Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 143

So when he got on the train to Kyoto the next day and seven nights, he was still in a daze, and he had to lie directly at the train station without supporting him.

However, Qiye's sacrifice was not in vain.

"Father Nengcheng has already approved the shooting plans for Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 of "Kingjing"."

On the train, Qiye said weakly and weakly while rubbing her head.


"Yeah..." Qiye nodded, and he told Zhiye about the next arrangement. "It will be turned on in the second half of next year, using a back-to-back two-chapter shooting, and then strive to release in 2003 and 2004 respectively."

"Grandpa Longgu would actually agree to this?" Weaving was a little surprised when he heard the two consecutive shots.

"Yes, he is also afraid that the failure of my "Goblin Slayer" will have an impact on the "Air Land" project, so he plans to plan first before talking.

Not only can Dragon Valley become scared, but Qiye himself is also scared, otherwise he would not agree with the plan of continuous shooting of the second and third chapters of "Kingjing".

It is very difficult to determine whether each movie will be successful before it is released. The only thing the producer can do is to create as many conditions as possible for success.

The same is true for Qiye. He has done his best to produce "Goblin Slayer", but the final result will not be known until "Goblin Slayer" is released.

But the only thing that relieved him a little bit was that even if "Goblin Slayer" was unsuccessful, he would at most take a bath in Tokyo Bay for Seven Nights, at least not having to live in it forever.

For Jiufeng Shion, the priority of the success of "Goblin Slayer" has dropped a lot.This year, thanks to the cooperation and joint development between Qiye and Weta Studio, she has slowly established herself in the upper floors of Jiufeng.

In addition, after Rin and Luvia returned to the Trier group, the idol group started to attack the morning girl again.

Whether it is Jiufeng's original game business or new entertainment business, Shion has achieved certain results.

These results made the employees underneath begin to be convinced of this heavenly female boss.

As long as "Goblin Slayer" is not as dead as MGM's "Wind Whisperer", even if the film loses a little bit, it can't shake Shion's position, at best its prestige is slightly damaged.

"So, that weave..."

Qiye took a peek at Zhi, he kept pondering the language in his heart.

"what happened?"

"Look, "The Realm of the Sky" is about to start shooting..."

Zhi returned a bright smile: "If it is for me to play the heroine, please allow me to refuse."


Qiye's whole person immediately languished, Zhi refused so happily that he could not speak the organized language behind him.

"Why? Didn't we have a good time working together in "Overlooking the Scenery"? And you also got the "Baozhi Film Award" as the queen."

"It's because I have already got it, so I don't want to play again. After all, I have already given my sister the honor she deserves, and then I will fight for myself." The smile on Zhizhi's face has not changed. "After all, I always play a role. It’s easy to be bound by a role, especially if my main job is to be a director. To be your own Ryogi, this is what you said before you."

"This shouldn't be my original words, right?" Qiye felt that she was pitted by herself.

"It's almost the same." Zhi nodded and said.

"But apart from you, no one else will buy it..." Qiye felt very distressed, and he glanced at Knitting with the light of his eyes, calculating the possibility of persuading Knitting with soft and hard foam.

"Senior, don't think about dragging me into the water. This time is no better. If you directly announce the audition announcement for the two ceremonies, there will be countless good actors coming to audition."

Zhizhi directly blocked Qiye with words, he knew Qiye too well, he knew what the other party wanted to do with the look of his brother.


Qiye felt that it was not a particularly good thing to have a connected junior.

On the next journey, Qiye came up with various reasons to try to convince Zhiye, but was blocked by Zhiye.When she got off the car, Qiye still failed to let Zhi continue to play the role of the two rituals.

Qiye was very unwilling, but this time weaving seemed determined to refuse.The reason is that Zhiyi said at the beginning that he still does not want to be bound by the role of the two rituals.

Of course, Qiye feels that it is more likely that Zhiye does not want to be the shadow of his sister forever. Although Zhiye completed "The Lonely Gourmet" alone this year, although Zhiye himself is not very satisfied, it also made him see that he himself has gained the identity of Liangyi Probability of success.

From the perspective of Brother Zhi, Qiye is very happy, but from the perspective of the director of "King Jing", it hurts very much.

It has always been taboo to change the leading role in a series of movies, especially for a very successful role.

Why can Disney tolerate Depp and Robert Downey Jr.'s repeated gains in the pay for the roles of Captain Jack and Tony Stark?

It's not because these two roles are so successful that no one wants to take the risk of changing actors.

Of course, these two actors are also worthy of their pay, which can be seen in the fact that Captain Jack and Iron Man can become the most successful commercial film roles in the first 20 years of the 21st century.

In fact, Qiye is not completely unable to do anything about it. Qiye still has a trick if he is really willing to face it.For example, when she waits to show off to Liangyi Qingmei on the dining table of Liangyi's family, she will definitely put pressure on Zhizhi when Mrs. Liangyi looks at Qiye like her son-in-law.It is always difficult for Zhizhi to refuse his mother's request. Nodding to participate in "Kingjing" is definitely not a problem.

But in this way, Qiye estimated that she might be hated to death by Zhiye, after all, her hand was no different from the grave head Bengdi.

"Master Zhi, Master Kiryu. Long time no see."

Not surprisingly, Nanaya and Ori saw Morikawa Sugawai who had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the train station.However, after seeing Zhiye, Qiye could still feel a smile on the poker face.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Morikawa."

Qiye said hello to the steward of the Liangyi family with a smile on her face, and then helped the other party put her and weaving luggage into the trunk of the car.

As soon as he got in the car, Ori said to Morikawa Sugawa, "Sugai, don't go home yet."

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Before I got on the train, my father called me and he said he wanted me to go to my sister's place first." Zhizhi explained, "he said that there was a visitor from my mother's mother's house this morning, so he asked me to avoid it temporarily. Let me visit my sister at this time. I haven't seen her for a year."

"Master said that?"

The expression on Morikawa's face became very surprised, but then he calmed down again.

"Okay, I know."

On the following journey, Morikawa Sugawa said nothing and brought Oriwa Nanaya to the hospital.

It is estimated that the relationship is approaching the new year, even if there are not many cars on Kyoto roads.According to the organization, these two days are the most free time for traffic in Kyoto, because foreigners have returned home, and tourists will wait until the Chinese New Year.

Soon, Morikawa Sugawa parked his car at the entrance of the hospital.

"Two young masters, please."

"Mr. Morikawa, don't you look at Zhizhi's sister?" Qiye originally thought that the other party would park the car in the parking lot and go down with them.

"The young master hasn't seen the eldest for a year, so I won't go in and blend in. I will come to pick up the two young masters later. I hope you get along well."

After leaving this sentence, Morikawa Sugawa drove out of the hospital.

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