Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 141

"In order to be able to have a better creative scale, the rating is R. Unlike the usual big productions that have to be rated R at the end, Director Kiryu said that his film is moving towards R from the beginning. of.

"'If the standard is lowered, then a lot of what I want to express will not be able to express. So my thoughts have always been R-level, because only R-level can shape the Western fantasy world in my own mind! I I believe that the audience is ready to welcome a different Western fantasy adventure movie. Please wait and see! The above are the original words of Director Kiryu in the interview. He is full of confidence in this movie."

"Finally, let’s talk about an exclusive news. Director Kiryu Nanaya stated that he has finished producing the first trailer and it is expected to be broadcast within one month. Please look forward to it."

The response to this article among the audience was not too enthusiastic, but it attracted some attention.

Unlike the diehard fans of the "Saint and the Brave" series, ordinary viewers don't care about the original work. They look forward to seeing a good movie.

Just like in the future, everyone can talk about Iron Man’s phrase "I am Iron Man", but in the comics, Iron Man has been "incognito" like all other superheroes for decades, but only comic fans will compare clear.

These passers-by audiences are obviously more foolish than those diehard fans, and the personal designs published in the magazine immediately attracted the attention of many readers.

The reason is simple, because the characters are very beautiful.

Especially Luvia, who was the main propaganda object, was full of praise for her priest costume.

The reason is simple. Although this suit is large, it can't conceal Luvia's proud figure, and the girl's exquisite appearance with aristocratic temperament quickly won everyone's praise.

The decades of working experience in the previous life have made Qiye too aware of people like audiences, who are visual animals through and through.

When Warner announced that Gal Gadot had become a new generation of Wonder Woman, the audience was full of doubts.Everyone thinks that Gal Gadot is as flat as a steel plate, how can he be competent for the role of Wonder Woman.

When the official release of Gal Gadot's makeup stills, everyone said they could take a look again.

When Gail Gadot's version of Wonder Woman appeared in the trailer, many people were already calling the goddess.

After the movie "Batman v Superman" was released, many people praised the goddess as the only highlight of the film.

As if the person who questioned Gal Gadot was not at all them.

As I said before, Wang Jingze's law is one of the three essences of mankind.

Of course, Qiye announced not only Luvia's setting map alone, but also other supporting characters such as Cow Girl, Counter Girl, Gunner, and Witch.

There are also all kinds of goblin shapes, which also make people feel very real, without the cheap and crude feeling.

However, Qiye did not directly announce the appearance of the male protagonist Goblin Slayer. Instead, he placed the initial bento three-person swordsman, female warrior and female magician behind Luvia’s goddess official character to create a This is the illusion that this adventure team is the protagonist of the movie.

This is purely Qiye's evil taste, he deliberately shaped the trio of passersby the same as the protagonist team.

When the audience sees these three people GG so fast when watching movies in the future, Qiye is very much looking forward to the expressions on their faces.

Of course, it is impossible for Qiye to directly use fraudulent propaganda.In addition, the publicity investment of my idol with cheap Ernie sauce must also be used.

Therefore, it is impossible not to promote the male protagonist Gawayne, and he is still the focus of publicity.

The propaganda of "Goblin Slayer" is destined to be different from the current traditional propaganda. After all, where the scale of R-rated movies is placed, whether it is public television stations or traditional media such as magazines, there will always be many restrictions.

But this kind of restriction will be much less on the Internet, so Qiye’s publicity strategy from the beginning is large-scale publicity on the Internet and fixed-point offline publicity.

Soon after the report was published, the official website of "Goblin Slayer" was officially announced.A large number of image settings of characters and monsters were announced above. In addition to the characters already announced in the magazine, the hero of the movie Goblin Slayer was added, as well as the first trailer of the movie.

This trailer directly showed the R-level scale of "Goblin Slayer" to all audiences.

The trailer begins with an ordinary adventurous team trying to wipe out a goblin den.The result was an ambush because of carelessness and was wiped out by the Goblin.

The goblins in the trailer directly showed the most primitive desires of their race, killing all men and all women.

Of course, considering the scale and the nature of the trailer, it is certainly impossible for Qiye to show all the scenes to the audience, and everyone sees only a few fragments.

But even so, everyone was stunned. They had never seen such a straightforward and violent Western Fantasy movie trailer, and there would be a movie with such an explosive content.

In fact, few people care about those passers-by who are reduced to background boards in those epic stories.Because people don't care about them at all, what everyone loves is the glorious feeling that the heroes in the story give people.

Everyone wants to be a hero, but everyone is a hero, so who will be the background board?

Although the audience watching the trailer may not think about such a deep question, this completely different story has aroused their interest.

In particular, the texture presented by these editing screens is completely different from the previous thought that the movie might be shoddy.

This will be a well-made movie. At least the pictures given in the trailer are satisfying. As long as the whole movie maintains this level, I believe this movie will not be too bad.

At the end of the trailer, with the flash of fire in the dark cave, the goblin slayer in armor finally appeared in front of the audience.The opponent's image is not tall and mighty, but his sophisticated posture can give people a sense of security.

"who are you?"

Following this question from the goddess officer, Gavien's cool voice came from the helmet.

"I am... a goblin slayer."


pS: "If a person who makes a 3D game claims that he did not borrow anything from the "Legend of Zelda" series, then he must be lying." This sentence is the founder of Star R and the creator of the GTA series. Dan Hauser said.The work he evaluated is "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time", which is also known as the cornerstone of all current 3D games.

Due to the limitations of the old host platform in China, many people have only heard of the "Legend of Zelda" series, but most of the people who have actually played games are probably handheld works.Not to mention having played it. Except for the well-publicized "Breath of the Wild" thanks to the webcast, many classic games of "The Legend of Zelda" have not been able to leave the circle of any players.

If Michan uses one word to summarize the "Legend of Zelda" series, Michan thinks that this word must be "great."

Chapter 111: The End of the Year Again

The first trailer for "Goblin Slayer" was soon uploaded on the Internet and sparked discussion among netizens.

Although there was no tubing in 2001, some large and small video websites already existed. Under the intentional publicity of the "Goblin Slayer" crew, this trailer quickly spread.

Of course, this trailer has not received unanimous praise, it is better to say that the polarization of evaluation is very serious.

People who like this trailer think this trailer is very powerful. Although it is impossible to show some plots too bluntly due to the network classification, they have already seen the possible basic structure of this movie-that man The full R-level elements seem to overflow from the screen.

Most of these audiences are fans of R-rated films. For them, American horror films and Quentin Calendino's films are their favorites.

As for those who say bad things, most of them are fans of the original game of "The Saint and the Brave". They feel that as far as the content of the trailer is concerned, "Goblin Slayer" does not show the fantasy journey of Hailar at all.

What they want to see is the heroic epic of the brave defeating the devil, but what is going on in this movie?

What is there to deal with with things like goblins? The supporting role in this supporting role is not worth describing at all!Although the figure and face of the girl who was rectified by the goblins in the trailer is really good...cough cough, in short, this is not the movie of "The Saint and the Brave" we want to see!

If the producer can remove the association with "The Saint and the Brave", maybe we can support it a little bit.

So all kinds of quarrels began to be uploaded on the Internet, but the producer of "Goblin Slayer" not only did not stop it, but had a taste of secretly encouraging it.

After all, there will be quarrels, and Qiye has never been afraid of such things. It will be more terrible without quarrels and discussions, because that means that the movie does not have any enthusiasm.

So in the fierce quarrel, Qiye began to release a second trailer, which is even more powerful and even more excessive.

However, this trailer was not promoted online, but on the big screen of the theater.

Relying on various relationships, Jiufeng persuaded as many major European and American cinemas as possible to play this trailer before the screening of the current R-rated film.

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