Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1457

This is also a good first-hand advantage.

As long as "Prologue" has a good reputation, the movie will definitely have a fairly explosive beginning.

Like other films of Jiufeng Entertainment, there are 3000 pre-screening venues across the United States that opened at the same time as the premiere.

"Prologue" has had two trial screenings before, and the reputation is very good.

For old Fate fans, the movie has a strong sense of nostalgia. They can see the shadow of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City that they are familiar with.

For newcomer fans, the entry barrier for this story is not high, and it can be read smoothly.

The only dissatisfaction is the rhythm of the movie.

Compared with Qiye's previous movies, the rhythm of this movie's story seems a bit slow.

In the past seven nights movies, the plot development was very tight, and it can be described as having no urine point throughout the whole process.

But the rhythm of "Prologue" has become a lot slower, especially from the Chaldean part of the scene, many people think it can be faster.

But this was a compromise made by Qiye herself.

The movie "Prologue" is to lay the foundation for the following story, and many of the content involved in the latter Qiye need to set aside shots to explain.

Between the perfection of a single film and the entire series, Qiye decisively chose the latter.

But the procrastination of "Prologue" is just a comparison of the movies seven nights ago.

Compared with other movies on the market, the rhythm of "Prologue" is still relatively tight.

Therefore, all the audiences who have seen the trial show have a good overall impression of the film.

Both the general audience, the media and film critics praised the "Prologue".

This makes the audience look forward to this new Fate series.

For them, as long as the movie does not collapse, it is actually a good work worth seeing.

After the crew and the guests participating in the premiere entered the theater one after another, ordinary audiences who seated relatively aside gradually entered.

This is also to prevent accidents. After all, fans can easily do irrational things if they are too crazy.

These fans do not have much opinion on this arrangement.

Fans who can specifically come to participate in the premiere of the film are either fans of Fate or supporters of one of the main creators of the crew.

For them, the viewing effect of the premiere is second, and the most important thing is to feel the atmosphere of the premiere and see a wonderful movie.

For them, it's not a problem at all to make a movie more than one.

The movie viewing experience of the Emperor Throne can be experienced within two days, but there is only one premiere.

Although there are no hard standards or necessary requirements.

But in order to increase the sense of ceremony, most of the audience who came to the premiere have put on clothes related to the content of the movie.

The most ardent fan naturally cos directly into a certain role.

But most of the audience who watched the movie were not crazy enough, just wearing clothes with Fate characters printed on them.

There are not many ordinary viewers who come to the premiere completely dressed in casual clothes. Most of them bring one or two iconic items of Fate followers more or less.

The only regret is that special items such as the big dog's spear and the red A's bows and arrows that take up space are prohibited from being brought into the theater by the staff.

It's not that they are afraid that the audience will directly pick up these items as flying props, but that these items are too large and will affect other audiences watching the movie in the theater.

It was the Excalibur of the Knight King because it was just over one meter in length. Even if it was erected, it wouldn't block the audience's sight, but instead allowed the staff to agree to bring it into the theater.

"Jiufeng Entertainment's promotion is very successful."

Looking around, Ryan Reynolds sighed: "The film has not been screened yet, and the merchandise has been sold so much. I don't know if Deadpool can reach this level in the future."

"I think it's better to forget it."

T.J. Miller, who was sitting next to him, shivered.

"If you think about it, everyone in the entire movie hall wears red hoods. What's the difference between that and the gang gang."

"At least it shows that the sales of Deadpool's peripherals are good." Ryan Reynolds said indifferently. "Look at how many peripherals Jiufeng Entertainment has sold?"

Hearing what Ryan Reynolds said, T.J. Miller glanced back at the audience with various colorful clothes behind him, and could not help but nodded.

"It seems to be the reason."

As time passed, the seats in the theater gradually filled.

When the last spectator sat in his seat, the lights in the theater began to turn off.

When the big screen was lit, the discussion that had been surrounding the theater disappeared instantly.

After the titles of Jiufeng Entertainment and Erque Studios passed, the first thing that entered the audience's sight was a vast expanse of whiteness.

After the lens began to focus, everyone found that the lens was a continuous snow mountain.

At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds and the sky was full of violent storms and snow, as if to bury everything under the wind and snow.

And as the lens pulled in, everyone found a man-made building on the peak of one of the snow-capped mountains.

Because the whole body is white, it was not seen until the lens was pulled in.

As the shot progressed, lines of credits began to appear in the corners of the screen.

Similar to other movies, these are all lists of cast and crew members.

If you really want to say something different, that is, every person has a different pattern behind his name.

These are Lingshu.

This is because the patterns of these magic spells are special, because each staff member designed it for himself.

Of course, for some handicapped ones, you can only draw a rough outline, and then trouble other people to help make them look better.

When the cast and crew list was put on the lead, the low singing in the background began to sound.

A female voice with the accent of an ancient bard said a monologue in an accented tone.

"Phoenix Chaldea, the Human Resources Protection Agency, referred to as the Chaldea Human Resources Protection Agency."

"This is to enable the long and strong continuation of human history. It is a research institute and observatory that gathers researchers in various fields regardless of magic or science."

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