Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1416

This award is named after the legendary producer Irvin G. Thalberg of MGM.

Used to recognize people who have made outstanding contributions to film in various fields.

Although it is usually attributed to the Oscars, there is not an annual selection, and the trophy of the trophy is also the portrait of Salber.

By the way, this is the only Oscar that Lucas has won.

But because of the special nature of this award, Lucas’s Oscar winning data in some places is 0, and this award is calculated separately.

The poor father of Star Wars.╮(╯▽╰)╭


pS2: Add more!Finally a chapter came out with multiple codes._(:з∠)_

Chapter 776 Jiufeng: Whether you believe it or not, I believe it myself anyway

The news that Leonardo will have a role in FGO immediately detonated the major media.

The popularity of "Inception" has not completely faded. At this time, Xiao Lizi's every move can get wide attention from the outside world.

Qiye was not surprised by the various propaganda that appeared in the major media.

In fact, the so-called secret filming is a gimmick for publicity.

Use a trailer to secretly drag Leonardo to the crew and leave directly after the filming.

This whole process looks secret, but in fact there are many loopholes.

After all, when you make a big fuss about a secret, your subconscious mind wants people to know the secret.

From the first day the crew entered the Chaldean studio, many reporters and paparazzi wandered outside every day.

Under such circumstances, it is certainly impossible for a trailer of that size to enter the studio without attracting the attention of the paparazzi.

These keen-sniffing guys will naturally find this is big news after seeing this big guy.

So these reporters will try their best to understand what is in the trailer.

What secret prop, or which mysterious actor?

Down the trailer line, these reporters will naturally find the answers they want.

After all, the trailer will put Leonardo down when it enters downtown New York.

It is not difficult for those well-informed reporters to know who is in the trailer.

As the discovery of a major secret, they will of course announce to the world what they think they have discovered.

In this way, the FGO crew will use these reports to complete a publicity.

Qiye was of course angry with Leonardo before engaging in this set of show operations.

Even superstars need traffic and attention.

Therefore Leonardo readily agreed to accompany Qiye to perform this play.

From the effect point of view, this wave of publicity is very effective.

After the release of "Inception", Leonardo has become one of the current Hollywood stars.

Among European and American male stars, the only one who can catch up with the current popularity of Little Plum is compared to Robert Downey Jr., who has reached the top through "Reunion".

However, unlike Downey, whose popularity would plummet without Tony Stark, Xiao Li had reached this level in his own capacity.

From this point of view, the FGO crew is a little bit suspicious of Xiaoli's popularity.

But Leonardo himself doesn't mind.Because I don't suffer at all.

Now it's FGO's own enthusiasm. After two years, maybe it will be their own enthusiastic.

According to the agreement between the two parties, his big boss Solomon will at least appear in several FGO movies.

This also means that for a long period of time in the future, as long as there are no problems with the FGO series, Leonardo can rely on this series to stay hot anytime and anywhere.

After all, who is right about the future.

The big stars like Tom Cruise, Stallone, and Schwarzenegger used to be so popular, but what about now?

That is, Tom Cruise is a little better, there is a long-term meal ticket called "Mission Impossible".

Most of the remaining male stars who became famous in the 1980s and 1990s are already out of fashion.

Similarly, there are also male stars who will rise suddenly because of a movie.

Depp, his good buddy, relied on "Pirates of the Caribbean" to become a leading actor.

Prior to this, Depp could only be regarded as a relatively famous actor in the second line.

The tastes of the audience will change.

Leonardo saw this very thoroughly.

Being able to have a role in a long-term stable series, even if it's just a cameo, at least you can guarantee that you have a certain degree of attention.

Sure enough, on the second day after the major media broke the news, Jiufeng Entertainment acknowledged the authenticity of the news.

"Leonardo DiCaprio will play a very important role in FGO."

Jiufeng Entertainment explained in an official message: "This character is very important in the FGO story and will even affect the entire plot."

"Originally we wanted to make Mr. DiCaprio's cameo as a surprise for fans, but now everyone seems to know it."

Regarding the official statement of Jiufeng, no one is going to investigate whether it is true or not.

It's just that after confirming that Leonardo will play in FGO, everyone is speculating about what role the other party will play.

To be more accurate, everyone is discussing what kind of hero Xiao Li will play.

After all, although everyone knew that Leonardo performed on the set, the other party's costume was not photographed.

This is also the place where Qiye is the most thief.

He knows very well that as long as the role of Xiao Lizi is not announced, the topic will remain hot for a long time.

Sure enough, fans had a lot of speculation about Leonardo's cameo role.

The first thing that comes to mind is that Leonardo is only a guest appearance, so it will definitely not be a very heavy role.

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