Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1419

Although the overall development of the TV industry is not very good, the TV is still far from the time to completely withdraw.

So as a traditional medium, it is still very important for entertainment companies.

Blue Sky Studio is currently the top three animation in Hollywood.

Although Blue Sky Studio has long since declined in the future, I can only rely on the "Ice Age" series to make money.

But the Blue Sky Studio in 2010 was still very impressive.

With so many movies released by Fox in 2009, the only one that made a lot of money, except for "Avatar", is Blue Sky Studio's "Ice Age 3".

It's just that the parent company Fox has not developed smoothly during this period, which has caused the studio to have not been very good recently.

After buying Fox, Jiufeng Entertainment directly invested in Blue Sky Studio, allowing them to complete half of the "Rio Adventure" as soon as possible.

At the same time, Qiye selected the comic series "Big Hero 6" from Marvel's vast character library, and wrote the first draft script and handed it to Lantian Studio.

After the "Rio Adventure" is completed, Blue Sky Studios will begin to make the movie.

Qiye believes that with the strength of Blue Sky Studio, "Big Hero 6" can definitely achieve the same success as his previous life.

After all, as long as the Dabai is made cute enough, this movie is already half the battle.

And "Big Hero 6" is a weaker work of [Disney Elements] in the new era of Disney movies.

As we all know, there are only two types of movies in this world that will sing and dance when they don’t agree.

One is Indian movies, and the other is Disney's own movies.

The latter originally only appeared in the animation field, but when Disney began to reset a large number of fairy tale movies in real-life 3D, it was not limited to animated movies.

Compared with other animated movies that sing from beginning to end, the song and dance part of "Big Hero 6" is much less.

From Qiye's point of view, "Big Hero 6" should be the least Disney animation movie that resembles Disney animation.

In fact, there are many Fox subsidiaries bought by Jiufeng, but not many can get special attention like Blue Sky Studio.

Like the streaming media platform that Fox forced to launch for [See Moon], Jiufeng simply didn't look at it.

After the copyright is integrated and the film and television works on the platform are launched on [See Moon], Jiufeng will disband the entire platform directly.

It can be said that Jiufeng's acquisition is very targeted. Although the Fox Group is very large, Jiufeng only needs the parts he wants.

Parts that can produce film and television works like Blue Sky Studio and Fox Searchlight;

And Fox’s huge IP copyright library;

In addition, traditional media channels like newspapers and TV stations that Jiufeng lacked before.

As for other cumbersome industries, either disbanded like the Fox streaming media platform, or sell after stripping off the parts they need.

A similar thing, Shion had already done it once when he entered the entertainment industry.

At that time, in order to enter the entertainment industry as soon as possible, Ziyuan directly bought a large number of small European and American related companies.

After the integration through the big project of "Brother Killer", the excess assets were sold to Nippon Dentsu.

Because of its favor, Dentsu took the initiative to serve Jiufeng in the Japanese entertainment industry platform.

This time, Shion is just repeating the old trick.

The part of the industry that Fox doesn't want will be sold by Jiufeng Entertainment to some film and television entertainment companies in China to win their favor.

In 2010, it was the time when the Chinese economy developed the most rapidly.

But the Chinese market has not fully developed yet.

Therefore, at this time, the top companies in various industries in the celestial dynasty have encountered development bottlenecks while completing certain capital accumulation.

Under such circumstances, if the company wants to continue to develop, it must accumulate slowly and cause qualitative changes through quantitative changes.

Either through acquisitions, the company can directly expand.

Because of the rapid development speed, Chinese companies basically prefer to adopt the latter method.

Therefore, when Jiufeng revealed that it had sold the Fox sector, many Chinese companies showed interest.

Sell ​​the things you don't want at a high price, and then ask the buyer to say thank you sincerely.

Ziyuan is already quite skilled in borrowing flowers and offering Buddha.


pS1: Sorry, because of the class, there is only one watch today.

Yesterday, Jia almost squeezed the mi sauce, so I was a bit lazy today.

Next week, Mijiang's schoolwork will be lighter, try to do more._(:з∠)_


pS2: Let me talk about the name of the FGO movie. Michan chose the title of Game Story.

For example, the saint of salvation and the heroic swordsman should be regarded as the official title of the chapter story.

The Evil Dragon Hundred Years' War and the Xia Zongguo should actually be regarded as the titles of those peculiarities, not the titles of the chapters.

But everyone seems to have big opinions?Think about it again, Michan.


pS3: Someone mentioned why the original proprietress was not allowed to play Lai Guang.

This is the same as Mijiang didn't make Camilla play the first singularity.

It is not appropriate to let someone whose profession is the editor-in-chief of a magazine be an actor.

If you really want to do this, the choice of roles will be simple.

You must know that Wen Mijiang also asked Xiaoyu and Musashi to appear as a reporter._

Chapter 778 Weaving: Senior, all night tonight

On the whole, Jiufeng's acquisition of Fox is still very smooth.

After a simple government review and confirmation that there was no monopoly, the federal government approved Jiufeng's acquisition.

After the relevant departments of the federal government announced this result, this transaction of up to tens of billions of dollars was officially reached.

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