Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1403

Lily put the quilt on her face and looked at Qiye with only her eyes.

"I'll see if anyone on the crew needs a medical kit."

The doctor walked out of the infirmary blankly and locked the door intimately.

It's just that Qiye doesn't need him to be so caring.

Lily was a little shy by the doctor's performance, Qiye could even see that her cheeks were red.

Qiye smiled softly, he gently squeezed Lily's arm and looked at Lily's wrist carefully.

Probably it was a relationship that caused congestion after a while, and the wrist was slightly swollen compared to the previous time.

"Does it still hurt?"

Qiye asked softly.

As a result, Lily asked with a shy face: "Can I ask my brother-in-law if I say it hurts?"

"It depends." Qiye replied, "Ryan won't let me get used to you."

"Then I want my brother-in-law to treat me to dinner twice, no, three times!"

Lily thought about changing the gesture from two to three.

"it is good."

Qiye nodded.

"Just the two of us, not even my sister."

"it is good."

"...When you rest, brother-in-law, you will take me on vacation again."

"it is good."

"You can bring your sister this time."

"it is good."


So many things happened this afternoon, plus the crying and making noise just now.

Lily had obviously consumed a lot of energy.

Although she wanted Qiye to speak with her, she was exhausted and soon fell asleep on the bed in the infirmary.

After confirming that Lily was asleep, Qiye carefully sorted out the quilt on her body.

Then Qiye quietly left the infirmary without disturbing Lily.

Zhizheng stood in the corridor outside with his arms folded, and saw Qiye coming out with a teasing smile on his face.

"Coaxed that little girl?"

Qiye nodded: "Yes."

"Shonan checked and found that the camera has been completely scrapped. Fortunately, there is no problem with the storage part, and there are no missing items that have been taken."

"Notify the purchasing department to buy another camera. I will pay for it myself."

Fortunately, Lily only broke the ordinary video camera.

Although the price of a dedicated camera for filming is very expensive, it is not a big money for Qiye.

Fortunately, it was not the IMAX camera that Lily broke, otherwise the trouble would be serious.

It's not that IMAX cameras can't afford it for seven nights, but IMAX doesn't have so many cameras.

IMAX is no longer what it used to be. After a series of miracles in IMAX commercial films, major film companies have regarded IMAX as a sweet bun.

Now almost every month, crews that need IMAX cameras are turned on, and IMAX’s equipment rental list has already been arranged.

In such a situation, if a camera is scrapped, it is difficult to get a supplement in time.

After all, IMAX cameras are too expensive and very troublesome to produce. The construction period for a camera is very long.

No matter how strong IMAX's performance is, there is no local tyrant that can stock up on unlimited stocks.

"Is there a problem with the crew?" Qiye asked.

"I have already ordered the crew over there, and I have unified the caliber."

Zhizhi explained the work he had just done to Qiye.

"No problem, I can rest assured of you."

Qiye did not show any objection to the arrangement of weaving.

Zhizhi said angrily: "Next time you will never come to this kind of thing. I am not your nanny! I will wipe your ass every time something happens."

Qiye smiled indifferently.

Qiye has heard similar words too many times.

But every time my younger brother still complains about integrity, he will help himself with finishing work.

"Tsk. It's unlucky for me to meet a brother like you."

Obviously, Zhi also knew the problem, and he turned his head to the other side angrily.

"How is Lily's situation? Can she continue to shoot next?"

"The wrist is a little red and swollen. I need to rest for a few days." Qiye replied, "Modify the filming plan and shoot other people's scenes first."

But Zhizhi shook his head slightly: "What I want to ask is, is there any problem with Lily's mentality?"

"I don't know either." Qiye scratched her head and said distressedly: "It looks normal, but who knows if there will be any trouble in the future."

"Isn't it simple to want Lily to be normal?" Zhizhi said with a sneer, "You turn around and open the door and walk into the room to change Lily from a girl to a woman. All problems are solved."


Qiye squirted out in one gulp. He didn't expect Zhizhi's mouth to be so poisonous.

Zhi continued to ask: "What? Are you reluctant, or feel that your body is too much to handle with bean sprouts?"

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