Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1454

Suddenly a person walked over, pointed to the figure in the glass cabinet, and said, "Unfortunately, the theater owner didn't agree."

Qiye shook his head: "This figure is only about $1,000 on the market."

The figure of this goblin killer has long been out of print, so the price has always been high.

But the $30,000 offer is a bit outrageous.

"This is not an ordinary figure." The other party shook his shoulders. "You have Director Kiryu's signature on this. It is a unique figure in the world."

Qiye smiled casually: "That's not bad. When I go bankrupt, I can live by selling autographs."

The visitor laughed, and then took the initiative to extend a hand.

"Hello, Director Kiryu. Is this the first time we meet?"

Qiye politely shook it in his hand.

"Hello, Ryan."

The person who came was Ryan Reynolds.

The actor looks like a handsome guy, but inside is a yellow and violent little bitch.

"Director Kiryu, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity this time."

Ryan Reynolds obviously did not simply come over to greet Qiye, he took Qiye's hand and did not let go.

"Regarding the movie "Deadpool", I will definitely run it well."

Qiye smiled, "I believe in your ability."

Ryan Reynolds has been a bit unlucky recently. Not to mention the violent death of "Wolverine" starring in the previous year, the "Green Lantern" starring last year was also very ugly.

In recent years, Marvel's MCU has developed very rapidly, and has even become a popular culture.

Under such stimulus from their opponents, it is naturally impossible for Warner and DC to make Marvel and Jiufeng be the best.

So they began to actively launch their own superhero movie universe.

It's a pity that the first movie in the DC Cinematic Universe was not very good.

Super talents have just experienced the failure of "Superman Returns."

Batman has no way to start a new series because Nolan's trilogy is not over yet.

Even if Warner’s executives have no brains, they know what a disaster it would be if two series of movies with the same protagonist appeared on the market at the same time.

The last remaining Wonder Woman among the DC Big Three was rejected by Warner executives because it was a female superhero.

When the project was first made, Qiye's "Little Circle" was still in production.

In the eyes of other film companies, large investment films with female protagonists are forbidden areas that cannot be touched.

With no first-line characters on the stage, DC finally chose "Green Lantern" as the opening of its DC movie universe.

At the top of Warner, I think that even third-rate heroes like Iron Man can be successful. Wouldn't the second-tier pinnacle role like Green Lantern be able to win the box office casually?

It can only be said that Warner's senior management is not only very conservative in thinking, but also very brain-dead.

In short, even though it was released a year earlier than Qiye's previous life, "Green Lantern" still failed to change his destiny on the street.

Even the starring Ryan Reynolds also suffered.

After all, the original Ryan Reynolds in the time and space also had a movie like "Wolverine" with a bad reputation but a good box office.

So it's okay to mix in Hollywood.

Although the several movies starring in basically all hit the street, but the supporting role and animation dubbing movies have been successful.

Despite the bumps and bumps in the process, at least it managed to get through "Deadpool", Ryan Reynolds' destined project.

Qiye has always felt that every actor will have a role that fits with him.

When the actor gets this role, he will soar into the sky.

For example, Depp’s Captain Jack, Downey’s Tony Stark, Lily’s Altria, and Ryan Reynolds’s base.

It was also after "Deadpool" that Ryan Reynolds finally unearthed his comedic talent and began to star in the movies of those "devilish slant" type roles.

Ryan Reynolds in this life is not as lucky as in his previous life.

The mess of two consecutive super productions made him very passive, and even began to appear as "box office poison".

With his career hindered, Ryan Reynolds could only submit the project of "Deadpool", hoping to turn around with this movie.

In fact, Ryan Reynolds planned for the project "Deadpool" long ago.

After the failure of "Wolverine".Ryan Reynolds hopes to turn around through this project.

Ryan Reynolds himself is a senior American comic fan. Although his submission is only a draft, the content is quite substantial and there is already a prototype script.

It is a pity that Fox executives do not understand his plan at all and have doubts about the feasibility of this project.

This is a more elegant way of saying.

To put it another way, Fox thinks this movie is a loss, so it’s better not to start it.

So this plan that might have saved Fox was put on hold.

If Fox really started the "Deadpool" project, he might still be able to seize the opportunity to come back to life.

Even if "Deadpool"'s box office results are not as exaggerated as in the previous life.

But the low cost of shooting is enough for Fox to make a fortune.

But it was this only opportunity that Fox missed in vain.

So now, this super profitable project is simply cheaper for seven nights.

That's not a big deal, because Ryan Reynolds is currently being looked down upon in Hollywood.

Qiye's actions made Ryan Reynolds feel a touch similar to "a man dying for his confidant".

Invisibly, Qiye brushed up the actor's favorability of Ryan Reynolds for free.

If converted into a game, Qiye's reputation in Ryan Reynolds has risen from "stranger" to "savior".


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