Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1437


pS2: About the suffix of the title of this chapter.

Because I don’t know how many more changes will be owed this time, I replaced it with [~~].

Hang up the numbers after the reward is over.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 786

The last time I went back to Shimane Prefecture in Qiye, I took a lot of people to travel.

So at that time, Qiye they came by Shinkansen.

And this time, there were only Qiye and Xiawu Sakura.

Therefore, in order to make the itinerary more free, Qiye simply drove to Shimane Prefecture.

Because Sister Serra also returned to Longgu's house for the New Year, Qiye called a driver from Jiufeng to help drive.

As the driver of the Jiufeng Group, the other party has good driving skills.

No accident happened during the whole journey, and Qiye and Sakura enjoyed a very pleasant time for two.

After driving for about half a day, the car arrived on the street where Sakura lived.

Although Matsue City is the seat of Shimane Prefecture's prefectural office, it is theoretically the center city of Shimane Prefecture.

But in fact, as the prefecture with the smallest population in Japan, Matsue is not a prosperous city at all.

In addition, the New Year is approaching, the streets are very quiet, and there are very few pedestrians.

Because the alley in front of Xiawuying’s house was relatively narrow, Qiye simply asked the driver to stop at the intersection, and he and Ying walked directly to the entrance of Xiawu’s house.

Sakura's home is a very ordinary single-family two-story building with a layout similar to that of Fat Blue Rinobi Nobita.

However, Qiye's visual inspection showed that the lower house should be smaller.

"Haven't you thought of changing another one?" Qiye asked curiously.

Leaving aside his relationship, Sakura is now a very popular star in Japan.

With a woman's current income, she can always change to a better house.

Sakura said embarrassedly, "I mentioned it, but my parents think it's better to give it to me."

"It's the same as my house..." Qiye sighed with emotion.

"Could it be said that this is the tradition of Oya Township parents?"

As soon as Qiye finished speaking, Sakura flicked her finger.

"This is the care of parents for their children." Ying An said strangely.

"go in."

Qiye shrugged, and he took Ying's little hand to the gate.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

Accompanied by the cheerful cry, the two soon met Xiawu Ying's parents.

Sakura took off her shoes and hugged her parents enthusiastically.

Mr. Xiawu had a happy smile on his face, and he hugged his daughter hard.

"Sakura, I'm back!"

The other party is a middle-aged man who is a little blessed, and his appearance can only be said to be average.

It is not the first time that Qiye has seen each other, but every time he sees Qiye, he will be confused.

How did the other party give birth to the beautiful daughter of Xiawu Sakura?

I really want to say what Sakura resembles his father, probably because of her straight nose and fair skin.

But thinking about Mrs. Xiawu's beautiful appearance, Qiye had an epiphany.

Sure enough, if a man wants to improve the genes of his offspring, he just wants to beg a beautiful wife.

Qiye heard from my mother that Mrs. Xiawu was a well-known beauty from ten miles and eight villages.

As for why he married Mr. Xiawu, Qiye doesn't know.

Anyway, Qiye thinks it's good. If the couple under the house don't get married, where can I find my favorite Sakura.

Qiye took the initiative to stretch out his hand to Mr. Downing.

"Hello... Uncle."

After thinking a little bit, Qiye decided to adopt the name of the year.

"Oh! Kiryu-kun! Thank you for taking care of Sakura!"

Mr. Xiawu was also very enthusiastic. The two men shook hands to greet each other, and Mrs. Xiawu on the side even bowed.

Over the years, Qiye's help and care for her daughter is obvious to all.

Without Qiye, Sakura wouldn't be able to achieve this achievement.

Of course, it would be even better if this man could marry Ying.

It's just that this kind of thinking is just thinking about it, and I have never expected it.

Japan is a country with very serious class differences, and it is very important for both parties to get married.

Although there are exceptions, few such marriages can reach the end.

Because both husband and wife will be under great pressure.

After all, there are still few people who can completely ignore other people's comments.

Of course, the little three is in the top position, or the noble lady has a little white face or something else.

It's just that the kind of people who are originally skinless and faceless, there is no situation where they care about what other people say.

Therefore, with Qiye's current status, Sakura has no right to marry him at all.

But Sakura didn't care anymore.

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