Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 142

Qiye is very clear that the audience who will go to the theater to watch R-rated movies at this stage are basically the target audience groups for the future "Goblin Slayer".So I must spare no effort to promote my movie to them and arouse their interest.

Defining the target audience and then vigorously publicizing it has always been the only way in commercial advertising strategy, especially for movies and TV shows.

Because this second trailer went to the R-rated audience, it was even more exaggerated in terms of scale than the first one. The audience even saw the goblins killing the adventurer's bloody scenes.

The second trailer basically maintains the same tone as the first trailer in terms of plot, and still shows the difficulty of goblins.However, it increased the proportion of time in the early four-member group in the preview.

However, Qiye is very chicken thief and did not directly show the results of the three rookies who played GG in the rookie four.Qiye edited the scenes of the swordsman being attacked by the goblin, the female magician being injured, and the female fighter attacking the huge goblin but being caught by the opponent.

But Qiye only showed the difficulties they encountered, and did not show their ending.In addition, what Qiye stitched behind these three shots is the scene where the group of four was surprised to see the goblin group behind and the male lead goblin killer appeared.

Therefore, this trailer of Qiye gave people an illusion, making the audience mistakenly believe that the plot is that the four-person group is in a hard fight after encountering the goblin group, and then the male lead Goblin Slayer saves the scene.

Although the trailer this year has a strong suspense element, the audience is looking forward to the real development of the story.However, it is rare for Qiye to deliberately mislead the audience with the wrong editing method.

However, this kind of trailer misleading operation is a technique that many movies will use in the future, in order to fear that the audience will guess the plot and publicize it online, which will reduce the audience's expectations.

One of the most well-known is that the trailer of the Marvel Cinematic Universe was cheated, especially the show operation in the trailer of "Iron Man 3", which made everyone think that this movie would be a battle between technology and magic.

But the result was completely different from what the audience imagined, making everyone surprised.

In Qiye's opinion, the promotion of "Iron Man 3" was undoubtedly successful, but in the end, the audience's evaluation of this promotion was generally not high.The biggest reason is that the real boss Kylian, who replaced the "Mandalin" in the film, is too flat and straightforward.

Qiye has never been a faithful party of original works. In fact, he never thinks that the adaptation of a comic or novel into a movie or a TV series requires much respect for the original. After all, the two carriers are different, and the way of expression is also different.It is not advisable to do it mechanically.

As long as the story is exciting enough, the character's motivation is high, and the character curve and drama tension are sufficient, no matter how the original Qiye is adapted, it will be acceptable.However, "Iron Man 3" is obviously not very good in some aspects, or a little bit inadequate. It is very creative to use the superficial boss and the inner boss, but the execution is not too good.

As the traditional disposable villain of Marvel, Kylian is certainly not the worst, but as a middle boss who wants to replace the surface villain, the role tension of this role is far from enough.If Marvel's screenwriters can dig a little deeper into the role of Kylian, make him more capable and motivated, Qiye believes that those who complain about "Iron Man 3" will definitely be much fewer audiences.

As a successful model of commercialization to the extreme, Qiye, the later junior, of course, must look good and study hard.

Therefore, this little trick of trailer deception can satisfy Qiye's own evil taste and at the same time create topical propaganda for the film. If Qiye does not use such a good method, I am sorry for the name of his kowloon division.

The only pity is that Qiye couldn't mix fake footage in the trailer like Marvel.It's not that Qiye didn't want to, but the budget was not enough.

So, your Marvel dad is your dad, and you can burn whatever you want.

The response of this trailer is much better than that of the first trailer. After all, this trailer is very competitive, and it is aimed at R-rated film audiences.

As a result, European and American audiences began to pay attention to the director of "Goblin Slayer" Kiryu Nanaya.Although there are very few such people, it is always a good start.

After Shion reported the good news to Qiye, Qiye immediately called Longgu Nengcheng, telling him that he hoped that Lin Bao could cooperate with Jiufeng’s publicity, and combined his two works "The Realm of the Sky" and "Magic Girl Yi Liya was introduced to Europe and America.

Of course, Qiye rents and sells offline video tapes and DVDs. After all, these two are not suitable for online sales, and they will definitely lose money.

"The Realm of the Sky", a movie with a strong flavor of Japanese urban legends, has not many audiences in Europe and the United States, and the scale of "Magic Girl Ilia" is not suitable for broadcasting on TV.

After all, Europe and the United States have stricter requirements for children’s dramas than other countries and regions. Look at the American-born Ultraman who is afraid of Watt. This old man is obviously much stronger than the first generation in combat effectiveness, but in the plot only Can do massage for monsters and cosmic people.

Qiye didn't expect these two projects to make a lot of money, but how much they can make. After all, their oil and water in Japan have been almost squeezed.

"I understand the truth." After listening to Qiye's explanation, Longgu Nengcheng asked helplessly, "But why do you contact me directly for such a trivial matter? Directly find a middle-level Lin Bao and ask him to call the distribution department. Isn't it just a report?"

"I think so too, but my acquaintances at Lamborgh are the only domestic managers besides you, father, but he is now in New Zealand with me."

Facing Qiye's arrogant answer, Longgu Nengcheng held a word of mmp in his heart that he didn't know if he should roar out.

Even though he was on the phone, Qiye felt the anger of the old man a little bit, so he immediately dropped the sentence "I will ask you all the rest" and hung up the phone.


Listening to the busy tone coming from the telephone receiver, Longgu almost lost the receiver in anger.

"Long Yi, next time I drink, I will definitely want you to treat!"


Of course, Lin Bao has its own distribution department in the United States. Although it is not as large as the seven, it is also considered to be a medium level among second-tier publishers.

Otherwise, Jiufeng would not say that the Japanese and overseas releases of "Goblin Slayer" will be handed over to Lim Po to do this.

As for the response of "Sora no Realm" and "Magic Girl Ilia" in North America, it seems that there is no difference between release and non-release.

After all, these two films of Qiye were made for Japanese people, and they will definitely be uncomfortable in Europe and America.However, those R-rated film fans who started to pay attention to Qiye because of the trailer for "Goblin Slayer" have taken a fancy to Qiye’s ability to shoot women. Although it is not concealed, it has a lot of expectations. .

"The female pictures taken by this director are very good. It looks like "Goblin Slayer" can look forward to it."

As for those game fans, they are basically desperate.

With the current production progress of "Goblin Slayer", they have been unable to prevent its release.What these fans can do is probably as much as possible to get people around and netizens to dispel the idea of ​​watching the movie, but with little effect.

Those who don't like R-rated movies won't care too much, but for those who like R-rated movies, these fans actually made publicity.

Especially after these game fans mentioned the various R-rated elements in the movie, many people said in person that they would go to see "Goblin Slayer", which made the game fans vomit blood.

So these fans could only shout in desperate voices: "Even if we are dead, outside of the dead, jumping from here, we won't look at what this Japanese took!"

As for whether these clambering and iron-boned heroes will finally tell the truth, Qiye didn't care.

Because he even stopped the post-production of the movie now, there is no time for these people.

Of course, Qiye’s cessation of film production is not because of difficulties in production, but the time has come to the end of December 2001, and Qiye has given everyone a two-week New Year holiday.

And Qiye himself took the members of [Erque Studio] back to Japan for the New Year.

The location of Qiye for the New Year this year is the same as last year. It is still the home of Liangyi in Kyoto.


pS: Regarding the cross-platform adaptation, there has been controversy over how much content should be retained in the original work. Some original work parties hope to retain 100% of the original work, while others hope to see that it is not exactly the same as the original work. Content.

Mijiang belongs to the type that can be accepted as long as the adaptation is reasonable. After all, Mijiang is more looking forward to seeing a good story than whether it can be restored.

Chapter 112 Excuse me, did Xiangbei beat the mountain king?

Although he still decided to go to Kyoto for the New Year this year, Qiye did not rush to get off the plane and went straight to the train station to Kyoto.

Qiye returned to [Erque Studio] first, and he had accumulated a lot of things he had to deal with without being in the studio for half a year.

Although he would take time to deal with some of the most important things when he was in New Zealand, and before weaving to New Zealand, he would help to fix some.

However, there are still many things that need to be done in Qiye, most of which are the various documents that need to be signed by him and the various accounts of the studio in the past year.

It took Qiye three days to get these things done, and then he took a day to visit his teacher Ryuichi Hanai and Ilia's grandfather Ryugu Nosei.

The former was very happy with Qiye's development, and dragged him and Zhi to stay at home for lunch.

The latter was because of Qiye's earlier releases in Europe and America, and he caught Qiye and gave him a severe meal.

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