Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1417

After all, the other party spent less than half a day on the set.

It would be too ridiculous to say that the other party played dozens of minutes in the movie at this time.

The story of FGO mainly takes place in Fuyuki City, which has long been confirmed.

Therefore, based on the premise that the role of Saber will also appear in the movie, many people speculate that Leonardo is likely to play a knight of the round table and appear in Saber's memories.

Now the name of Water Gunman hasn't appeared. Although Xiao Lizi is no longer young, he is still a handsome uncle.

Everyone also believes that Director Kiryu Nanya will not waste the other's beauty.

No one could guess that Leonardo will play Solomon.

It is a bit difficult for people to guess Solomon without any news, but there is no speculation about Leonardo playing the villain.

It can only be said that the image of Xiao Lizi has been very successful in recent years.

It's really the situation where I haven't been a big brother for many years.

The end of Leonardo DiCaprio's cameo easter egg shooting means that "Prologue" is officially finished.

At the same time, this also means that "Savior of the Country" is officially launched.

Although the film "Savior of the Country" will open directly at a special point in France, the Chaldean side is not without a shot.

It is naturally very efficient to film this part of the scene first while all the related Chaldean actors are present.

At the same time, this is the first time Qiye has participated in the production of a movie as an actor.

You know, even in the FZ series starring Qiye, he is not a pure actor.

Although Qiye also serves as a producer in "Saving the Country", Peter Jackson is the one with the most power on the set.

Of course Qiye would not overstep to give orders to Peter Jackson.

The director must have absolute authority on the set, otherwise there will be two voices in a team.

That is definitely not a good thing for a crew.

Movies are always the product of the team. He has never heard of any crew that has made excellent movies even when the power struggle is very serious.

Even during the "Titanic" period, Fox had a lot of dissatisfaction with Cameron and even wanted to fire him.

But these are disputes that occurred outside the set.

On the set, even Fox people would not question Cameron's authority.

Speaking of Fox, it can be said that they have always had bad luck in 2010.

But now they finally saw a relatively bright future.

It's not that News Corp. finally got out of the predicament and regained strength.

On the contrary, News Corp has been thrashing in the pit of the scandal with only a breath.

But this is not a bad thing for Fox, because it means that News Corp. finally can't sustain it and want to sell itself.

Of course, the old Murdoch knew that for News Corporation, whose reputation had already gone bad, selling Fox was tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

But now News Corporation really needs money too much. Even if he does not sell it himself, other shareholders of News Corporation are forcing him to sell Fox to continue his life.

Although the old Murdoch is the emperor of News Corporation, but News Corporation is a listed company, naturally it is impossible for him to be the only shareholder.

It's just that the shareholders who urged Murdoch to sell Fox didn't act well.

These people just hope to make News Corp's financial report look better temporarily by using the large amount of cash obtained when selling Fox.

Because in this way they can find opportunities to get rid of their shares as soon as possible to stop losses in time.

The current News Corporation stock is no different from white paper, and it is too hard to wipe your butt.

So these shareholders need a beautiful financial statement.

Let’s create the illusion that News Corp. is about to get out of the predicament, and now is a good time to buy the bottom.

Then give out all the shares in his hand.

In this environment, the negotiations between Jiufeng and News Corp. formally ended.

The two sides finally reached a series of agreements on 20th Century Fox.

Even though this set of agreements is very complicated, the core of it is the wholly-owned acquisition of 20th Century Fox by Jiufeng Group.

I have to say that News Corp. has really been unlucky in the past two years.

First was the 2008 financial crisis, then the acquisition of Warner was blocked, and then the eavesdropping incident was exposed.

This series of blows caused News Corporation's market value to decline successively, and the eavesdropping of the door directly evaporated more than 14 billion US dollars.

Compared with its peak in early 2008, News Corp. has shrunk by two-thirds.

In contrast, the market value of Jiufeng has risen rapidly. With the last two rocket boosters of the "Reunion" fire and the acquisition of Lukes Pictures, the overall market value of Jiufeng has reached US$181 billion.

Although the outside world generally believes that the current market value of Jiufeng has a certain degree of moisture, there is an inflated situation.

After all, this number rushed up with a series of good news.

But even the most conservative economists think that even if the bubble above is removed, Jiufeng is still a super monster with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars.

Currently, News Corp. is clanging poorly and needs a lot of funds to ease its predicament.

As the new darling of the industry, Jiufeng Group has a large amount of cash in its hands, hoping to buy all entertainment assets to fill its own company's development territory.

One wants to sell, the other wants to buy.

The Fox transaction between Jiufeng and News Corp is very reasonable and reasonable.

It does not involve any other factors unrelated to this transaction.

This is an ordinary company acquisition event.

Whether outsiders believe it or not, the two parties in the transaction believe it anyway.


pS: This year’s San Diego Comic-Con was officially cancelled.

It seems that the U.S. does not think it can completely control the epidemic before July...

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