Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1455

pS: Mijiang is guilty._(:з∠)_

Halfway through my homework, I wanted to read the comments, only to find out that I didn’t set a schedule to send after finishing last night...

Sure enough, the memory at 2 am is really unreliable.

Chapter 795

Qiye has always been good to Ryan Reynolds' senses.

It's not that Qiye likes the role played by this actor.

Qiye has been in the entertainment industry for so long. Of course, I know that the role played by the actor must be viewed separately from the actor.

Qiye thinks Ryan Reynolds is good because this guy is very witty and smart.

Except for the silly girl Karen Gillan, it's hard to see that this guy has completely offended someone or a film company.

And this guy never shy away from his failure and dark history.

You can often see him making fun of "Green Lantern" on any occasion, even in other movies he starred in.

But even so, his relationship with Warner has always been very good, and he even participated in "Detective Pikachu" filmed after Warner.

It can be seen that the actor's communicative ability is strong.

For such talents, Qiye certainly won't be stingy to help.

The cooperation between Jiufeng and Ryan Reynolds must be long-term.

Not only "Deadpool", but also other movies.

Although there is no "Pokemon" in this life, there is still a "Pet Master" series.

As the world's number one commercial IP, Qiye will certainly not let go of the filming of this series.

But this series of main body games is really not easy to adapt, if it is changed to "Detective Power Mouse", it will definitely have better results.

The movie in the last life is generally average, but the commercial is very good.

Qiye plans to make a similar movie based on the movie model of the previous life.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the plot is bloody, commercial movies don't need to care too much.

But the number of Pokémon must be more, and there are more battle scenes.

Although this will increase the cost a lot, Qiye believes that as long as the Pokémon in the movie perform better, they can definitely make money back.

"Ryan, Jiufeng Entertainment has always been committed to cooperating with talented actors." Qiye looked at Ryan with a very sincere gaze. "I believe the movie "Deadpool" will shine."

"Thank you, Director Kiryu."

Ryan Reynolds paused, then he asked tentatively: "Hugh Jackman asked me about it. He wants to know when the new "X-Men" will start filming."

To say which group of actors are most worried about after the acquisition of Fox by Jiufeng, it is naturally the actors of the "X-Men" series.

The "Fantastic Four" is a big hit.

Now the Thunderbolt is wearing the Stars and Stripes, commanding the Avengers to be too high.

Now even if someone told Chris Evans to go back to play "Fantastic Four", he would definitely dismiss it.

But the "X-Men" series is different.

Although the reputation of "X-Men 3" is not very good, it still makes money anyway.

The rumored "Wolverine" is on the street, but it has almost zero impact on this article.

Under such circumstances, Jiufeng Entertainment certainly cannot put this IP with high commercial value regardless.

But there is a problem with superhero movies, that is, the value of the role is far greater than the value of the actor.

Everyone knows that Marvel is now playing its own MCU. Jiufeng and Marvel can completely start the new era of X-Men without using old actors.

This made the actors of the old X-Men very uncomfortable, and finally got a long-term meal ticket, and it was about to end so soon.

The worst thing is that they have no capital to resist this kind of restart.

In the matter of changing actors, the strongest resistance will always be the diehard fans of the series.

But this time, it is these fans who support the change of actors.

In the eyes of these fans, it is best to use old actors, even if it doesn't work, the most important thing is to let the X-Men return to the arms of Marvel's father.

Therefore, for the next stage of Jiufeng's X-Men movie plan, those old actors are the most anxious.

But the actors did not dare to ask about Jiufeng by themselves. They all had the label [Fox] attached to them.

So Ryan Reynolds became the middleman.

In the eyes of the old actors, since Jiufeng is willing to start "Deadpool", it must have favored Ryan Reynolds.

It couldn't be more appropriate for him to be the messenger.

In fact, these actors guessed right, Qiye really looked at Ryan Reynolds differently.

Qiye also has its own considerations for the question raised by Ryan Reynolds.

The old X-Men series is over, and the value that old actors can create is not much.

Except for Uncle Wolf Hugh Jackman, everyone else can only be regarded as a sentiment card.

In fact, Qiye's views are surprisingly consistent with those of the Fox executives in the previous life.

The old version of the actors can leave the stage after the performance of "Reverse the Future".

"Ryan, you can tell Hugh Jackman that the story of Wolverine is not over yet. There will be projects related to Wolverine after Jiufeng."

Qiye's answer made Ryan Reynolds scratch his head.

Wolverine will continue to be activated, so it doesn't matter to others?

But Ryan Reynolds didn't have much to say. The film company should consider the costs and benefits of the film. It is normal to replace actors.

For a time, the atmosphere quickly stagnated.

After a while, Ryan Reynolds nodded: "Well then, I'll talk to Hugh Jackman."

The implication is that no one except Hugh Jackman will know that Jiufeng has a plan to change actors.

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