Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1436


Sakura let out a smirk.


Qiye suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged Ying to her body.

"Stop laughing...I've been laughing all the way, be careful of dislocated jaw."

Qiye pinched Cherry's face as clean as a jade.

The years didn't seem to leave a mark on Sakura's body, and she still felt as good as she did in high school.

"Qiye, you really like to chat to death."

Sakura patted Qiye dissatisfiedly.

"Haha~ I'm really sorry." Qiye said with a smile, "I'm stupid, you don't know."

"Qiyae you fool around."

Ying pursed her mouth and vomited.

Then she closed her eyes and kept getting closer to Qiye's face.


The man naturally kissed the woman's lips.

Sakura didn't refuse, she just sat on her man's body like this, feeling the man's love for her.

The car suddenly became quiet, and the two people silently felt each other's existence without saying a word.

It took several minutes before the man let go of her.


Qiye smiled at Ying, who was lying on her body weakly.

"Well, satisfied."

Sakura leaned on Qiye's chest, nodding slightly with her face flushed.

Both of them didn't mean to go further, they just snuggled together.

Ying and Qiye are old husbands and wives long ago, and they are both past the age of gluttony.

Feeling each other slowly like this has always been Qiye and Sakura's unique way of getting along.

"It's a pity, I have already moved."

Sakura used her fingers to circle Qiye's chest, and said dullly.

"If you are still in Otani Township, I will revisit the old place with Qiye."

"There's no other way..."

If you go back to your old house for the New Year, Qiye can of course take Sakura to see where she was before.

But this time I went to Sakura's current home, which is the downtown area of ​​Matsue City.

It would be too much trouble to start from there.

"It doesn't matter if we can't go, anyway, it will be fine if we are together~"

Qiye held Sakura in her arms tightly.

"Well... It's just a pity, I still want to relive the feeling of the year in the activity room."

"You can learn something for me!"

Qiye was so angry that she patted Sakura's ass.

The activity room Ying said is a relatively remote classroom in the teaching building of Qiye High School.

When he went to school seven nights that year, he applied for that classroom to be his usual activity room.

According to Qiye, he needs a classroom where he can study safely during club activities.

With Qiye’s excellent results, the teachers naturally approved it.

With Qiye's reputation in school at the time, that classroom naturally became a forbidden area for others.

Since then, that activity room has become a secret base during Qiye High School.

Except for Sakura, few other people came in and out.

Although Qiye went to school, most of the time did use that classroom for study.

But occasionally it will be used for other things.

After all, as long as the classroom door is locked, that place will become a very private space.

So sometimes Qiye and Sakura often date in that classroom.

Of course, this is just a more elegant way of saying.

Everyone knows the specific meaning.

In order to make the experience more comfortable, Qiye also bought a mattress and a set of bedding.

Qiye claimed to be used for nap after studying tired.

As for why the single rest mattress will be bought for two.

Qiye's own explanation was that he slept poorly and was afraid of rolling onto the floor when he fell asleep.

Whether others believe it or not, Qiye believes it anyway.


pS1: Mi Jiang is really stupid. Tomorrow's service has already played a big Olympic game.

When I played the final plot today, I was still in a state of full resistance.

I kept waiting for Michan to break a stone, and after the second blood was hit, I realized that the difficulty can be reduced...

At that moment, Mi Chan really wanted to kill herself._(:з∠)_

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