Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1404

Qiye waved her hands and said, "Stop teasing, you know I can't do anything against Lily."

"I'm not kidding." Zhizhi's expression changed from a sneer to a serious, "I don't want any unstable factors in the crew, especially this kind of time bomb that may affect the entire crew."

"Let me think about it again."

Seeing Qiye still hesitating so much, Zhiye's face showed sorrow.

"You want to keep that child away from harm, but have you ever thought about the consequences of such a drag?"

Qiye did not answer the question asked by Zhiye.

"So your hesitant character is really..."

Zhizhi pressed his forehead, showing helplessness.

"You don't want to answer Lily directly, it's okay, but this time the trouble is so big, you must notify the parents."

Zhiye said to Qiye, "Call Ryan over. Let the two sisters solve this problem by themselves."

Qiye hesitated for a moment, then nodded.


pS: Tell me about the latest update.

Although Mijiang said before that she wanted to rest easy after she owed more money.

However, the actual situation is that Mijiang hasn't rested much, and Mijiang has been busy doing homework these days._(:з∠)_

The start of this semester is too late, which has caused the school to be in a hurry.

May 1 has been told that class is about to go, it's terrible...

Even more speechless is that group work is still the main labor force._

I should be able to finish the homework today. Let's see if there is a chance to add changes tomorrow.

Chapter 770 All Followers Are Showing Off, Only Matthew Is Getting Beaten

The accident that happened in the Fate crew was quickly known outside.

It's not that someone from the crew revealed it, but the crew took the initiative to disclose it.

After all, the crew ended their work yesterday too much earlier than usual.

The reporters who stayed outside the crew are not fools. Of course they can guess that the FGO crew had an accident.

Rather than keep it under cover, it's better to take the initiative to disclose it.

So in the evening, the FGO crew announced the official news.

The content is the "truth" that was compiled at the beginning, and all of this originated from an accident.

As for Lily Weiting crying on the spot, it was rendered as a little girl too scared.

Fortunately, Lily has always appeared in the public as a young girl.

Therefore, the public not only did not mock Lily's childish performance, but were very concerned about Lily's situation.

After getting the news, many fans wanted to learn about Lily in various ways.

Compared with the calm crew itself, the outside network seems to have exploded.

Although accidents are common when making a movie, it also depends on who the person is.

As a representative of the new generation of actresses, Lily has always been a very concerned existence.

Therefore, when the crew information was incomplete, all kinds of strange remarks immediately appeared on the Internet.

Some say that someone in the crew was hospitalized in an accident; some said that the real sword was used as a prop sword to stabbing people to death; some said that Lily blinded one eye while filming.

This is relatively nice, and the content of some man-made rumors is much worse than this.

Because when the accident happened, Lily and Yumi were both on the set.

So there are artificial rumors that Lily's popularity suddenly soared too fast because of jealousy of Yumi as a junior.

So when filming, all kinds of troubles are made by the United States.

Therefore, during the filming yesterday, Yumei took the board to open up Lily.

Lily is currently in the intensive care unit, while Yumi has been controlled by the police.

Qiye really had to admire the brain and imagination of these netizens.

When reading this gossip report, Qiye was very moved, and then handed it to Jiufeng's legal department.

Qiye made it clear that the rumors of these children in her own family are not so easy to make.

As for the existence of those sunspots, Qiye was not surprised.

Of course these people have nothing to do with News Corporation and Fox, they are just pure Lily Black.

After all, there are always some people in the world who, when most of the others like the same thing, slander it in order to show their maverick.

It's not just actors, movies, games, comics, novels and even companies.

The general rumors Qiye and Jiufeng usually open one eye and close one eye, just as these people increase their traffic.

After all, you can’t say that shit on the side of the road is disgusting, people have to take the initiative to go and kick it?

Isn't this finding yourself uncomfortable?

Of course, Qiye has never been polite to them for special situations that are particularly disgusting and even have to actively confuse your face.

And in the end, rumors are rumors.

The fictitious content will certainly not become a fact.

Only the next day, Lily, who reappeared on the set, immediately made these rumors self-defeating.

When the crazy paparazzi surrounding the crew saw Lily appearing on the set, everyone wailed bleakly.

Because they all know that the big news they want is gone.

But in any case, it's hard to come to the FGO crew to come back empty-handed.

So when Lily stopped at the entrance of the studio, all reporters swarmed over to interview Lily.

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