Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1451

Of course, FGO's competitors are not only "Death Hallows (Part 2)".

In addition to the above movies that have already appeared in the Super Bowl, "Detective Sherlock Holmes 2", "Cars 2", "Twilight 4", "Mission Impossible 4", and Washi's own "Doctor Strange" Several movies are also confirmed to be released this year.

In 2011, there is indeed no super-level monster like "Avatar", but there are quite a few strong competitors of the same level.

Just scan the list of movies in 2011 and you will find that these big productions and movies that have received intense attention are all sequels.

Even a new series like FGO is a sequel to FSN from a certain perspective.

It can be seen that the trend of original movies has reached a very serious point.

Qiye even felt that it was fortunate that she had made Fate a few years ago.

If you switch to the current 2011 and start the layout, the market is likely to be very cold towards FSN, a film that lacks IP blessing.

Rather than being able to overwhelm the super-large IPs such as HP and Transformers as it is now, the trailer's ratings are firmly ranked first.

Along with Fate's ascent of the TV station, the surrounding big sales followed.

Although the movie has not yet been released, the craziest opportunity to earn money has yet to come.

But those merchants with a keen sense of smell have already begun commercial preparations.

In the name of feelings, these guys directly returned the inventory left over from the FSN and FZ periods, and put them on the shelves in the name of reprinting.

On the one hand, these merchants are taking this opportunity to clean up their accumulated inventory and make room for their own warehouses.

On the other hand, it can be regarded as a warm-up for the upcoming FGO sales frenzy.

But this is what the fans are eating. These old stuff from the FZ period and even the FSN period have been swept away.

Fans who have been re-energized have endless desire to buy Fate products.

Those merchants who cleaned up their inventory did not expect that the purchasing power of their fans would be so high. They originally thought it would be nice to clean up their inventory.

So while these manufacturers stepped up to re-produce Fate peripherals, they also applied to Jiufeng for a new product cooperation list.

Such an eye-catching opportunity to make money, businessmen with normal thinking do not want to miss it.

At the same time, those vendors who failed to obtain authorization during the FSN and FZ periods also contacted Jiufeng Entertainment.

I hope to get a piece of my own in this gold feast.

In March alone, Jiufeng Entertainment received nearly 200 manufacturers who came to negotiate and authorize.

Among them, the most discussed one is naturally Saber Altria played by Lily.

Fate has become a veritable popular fried chicken.

Jiufeng Entertainment even temporarily set up the [Fate Role Authorization Project Team] for FGO, which is responsible for FGO's recent peripheral authorization matters.

According to Qiye's information, it is not a matter of FGO's authorization to sell hundreds of items.

Qiye even thought about whether to learn from Disney.

She proposed to Shion to erect a huge statue of the King Knight outside the Jiufeng Building.To commemorate this particularly profitable role.


pS: The 20 million DL intelligence of FGO's daily service came out.

A resident five-star compliment is given for free, and Mijiang’s Japanese service account just doesn't have Xiao Mo.=w=

However, the limited pool opened feels a bit problematic.

Musashi just gave it away in 2.52, you will be UP once.

How is this different from putting Tony on the grave in "Heroes Expedition"?

Do the first seven?_

Chapter 793-The Artoria Army Is Coming [Plus 3/~~]

Unfortunately, Qiye's proposal was directly rejected.

Ryan and Lily are the most opposed voices.

It's not something that can be done casually with a statue of a real person, let alone Lily is still alive.

But even without Lily's reason, Shion would probably not agree.

Altria is indeed a very important role for Jiufeng Entertainment, even the most powerful star role.

But if you really want to choose one to stand in front of the building of the Jiufeng Group, Qiye estimates that a certain plumber might be more suitable.

Although Saber cannot be erected a statue, Jiufeng Entertainment's promotion of FGO has not diminished.

All kinds of news related to the movie were released frequently, and they began to reveal little by little news related to the content of the plot.

Even the new look of several followers in the movie, Jiufeng Entertainment did not let it go.

The Menting Fox TV station has been changed to show fans the fixed makeup photos of several followers and the previous styles of these followers for comparison.

"A few days ago, the upcoming summer hot movie FGO announced the actors' makeup photos."

The sweet-looking lady announcer told the audience her manuscript in very excited words.

"From the comparison, we can see that the costumes of all the servants have been completely renewed. Among them, the two characters that have changed the most should be Cuchurin and Altria."

"Especially Kuchurin, he discarded his iconic spear weapon, and picked up the staff. According to Celtic myths and legends, Kuchurin did use Rune runes, this may be why he was cast by Caster The reason for the call."

"It's not clear what kind of performance Cuchulin will perform when he changed his rank, but from the trailer clip we can see that this character will shine in the movie."

The young lady announcer was very happy to talk, people who didn't know thought that this woman's sister was getting married.

In fact, it was just that Jiufeng finally settled the half-year salary that Fox owed her before.

However, the promotion of changing the costumes of the characters did attract a lot of old Fate fans.

Many think that this FGO is the same as HF, just telling a new story with the setting of FSN.

But it seems that the story of FGO should bring you a lot of freshness.

It's just that the image of black Saber has appeared in HF as early as, so it is a little bit less fresh.

Many people even complained that this image lacks new ideas, and Kiryu Qiye started to cook cold rice.

Qiye would only dismiss this argument.

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