Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1420

According to the agreement, Jiufeng Group will pay the money in full within the next 6 months.

The first payment of 10 billion U.S. dollars has entered the News Corporation account.

For News Corporation, which has been troubled by the interruption of the capital chain for a long time, it is tantamount to a long drought.

Coupled with the fact that Jiufeng Entertainment finally stopped screaming at News Corp., News Corp’s [eavesdropping door] incident finally did not deteriorate to the last step.

But everyone understands that News Corporation, which has suffered such a disaster, is unlikely to become a world-class company again.

The old Murdoch finally saved the Murdoch family's position in News Corporation.

But as a price, a large number of senior executives of News Corporation, including Murdoch, became the scapegoat for this incident.

Waiting for these people is a prison disaster.

Qiye was very moved after hearing that Murdoch was sentenced to at least 20 years in prison.

In order to make the other party's life in the prison more comfortable for decades, Qiye specially prepared three large boxes of gifts for the other party.

Inside are all condoms with Fengyoujing, panties with Fengyoujing, Kaisailu with Fengyoujing and lubricant with Fengyoujing.

Qiye believes that these things will bring the other party a fairly "comfortable" prison life experience.

Well, the kind of howls that pierce the lungs every day.

Ziyuan is not as ferocious as Qiye, and she kindly hired a professional medical team.

To ensure that Murdoch's body can always "enjoy" Qiye Fengyoujing package in its best condition.

After the transaction was really concluded, as the winner of this war, Jiufeng naturally began to count the spoils of this time.

In addition to the previous Blue Sky Studio, what makes Jiufeng Entertainment the most happy is Fox's copyright library.

"Star Wars", "Wonderful Night at the Museum", "Rise of the Apes", "Avatar", "Predator" and more.

These successful commercial film series IP are Fox's greatest gift to Jiufeng Entertainment.

The return of Marvel's character copyright is undoubtedly making Marvel even more happy.

Although Marvel Pictures led by Kevin Fitch does not intend to add the "X-Men" series and "Fantastic Four" series to the MCU.

The former already has a relatively complete world view and a fixed fan base.

Forcibly joining the MCU will not only disrupt their own plans, but will also be dissatisfied by fans.

As for the latter, the impact of the failure of "Fantastic Four" in the past few years is still not over.

This IP needs to be refrigerated for a while.

But the return of these roles is not without benefits.

The story of "X-Men" can continue. The "First Lesson", "Reverse the Future", "Wolverine 3" and "Deadpool" in the memory of Qiye are all very successful commercial films. There is no reason why Jiufeng will not come. Shoot.

On the other hand, it will at least be much more convenient for Marvel to make MCU movies in the future.

For example, the Scarlet Witch was finally able to adopt her own code name instead of being called Wanda.

When filming "Guardians of the Galaxy", there is no need to ask Fox for the copyright in a low voice.

These are the advantages of Jiufeng after reclaiming part of the Marvel character copyright library of Fox.

The above mentioned are still the most luxurious part of the Fox copyright library, just like the strawberries on the butter cake.

It is the most delicious and most essential part, but the real big head is not this.

The copyright of more than 20,000 films and TV dramas, a script library full of several rooms, and countless copyright agreements.

These are the true values ​​of this century-old Fox store.

Now, all the things that Fox has accumulated since 1934 have become Jiufeng's collection.

Jiufeng Entertainment is just one of the fullest foods in Jiufeng Group in this acquisition.

Other departments and branches of Jiufeng Group have also obtained good returns.

The most important thing is that Jiufeng has made up all the areas that he could not get involved before.

Take music records as an example.

Before acquiring Fox, Jiufeng needed to cooperate with record companies whether it was producing an original soundtrack for a movie or a game.

Although the discs are selling well, there is still a lot of money made by the record company.

And this time, Jiufeng can directly let his new record company do the production.

In this way, profits are naturally greatly improved.

It can be said that the addition of Fox has made up for the business that Jiufeng was relatively weak or even undeveloped.

When the Jiufeng Group completes the integration of Fox's resources next year, a new entertainment empire will rise like a sunrise.

But this is after Jiufeng was able to completely annex Fox, the company's acquisition was never just buying the other party.

For a buyer, the real difficulty is how to digest the bought company.

In fact, most of the failed acquisition cases of companies basically have problems in this link.

Because I couldn't digest the bought company, I could only vomit it out again.

This process of buying one out has lost billions or even tens of billions of dollars.

Jiufeng's situation is more complicated. After just buying Lucasfilm, he immediately bought Fox.

Although the scale of Lucasfilm is totally incomparable with Fox, it also involves several departments and hundreds of employees.

In order to prevent Ford from buying a lot of car brands, they ended up selling them one by one.

Ziyuan has decided that Jiufeng will adopt a shrinking business strategy for the next period of time.

The film department and the game department will continue to complete the project according to the original plan, but the other departments will focus on digesting Lucas and Fox.

If it goes well, Shion believes that by the end of next year, various Fox films will be put into production again, and Lucasfilm will start a new Star Wars project.

In order to ensure the transfer of power during the management change, Shion did not kick Jim Canopoulos directly.

But the other party certainly can't continue to sit on the Fox management.

Shion gave the other party a consultant position and asked him to act as a staff member to help him complete the business of Jiufeng and Fox.

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