Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1418

What kind of expression should I use at this time?╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 777: Splitting Fox

Even though the value of Fox has fallen to the lowest in the market, with its six largest status, it can be said that it is the price of cabbage.

But even so, it is not easy for Jiufeng Entertainment to completely win the 20th Century Fox.

For the acquisition of such a huge company, buyers and sellers need to consider more than just the price.

And it is not only Jiufeng, Fox, and News Corporation that are affected by the acquisition.

But fortunately, Jiufeng Entertainment has completely penetrated into Hollywood. Except for Fox, the other six have already assumed that Jiufeng is one of them.

And Jiufeng is also very generous.

Before besieging News Corp., Jiufeng allowed other participants to obtain considerable benefits.

Jiufeng's generosity is not only reflected in this part, Ziyuan also directly forgave Fox's foreign debt to the Sixth National Congress.

The reason why the Big Six can become a collective, apart from everyone being a member of the MPAA, there is another reason for the existence of various money transactions between each other.

You should spend less money on making a movie, which is almost the norm for internal projects in Hollywood.

Under such circumstances, many movies are funded by each other among the Big Six.

This is also the reason why although the six universities squeeze each other, they are also a collective reason.

Because they all have monetary interests.

Therefore, Jiufeng will distribute the shares of [See Moon] to the six major companies.

In a conservative capitalist country like the United States, if you want to successfully integrate into it, it is the easiest way to have money transactions with each other.

Fox naturally has foreign debts of six other companies, and even the amount is not a small number.

For example, last year's "Terminator 2018" released in Colombia, Fox invested a lot of money in it.

At the beginning, Fox thought that relying on the IP of "Terminator" could make a lot of money. As a result, the film's performance was just enough to make a profit, and the money that Fox helped put in was basically wiped out.

According to the industry situation in the past, investment companies can only consider themselves unlucky at this time.

But at that time, Fox had a money shortage, so he collected debts from the Columbia company for the first time, making the other party tireless.

Not only Colombia, but other film companies have also experienced debt collections when Fox was in a bad situation last year.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiufeng can connect a large number of people in series.

After all, no one wants to be stared at to collect debts.

And this time when acquiring Fox, Shion directly stated that it would forgive all these debts.

Yes, it is not a postponement, but a full exemption.

This move directly made those film companies feel very comfortable.

"Really willing! Forgive such a large sum of money in one breath." Qiye was shocked by Shion's behavior.

Who might think that such conditions are too generous, and Jiufeng spent money to acquire Fox just to give it to other film companies for cheap?

"Qiya, don't be so stingy."

Shion just smiled for Qiye's words.

"Wait, be willing, and only if you are willing to give up. Do you still expect us to accept Fox's debts?"

This is obviously negative. If other companies really plan to pay back the money, how could they follow Jiufeng to backstab Fox.

"Since it can't be recovered, it's better to be a good friend. Those old accounts are just a simple burden."

Shion spread both hands and said indifferently.

"Besides, those film companies won't stop making movies in the future. They will always ask us to borrow money."

"Wait then, we can talk slowly..."

At this point, Shion laughed comfortably.

Qiye nodded slowly: "Indeed, the question now is how to relax the mentally allergic companies so that we can complete the acquisition as soon as possible."

After completing the filming of the Chaldean Theater, Qiye began to intervene in Jiufeng's acquisition of Fox.

He is well aware of the obstacles Jiufeng is currently facing in acquiring Fox.

If the acquisition is successful, Jiufeng Entertainment will occupy two seats in the MPAA, which has touched the nerves of some people.

Many people began to feel that Jiufeng had a monopoly and tried to sue Jiufeng.

Fortunately, Jiufeng has always been a good company that "abides by laws and regulations." Its strong legal department will ensure that its company will never do anything illegal.

But even so, it took a long time for the acquisition of Fox by Jiufeng to finally be negotiated.

Fortunately, Qiye does not need to participate in these practical operations. What he has to do is to lead the overall direction of the acquisition and to screen the assets under Fox.

You know, Jiufeng and News Corp. finally reached a deal for $34.6 billion, taking Fox away.

This price is simply too cheap compared to Disney's $71.3 billion transaction price in the previous life.

But even more exaggerated is that Jiufeng bought far more things this time than Disney's.

At that time, Disney only bought 20th Century Fox Pictures and TV under Fox's umbrella, not including Fox News.

But this time apart from Fox Films, Jiufeng also bought a series of other subsidiaries under Twentieth Century Fox.

The reason for the success of this transaction is that in addition to the fact that Jiufeng did not encounter a malicious bidding opponent, there is another reason that News Corp. is more anxious.

When Disney bought Fox, News Corp. had slowed down. Murdoch did need to sell Fox to get a certain amount of money, but there was no problem with News Corp’s operation itself.

He is perfectly free to negotiate with Disney.

But now the old Murdoch is still waiting for the life-saving money in Jiufeng's hand.

Therefore, even if he knew that he had lost money, Murdoch still had to sell it in tears.

It's just that, of course, not all of Fox's so many things Jiufeng needs. Qiye's work is to find out the part that Jiufeng needs from Fox's huge asset list.

Among them, Qiye pays more attention to Fox Pictures, Fox Music, Blue Sky Studio, Fox Television Network and Fox Television.

With Fox Television Station and Fox Television Network, it means that Jiufeng can finally set foot in the TV film industry.

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