shield.

And he was wearing a black Saber armor, standing in front of each other with swords in both hands.

However, the black prop sword had broken in the middle, and the tip of the upper body had disappeared.

Lily hurriedly searched with her gaze, and then found that the half of the prop sword flying out was poking on a camera of the crew.

[Big disaster!

Lily had this idea in her heart at this moment.

And when she saw Qiye's angry eyes, Lily cried out with a sore nose.

"Um, wow-brother-in-law ah ah ah!!!"


pS1: Regarding the montage part, there is a very famous Kurischoff experiment in film history.

The former Soviet director Kurishov edited clips of the expressionless actor separately behind the scenes of a bowl of soup, a little girl lying in a coffin, and a woman lying on a sofa.

Audiences who have watched this clip feel that every time the screen is switched, the actor's expression changes slightly.

With his superb acting skills, he showed three different emotions: hunger, fear and love.

But in fact, the images of the male actors are all the same, they just stare at the camera blankly.

This experiment became the basis of the montage theory.

The most famous quote of Kurišov was also born:

A single lens is just the material of the movie, and the creation of montage is the art of the movie!

Chapter 768

Seeing Lily crying in the middle of the set, Qiye also looked sad.

Seriously, Qiye didn't think Lily had anything to cry.

After all, there was something wrong with Lily in this matter itself, and it was a terrible thing to lose focus when shooting.

Especially this is still shooting action scenes, any mistake may cause unexpected problems.

Many studio accidents are caused by some small negligence, so Qiye has always emphasized the safety of shooting.

Especially after the collapse of the platform during the FZ period, the safety requirements for the studio have been the most important issue for the Qiye team.

This is also the most important reason Qiye was angry just now.

As an old man in her team, Lily did such a dangerous thing, which in itself is not allowed for this team.

Judging from the speed of Bengfei's cutting sword and the depth of its insertion into the camera, Lily must have used a lot of force at the time.

Fortunately, Yumi blocked Lily's attack with a prop shield, and the broken sword didn't hit anyone.

Otherwise, a big problem will really arise, and it may even rise to a criminal incident.

That's why Qiye was so angry. Lily was joking about the safety of herself and others.

But after the initial anger, Qiye also blamed herself a little.

When Lily was on the court, Qiye noticed that the opponent's mental state was in a trance.

At that time, Qiye specifically asked Lily to confirm if she had anything to do.

Lily also just answered mechanically.

Because the crew had been preparing for a long time before filming started, Qiye was also a little worried.

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