Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1421

Jim Ganopoulos has worked for Fox for many years, and he is more familiar with the company than the old Murdoch.

It is not a problem for him to help control Fox.

After Jiufeng is in full control of Fox, Jim can get a pension and get out.

This is not bad, at least Jim has a relatively decent exit.

And Marvel's Avi Allard had no such luck.

Shion Ji hated him because of the "Thor" leak.

After cleaning up News Corp., Shion turned around and took Avi Allard to court.

Long ago, Miss Arong, the special entertainment reporter of Jiufeng Entertainment, provided Qiye with evidence that Avi Allard leaked the original film of Thor.

Avi Allard can't do it even if he wants to quibble.

However, what surprised Qiye is that Avi Allard readily admitted his crime and was willing to accept punishment.

However, given that Avi Allard is too old, it will be some time before the court will sentence him to imprisonment.

In short, the grievances between Jiufeng and News Corp. finally came to a successful conclusion in 2010.

This war eventually ended with a full victory at Jiufeng, and the loser News Corp. will never have a chance to rise.

It can only be said that the traverser can never provoke existence.

Fox's affairs are far more complicated than Qiye thought.

When Qiye finally pulled out of this incident and returned to the FGO crew, what he encountered was a weave with thick dark circles on his face.

"Previous~~You still know how to come back!"

Zhizhi's face showed an expression like a lifeless soul.

"Uh, sorry..."

Without a second's hesitation, Qiye immediately admitted it.

The work intensity of weaving has been really great recently.

Qiye patted her butt and left after filming the movie, leaving everything to Zhizhi to take care of.

But Zhike not only needs to complete the work of Qiye, he also has work to complete.

So Zhizhi had to supervise the post-production of "Prologue" while also supervising Peter Jackson's studio.

During this period of time, weaving rushed at both ends almost every day.

Fortunately, Peter Fatty is currently on the Chaldean studio and has not yet started filming a peculiar plot.

Otherwise, we will have to fly between the United States and New Zealand.

In that case, Ori will definitely tie Nanya into a tortoiseshell and throw it into Tokyo Bay.

Of course Qiye knew the hard work of weaving, so he could only bear the complaints about weaving.

Fortunately, weaving is just to complain.

Because he also knew that Qiye didn't go to be lazy this time, but really had something to do.

But with so much heavy work under pressure for several days, I can't breathe, I feel a little bit grumbling.

"In short, if this happens next time, Senior, you must send me a helper, otherwise I will really collapse!"

"Yes, yes, you are right."

Qiye agreed, while recording this part of the content on a small book.


Weaving raised eyebrows.

Qiye is too obedient now.

This feeling of punching the cotton made him a little uncomfortable.

But it doesn't matter, weaving has a way to make yourself comfortable.


Zhizhi moved a thick stack of documents to Qiye's desk.

"This...what is this?"

Qiye was suffocated by this very visually oppressive thing, and the corners of his eyes began to beat frantically.

"Senior, this is the work left over from you leaving this time." Weaving said with a bright smile.

"Why are there so many? Obviously you..."

"Obviously I should deal with it, right?"

Zhili said the second half for Qiye.

Qiye lit his head vigorously.

"Sorry, these things need to be confirmed by you, senior."

" long do I have to do this?" Qiye asked weakly.

"It should be all night today."

Zhizhi smiled and said something terrible.


pS1: The titles of "Crimson Witch" and "Quick Silver" have never appeared in the official promotional copy of MCU.


pS2: In "Silver Guard 2," the villain Igo, who is Xingjue's father, originally had the copyright in Fox's hands.

But just because Fox was filming "Deadpool" at the time, the role they needed was the black queen-the short-haired woman who found a girlfriend in the second part.

So the two parties exchanged copyrights, but it is only limited to these two roles.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 779 Money Isn't Almighty, Money Is Jiufeng's

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