Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1422

After admiring Qiye's constipation expression enough, Zhixin nodded with satisfaction.

The depressed mood caused by the heavy work for a period of time immediately relieved a lot.

"Your own happiness should be based on the suffering of others. Senior, what you said is really good."

"I never said that this kind of trick should be used on my own person..."

Qiye's mouth twitched frantically.

My dear little junior has broken his studies.

"Okay, seniors won't tease you anymore. You can wait to deal with this part of the content later."

Zhiye moved two-thirds of the document mountain in front of Qiye with understanding.

Although there are still a lot of things left, at least there is no sense of oppression as before.

This made Qiye a little relieved.

"Why didn't you just move so much to me?" Qiye whispered.

Zhizhi tilted his head and said of course: "How can I be worthy of so many days of hard work if I don't impress my seniors a little bit?"

Sure enough, weaving really did not learn.

Qiye felt a heartache.

Who the hell is to mislead this hard-working junior fellow!

"Right, senior."

Weaving pulled out a document from the materials in front of him and placed it in front of Qiye.

"This matter is the most important thing. You must take the lead in handling it."

Qiye picked up the file and glanced at it.

"FGO character product agent?"


Zhi nodded and said, "This has been delayed for a long time. You have to make a decision as soon as possible."

"I see, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

Qiye nodded, he was just about to get up but sat back with his shoulders pressed.

"It's not so-called as soon as possible, but now." Weaving smiled brightly and reminded.


Qiye blinked her eyes.

Because Zhizhi said just now that he was not in such a hurry, he still wanted to wait a while before handling it.

Zhi said with a smile: "Of course, after all, those partners have been waiting for your response from the predecessors. After all, the person who is the producer is the only one who can make the decision."

"Many manufacturers have been waiting for almost a month, and you will offend people if you don't respond."

Qiye couldn't help cursing: "Which idiot did the order?!... Ah, that person seems to be me. Forget it, when I didn't say it."

So you can't set up flags randomly, otherwise you will pit yourself.

Qiye can be regarded as understanding what is called "misfortune comes from the mouth".

Ignoring Qiye's stand-up comedy, Zhi took out the plastic bucket and plastic tube and placed it in the corner of the room.

"what is this?"

"Urinal~" Zhizhi explained, "After all, you have to tie you to a chair to work~"

"Junior brother... how much do you hate me?"

Zhizheng said: "There is nothing to hate, as long as the seniors finish all the work, they can leave the office chair."


"Nothing, but as long as the senior can handle these things, he can leave the office chair."

While repeating her own words, Zhi gestured with her finger on the stack of documents in front of Qiye.

Devil in black kimono.

This is Qiye's latest evaluation of weaving.


Finally, after Qiye's efforts to persuade, Zhili took the urinal back with regret.

Just looking at Ori's expression, Qiye always felt that the other party was looking for the next opportunity to use the urinal.

Next time Qiye must find a chance to throw this thing far away, the kind that Zhiye will never find.

Although she doesn't need to be woven and locked on an office chair, Qiye still can't escape the doom of handling affairs.

And looking at the amount of files, although it can't reach the point of all night, but overtime work late is not running.

But Zhizhi himself did not intend to spend the night with Qiye in the office.

Just kidding, looking forward to the stars and moon and looking forward to seven nights is not just to free yourself from the heavy work.

Since there is no need to work overtime, why stay in the office?

So big in New York, where is the night life bad?

So after handing over the supervision of Qiye's work to Serra, Zhi himself walked out of the office happily.

Only Qiye was left to face the boundless work.

"Senior, don't think about being lazy~"

Before leaving, Zhi told Qiye.

"I will come to check tomorrow morning. If you find that you are not working well..."

Although Zhiye didn't say what he would do, Qiye didn't dare to ask.

Because the appearance of the black energy is already bold enough.

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