Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1405

In the face of these reporters, Lily was very calm.

She just brightened her wrist, and while showing that her injuries were not serious, she also informed the reporters that she would delay filming for a few days.

In addition, Lily never told anything related to this matter.

Although the reporters were disappointed because they hadn't got the strong information, they accepted this fact relatively calmly.

After this brief interview, these reporters left on their own.

Although there is no news that can eat big melons, the report on Lily Weiting is not a big problem, at least to ensure that there is something to write about today's entertainment news.

The FGO crew can also be regarded as using this incident in disguise to make a wave of heat.

Lily's fans also breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that their idols were OK.

Then, the video of Yumi and Lily falling in love with each other released by Lily on social networking sites broke the rumors that Lily and Yumi were not in harmony.

In this way, Lily's incident this time ended perfectly for the periphery.

Although the people of Black Lily and FGO were a little dissatisfied with the bland end of this matter, for most people, the matter ended here.

Of course, this matter is far from over for the small media who spread the rumors that Yumi beat Lily with bricks.

It is about to face the world's strongest legal department in the world.

Under the management of Qiye and Ziyuan for several years, Jiufeng's legal department has already risen a step from the eastern legal department.

Especially recently, relying on the lawsuit with News Corporation, Jiufeng's legal department has added a lot of experience in handling lawsuits within the entertainment industry.

This allowed Jiufeng to surpass the Disney legal department next door and become the world's number one.

However, the life and death of this small media will certainly not become the subject of discussion, let alone become the mainstream of the entertainment circle.

As the incident subsided, the attention of the entertainment gossip media was also shifting to other areas.

After all, the entertainment industry has so many melons to eat every day, there is no need to hang on this tree.

Qiye no longer cared about these messy things for the time being, and focused all his energy on shooting.

Although Lily is temporarily unable to film, the crew must not stop filming.

And because other scenes also take time to build, it is estimated that Lily will be able to move normally when the build is completed.

Therefore, Qiye did not randomly change the filming plan of the crew.

It's just that Qiye basically uses doubles for shooting when shooting black Saber.

So the black Saber in the shooting material these days will not have a front face, only a back and a side face, and hair will occupy most of it.

After Lily can film the scene, Qiye will edit a few more poses.

In this way, the audience is "deceived" by making them think they are the same person.

This method is said to be a "magic" method unique to movies.

Now, what Qiye is shooting is the fight between Hei Saber and Matthew.

In the prologue, Matthew and Lixiang are both rookies. In order to highlight the youthfulness of the two, Qiye will not let them make any shocking actions.

Lixiang is purely adorable, and its role in the prologue is not only to make soy sauce, but also to make soy sauce.

And Matthew's words, even as [A follower] can fight with followers.

But the peculiarity of Fuyuki City in the prologue is her first battle. In addition to passive defense with a shield, it is difficult for her to make active attacks.

Even so, Nanaya couldn't let Yumi hold a shield in front of her body all the way as in the special anime.

The footage shot that way won't have any visibility at all.

Although this may be more in line with the original setting and image of Matthew, passersby will only feel bored when they see such a play.

Qiye knows very well that shooting by herself has never been a fan movie.

And now there are no fans in FGO. Many viewers will walk into the cinema because of FSN and FZ.

But these people do not mean that they are fans of FGO.

How to make them become fans of this series during these two hours of the movie.

This is what Qiye always reminds herself when making movies.

So in the movie, Qiye designed several actions for Matthew to fight against the followers.

But these movements are basically clumsy and plain.

Compared with Archer and Big Dog's show skills, Matthew's attack action will be more direct, allowing people to understand her attack intention at a glance.

Therefore, these attacking actions are often difficult to play a key role, and can only increase a little visual sense.

It makes people think that Matthew and the followers are fighting back and forth, rather than just being beaten.

But it's just what it looks like.

In the face of a good follower like Black Saber, it is strange that a novice like Matthew doesn't lose weight.

Qiye watched as Yumi's stand-in under the control of Wia made a movement of being knocked into the air by the black Saber.


After the actor was pulled onto the mat in the distance by Via, Qiye called to stop.

After that, Qiye carefully checked the shots, and confirmed that neither of the two stuntmen showed their faces.

"This one is over!" Qiye announced, "Closing today."

This sentence made everyone breathe a sigh of relief, and the staff began to pack up relevant tools.

"Weaving, help me finish."

Qiye said to the younger brother who was standing beside him.


Zhi Lima agreed, but when Qiye turned to leave, Zhi shouted at him: "Talk to him, don't talk to your dorm at night! I live next to you!"

Qiye didn't look back, but directly slammed a thumb down.

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who doesn't know the importance! How can I feel that way today!"

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