Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1458

"Observing this whole world cannot be seen by magic alone, and science alone cannot measure the whole world."

"This is a spy agency jointly established by all countries to prevent the extinction of mankind."

The person who recites this monologue is Shion.

Originally, Qiye intended to make Yumi read this monologue.

But it's probably because Yumi has never played a similar role before, and she didn't have the right tone after reading it several times.

Lily's tone is fine, but her voice is too recognizable.

Qiye didn't want the audience to have too much association with the plot of the movie after the Knight King read this narration.

So Qiye chose Shion's opening remarks.

Anyway, as the leading role in the original plot story, Shion's reading of this passage will not make the audience overinterpret things.

"In 1950 in the Western calendar, the phenomenon-recording computer made the research of Demon Laplace successful."

"In 1990, the quasi-earth environment model Chaldea was completed."

"In 1999, the Near Future Observation Lens·Sheba was completed."

"In 2004, the guardian hero summoning system and destiny were completed."

"In 2015, the Lingzi calculation device Trismegistes was completed."

"Human Continuity Guarantee Agency has continued to accomplish brilliant results, and can guarantee the safety of human history in the next 100 years."

The opening scene advances unhurriedly, and the history of Chaldea is also expressed by Shion.

After all, before the beginning of the movie, Chaldeans still had a lot of story content.

If you really want to talk, just the old director's Holy Grail War can fill a movie.

The time of the prologue is limited, so it is naturally impossible to show them one by one.

Therefore, Qiye can only use the simplest way, through the mouth of Da Vinci, to make a simple description of the background of the story.

But this is not a mere description, introducing the origins of Chaldea can give the audience a clearer understanding of this institution.

In the past two series of FSN and FZ, there were few technological things.

Although living in modern times, the protagonists rarely use modern things except for the kitchen utensils used by Shiro Wigiya.

This is why Eimiya Kiritsugu has always been in such an alien relationship.

Because he is the most modern of all magicians.

But Chaldea was different.

This is an organization where science and magic coexist, and both are extremely developed.

It is the highest point that human civilization can reach.

It is precisely because of this that Chaldea is qualified to become an organization that continues human civilization.

The audience may not feel it yet, but when the film advances into the Chaldeans.

When I see the fusion of magic and science, I sigh.

At that time, the audience will not feel abrupt when recalling the previous narration.

"However, in 2015."

After reading this, Shion's tone changed, and the slightly rushed tone seemed to remind the audience that the crisis was coming.

"Near Future Observation Lens·The future realm observed by Sheba disappeared without warning, and the light of human civilization disappeared."

"According to calculations, the discovery-no, it proves that humans will be extinct in 2016."

Fortunately, the audience had already watched the trailer and had some understanding of the content of the movie.

Otherwise, someone at the scene would definitely exclaim "What the F**k" and the like.

With the end of Shion's monologue, the title of the movie "Fate/Grand Order" also appeared on the screen, and the title of the movie "Prologue" also appeared in the lower right corner.

However, what made the audience curious was that after the title of the movie was over, there was a flash of subtitles.

"The observer of the Temple of Time?"

Most of the people present are senior moon chefs in the world, and they have carefully read all the promotional materials before the FGO screening.

But no matter which propaganda poster or trailer, this phrase did not appear.

Fans are a little bit excited while being confused. Could this be a new clue related to the movie?


pS1: The number of consecutive two chapters is wrong.Is this the rhythm of old age forgetfulness??!!o(╥﹏╥)o


pS2: The eighth season of "The Lonely Gourmet" will be launched on April 30, and a man with his own BGM is back!!(p≧w≦q)

Chapter 797

The audience was very interested in the title [Observer of the Temple of Time], and even wanted to know what this phrase means urgently.

Analyzing the details of Fate and Xingyue's story has long become a must-have item for fans.

In addition, the films led by Kiryu Nanye rarely give useless information, which has led to more and more audiences like to pick words in details.

However, those in the industry pay more attention to Kiryu Qiye's performance methods than those who pursue details and plots.

As the holder of the current world box office record, Kiryu Nanaya has become the object of imitation.

"This is not a standard Kiryu Seven Nights beginning."

Miss Arong frowned slightly.

Having a deep understanding of Qiye movies, she knows that Qiye movies rarely use introduction to the world as the beginning of the movie.

This approach will indeed give the audience the feeling that the movie world is very grand, but it will also reduce the audience's sense of substitution.

So Kiryu Nanya's movie has always started from the role.

Through a plot to introduce the movie protagonist to the audience, let people understand what kind of person the starring role of the movie is.

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