Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1406

After saying this, Qiye left the crew.

Of course, Qiye was not alone when she left, he also took Lily with him.

The reason is simple, because Ryan is here today.

After knowing that his baby sister was in an accident, Ryan handled what he had done as quickly as possible, and then rushed to Los Angeles.

Of course, Qiye felt that Ryan could rush over in a few days. Apart from her worry about Lily, the biggest reason should be Shion's release.

After all, before that, Ryan had always been entangled in various things, and had no chance to come to Los Angeles.

As for the reason Shion is in charge of Ryan...

When News Corp. stared tightly at the beginning, Ryan enjoyed seven nights alone.

Out to mix, sooner or later have to repay.

Ms. Shion obviously felt that it was time for Ryan to pay the remuneration he had previously overdrawn.


pS1: I watched the news today. Keiji Fujiwara died of cancer on April 12, 2020.

I feel good and uncomfortable. The last time Michan saw the news of Uncle Keiji was when Hiroshi Nohara changed CV.

At that time, Uncle Keizhi quit Guangzhi's dubbing work due to physical reasons.

It has been a few years now.

In fact, Mi-chan had long thought that Uncle Qizhi should have recovered, but what was waiting for was bad news.

In the past few years, too many familiar people have left us, which makes Mi Jiang feel a kind of change and alternation of the times.

I always feel very melancholy._(:з∠)_

Chapter 771 Don't be too psychological pressure

Qiye didn't invite Ryan to meet at the cafe next to the crew.

After all, people talk a lot in public, if what they talk about is heard, it will obviously increase unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, Qiye specifically found a high-end restaurant.

That store has a small compartment specially prepared for the guests to use for meetings.

After all, there are countless Hollywood crews working in the studio here every day.

Major Hollywood movie companies also frequent this side.

These executives will definitely want to discuss important things.

And this high-end restaurant naturally provides this kind of service.

When Qiye and Lily arrived, Ryan had been sitting in the private room for a while.

"You are here."

Ryan looked at them with a calm expression.


Lily yelled sweetly to her old sister.

Ryan said with concern: "I heard you were injured, come and let me see."

Lily subconsciously wanted to hide her wrist behind her back.

Ryan pursed his mouth at Lily: "I have seen it."

Lily of course understood what her sister meant, she walked over with an awkward expression, and then showed her her wrist.

Although Qiye had already heard this on the phone, Ryan still carefully checked the wound on his sister's wrist.

"You... when will you mature?"

Ryan showed the same expression as Qiye did at the beginning.

In the past, Lily would be very happy if her sister cared about herself.

But this time seeing the expression on Ryan's face, Lily felt very awkward.

[Am I always a child in your eyes?

Lily raised her eyes to look at Ryan, her watery eyes full of inconsistency.

"This time I really trouble you."

Qiye sat down opposite Ryan with a helpless expression.

Ryan let Lily go, and said to Qiye: "Of course I will come over when this happens."


Lily snorted coldly, and she sat beside Qiye.

Ryan frowned slightly: "Lily, sit here. Today is your tripartite meeting."

Lily sat on the spot without speaking, but looked at Ryan with stubborn eyes.

"I understand."

Ryan nodded slightly, then she looked at Qiye: "Qiya you go out."

There was an irresistible taste in Ryan's tone.

Qiye nodded slightly, he knew that Ryan wanted to have a sister talk with Lily.

This is also the reason why Qiye brought Ryan over.

So he got up and left the private room very cooperatively, and closed the door intimately.

The sound insulation effect of this hotel's package was good, and Qiye stood at the door and couldn't hear the conversation inside.

I waited for about ten minutes.

When Qiye was struggling whether to play with her cell phone for a while, the door of the private room opened.

"come in."

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