Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1453

Not to mention the gap between the two spiritual clothing.

The black Saber is that Shinjuku Lingyi directly repainted a new painting. Basically all players who have seen this card surface agree.

I won't say much about the ghostly appearance of the blue saber's clothing.

Anyway, the saber suit and 215 rabbit ears have been called the duo of the scum of the spirit suit by players.

In the past, Qiye didn't quite understand why FGO did this. Isn't it good for Kanban girl to get a card that she wants to do?

But now Qiye understands that she really likes Altria's fans, but she doesn't care what the dull card noodles will look like.

As long as they don't collapse into Nantin's virtue, these people will be drawn.

But the black Saber is not necessarily the case. It is difficult for players to make money for this character by relying on character popularity alone.

But if you add the undressing element, you can make players want it.

The same is true for the spiritual clothing. If you really want to produce a plainclothes version of the spiritual clothing, is it not good to redesign a new card and open a pool?

Anyway, Altria has so many vests. It's okay to have one more, right?


pS: The chapter was finally kicked out._(:з∠)_

Tomorrow Mijiang will have liver work, so the advance notice will be updated twice.

If we can catch up with the homework tomorrow, we will add more changes the day after tomorrow, Michan is here to announce!(*/ω*)

Chapter 794 Some people are handsome boys on the surface, but in fact they are cheap

Compared with Qiye's business perspective, Lily's side is much simpler.

She simply thinks that the roles she plays are very popular.

So Lily straightened up her flat chest proudly.

"That's because the fans first recognized the authentic knight king! This kind of feeling needs to be compared to reflect it, so I really am the best."


Qiye smiled and touched Lily's head.


Lily was not very satisfied with Qiye's attitude, and the other party still treated herself as a child.

But she also knew that the inherent impression was not that easy to change, so she could only sigh.

"How is it with Peter Jackson recently?" Qiye asked with a smile, "How does it feel to be filming with my sister?"

"how to say……"

Lily curled a handful of blonde hair on her temple with her fingers.

"This is probably the first time, I can actually do better than my sister. It feels full of novelty."

Lily smiled at Qiye: "I want to thank you, Qiye."

"Is it……"

Qiye smiled and said nothing.

Although the title [brother-in-law] sounds more cordial, but Lily wants to use this title Qiye and will not forcefully ask for changes.

After the previous large-scale renovation and upgrading of AMC Cinema, the changes are actually very big.

When the premiere of "Magic Circle" was held here last time, because Qiye's mood was all hung in the movie, I just glanced at the new decoration of the theater.

Qiye didn't have such a strong psychological burden this time, so she just wandered around in the theater at will.

In order to match the latest laser IMAX theater, the overall style of theater decoration is sci-fi style.

What's more interesting is probably because there have been more premieres in theaters recently.

Nearly 100 filmmakers’ handprints were placed on a horizontal corridor at the front of the theater.

However, due to the commercial nature of the AMC cinema, these handprints are very different from the stars on the famous Avenue of Stars.

The conditions for hanging handprints here can be said to be quite relaxed, except for filmmakers from the Jiufeng family.

As long as there is a film crew holding a premiere here, they can choose one or two members to leave handprints.

This handprint is not a symbol of the filmmaker's status in the circle, but more of a commercial propaganda.

This is a bit similar to the Hollywood Chinese Theater. There are also many handprints left by filmmakers. They are also commercial activities for the purpose of film promotion.

However, I have heard that the Chinese Theater is a little bit too much. You don't even need to hold the premiere there, and you can just pay for it.

Qiye remembered that in her previous life, she had seen many celebrities from the celestial dynasty leave handprints there.

At that time, Qiye hadn't entered the industry yet, thinking this was a very remarkable thing.

But then I learned that as long as you have the ability to make money, not to mention handprints, that is, footprints, nose prints, or even hip prints, no one will care about you.

However, this AMC theater in New York has not fallen to this point. Except for the in-depth cooperation with Jiufeng, other filmmakers who want to leave handprints have at least held the premiere here.

This can avoid a large number of small stars who simply come over to catch the heat.

After all, this is the city center of New York, and to be able to hold the premiere here, at least it must be a large crew.

As a well-known cinema, the AMC Cinema exhibits, of course, not only the handprints of the filmmakers.

In the windows on both sides of the corridor, the theater also displayed various memorabilia of the premiere movies held here.

The most of them is of course Seven Nights' movies.

Not only is Qiye hosting so many premiere movies here, but also because Qiye’s movies are well-known and popular with audiences.

Qiye walked along the corridor to the cinema, looking at the items displayed around him as he walked.

Because most things are related to herself, Qiye even has the illusion of browsing [Kiryu Qiye Exhibition Hall].

There are a lot of things in the window that Qiye misses very much, such as various props for her own movies, and peripheral souvenirs sold in the theater.

Qiye stopped for a while in front of a shop window, where the Goblin Slayer figure was placed, which was exactly how the opponent appeared on the screen for the first time.

"I heard someone wants to buy this for $30,000 as a souvenir."

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