Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1450

Even a somewhat thief-eyed audience can analyze the preview content frame by frame, and then guess the story of the movie and publish it on the Internet.

In fact, there are people like that in the past, but in the era when the Internet did not rise, this kind of communication can only appear in small circles.

It will not have much impact on the entire audience.

But now this era is different.

Not only does the spoiler affect a wider audience, but also because more and more people participate in cracking the plot.

In the case of teamwork, the plot content of the film is more and more guessed, and it is getting closer and closer to the truth.

The film producers love and hate this situation.

Because of these people's guessing activities, their own movies have been quickly promoted, allowing more people to learn about the movies.

On the other hand, the story of the movie was guessed, which also made the producers feel extremely annoyed.

The audience already knows the plot before watching the movie, which is very disruptive to the movie watching experience.

But for those who guess the plot, the producers are not good at cracking down.

If it is the kind of person who directly spoils the movie after watching the movie, then you can directly sue.

But for those who are just guessing the plot, the production company has little means to stop it.

Therefore, the producer and the propaganda party can only make a compromise and make a fuss on the trailer itself.

The earliest so-called teaser fraud was just a misleading editing.

That kind of technique is not clever, basically anyone who knows how to edit can do it.

For the awesome people, it is not impossible to even cut "Bright Sword" out of "A Dream of Red Mansions".

Anyway, before the publication of "Beidou God Fist Xiao Mei Yan", no one thought of linking cute animation with philosophy.

Since the emergence of the Internet age, there are not a few UP owners who are famous for relying on this technology.

Among them, the ghost animal area is the hardest hit area by these people.

But there are disadvantages to doing so. Excessive misleading editing can make the audience feel that the movie is not right.

Obviously, I was looking forward to story A when I watched the movie, but it turned out that story B was shown in the movie.

If the movie is great, it's okay to say, if the quality is not good, it will be condemned a lot.

After a few somersaults, the producers changed their gameplay, and that was to start adding fake footage in the movie trailer.

The advantage of this is that the audience will not misunderstand the story of the movie.

The story implied by the movie trailer will not be too different from the story that the audience subconsciously wants to see.

On the other hand, the difference between the trailer and the movie content will also give the audience a sense of novelty.

The best example of this is Marvel.

Fans also applauded the sentence "We took a lot of shots is a preview service" directly on the public screen.

It is estimated that there is only Marvel in the world.

The DC next door wanted to learn, but he was completely different.

In the end, he was sued by fans in the name of false propaganda.

From the difference between Marvel and DC, Qiye has seen it clearly.

Whether the trailer is true or not is not really important.

As long as the normal publicity effect can be achieved, the audience can walk into the cinema.

As long as the story of the movie is wonderful, everyone will not protest because one or two shots have not been edited.

On the contrary, if the film quality is not good enough.

You just cut out a flower from the trailer, and you will end up being scolded.

It might even be scolded more.

Qiye is very confident in the quality of her movie, so she doesn't think that the audience will point her nose to curse after watching the movie.

It doesn't matter even if you are scolded, anyway, everything is the fault of the old man.

With the popularity of the FGO trailer, the popularity of Fate ushered in a surge after two years of coldness.

On [See Moon], the first day of this preview reached 46 million hits.

During the Super Bowl intermission, 30 seconds of FGO was the time with the highest ratings.

You know this year's Super Bowl midfield previews are all ruthless characters.

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 2)", "Transformers 3", "Pirates of the Caribbean 4", "Fast and Furious 5", and "The Hangover 2" all released themselves at the Super Bowl intermission Preview.

FGO is able to overpower these powerful opponents to directly reach the peak of ratings, which shows that this IP has already had a considerable influence in North America.

Regarding FGO's box office requirements, Qiye naturally put forward the slogan to strive for this year's box office championship.

However, Qiye felt that it might be more difficult.

As a memory that has accompanied the growth of a generation, the end of the HP series "Death Hallows (Part 2)" has many advantages.

Although based on the quality of the upper part, everyone can speculate that the production level of "Death Hallows (Part 2)" is only moderate in Hollywood today.

And I don’t know if it is affected by the "Dark Knight", the HP series can be said to be even more black in recent years.

As for the plot, I believe there will be nothing exciting with the pissiness of the HP series that has always copied books.

But the off-court factor of feelings is really hard to say.

As the ending chapter of the entire series, even if it is done poorly, the audience will definitely buy it.

What's more, Qiye, who had seen a movie in her last life, knew that although this movie was not too brilliant, at least it made no mistakes.

A final work, no mistake is the greatest success.

But FGO is not without its advantages.

As the first work of the new series, "Prologue" also carries the feelings of many viewers.

When I saw it, which movie would attract the audience more.

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