Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1470

At this point, the second easter egg is over and the FGO prologue film is completely over.

But the movie is over, but the premiere is not over yet.

Those who have doubts are even more eager to know the answer.


pS1: Gudako Mio is named after Mika Sakamoto, the actor of Gudako in the seventh chapter of FGO.

However, in the text, Mijiang should not use this name too many times. Basically, he will still use the name "Godah".


pS2: About the story of doctors deceiving his wife, Mi Chan has told about it in a previous book.

There are many versions of this story.Here only talk about what Michan has heard.

Simply put, Ba admired Solomon's wisdom and brought a lot of wealth to visit Solomon.

The doctor felt that the girl Sheba looked good, and expressed the hope that Sheba would become a harem and invited her to live in her palace.

Sheba saw the subtext that the doctor wanted an appointment, but she dared not explicitly reject Solomon.

So he said, "I have no problem entering your palace, but you have to promise not to touch me."

The doctor immediately said yes, but you are not my harem, so when you live with me, you must not use any consumables belonging to me.

When Sheba moved in, the doctor immediately feasted Sheba in the palace.

Then secretly ordered the chef to add chili to the meal.

Taking advantage of the opportunity that Sheba was too spicy for the dishes, the doctor handed over a glass of water.

Then, the doctor and Sheba came happily.


Chapter 803!

At the end of the movie, William and Ed were mixed in the crowd and walked out of a side entrance of the AMC theater together.

There were countless movie fans and reporters blocking the door at the front entrance, and it was a nightmare to walk away.

"It's too much to not reveal the content of the next few movies at all."

The two talked as they walked, and William imitated Kiryu Qiye's tone when the curtain call just now.

"We want to keep the surprise until the last moment. I hope you don't worry. We will announce the news of the new movie at the right time..."

Having said this, William curled his lips with a disdainful face: "Cut, a stubborn fellow. If that's the case, why do you hang so many paintings at the end of the movie!"

Ed didn't seem to hear William's words. He took a cigarette from his pocket and tapped it.

After slowly exhaling a smoke ring, Ed looked at William with contempt: "When you wait for the employee meeting, you talk to him in front of the entire company, and you are guaranteed to get something."

"I'm not so stupid yet!" William gave a middle finger.

Ed didn't say any more, he took out his phone and seemed to be looking for something.

"what are you doing?"

"Find the black Saber's cos suit." Ed said without looking up, "It's just a gift to Liuhua when I go home this time."


As a single dog, William felt a crit.

In fact, Ed is not the only one doing this.

In order to hold the premiere, the sales department of the AMC cinema was temporarily closed.

Under such circumstances, it is a pity that the audience who participated in the premiere cannot buy the peripherals they want the first time after watching the movie.

But now in the Internet age, there is no physical store to place orders directly from the Internet.

So many people on the top began to search for black Saber's clothes. Girls wanted to wear them by themselves, while boys wanted to let girls wear this outfit.

The only poor person is a bachelor like William.

They want to use this suit not only to buy a suit of their own, but also to call home service.

This cost is too high, William can't afford it.

Not far in front of William and Ed, Miss Arong also followed her colleagues from reporters to the outside.

"The plot itself of the movie is very simple, but Kiryu Qiye aroused the emotions of the audience." A Rong discussed with another reporter.

"It's true." The other nodded, "This movie is not perfect, but Kiryu Nanya maximizes the advantages of the movie, allowing the audience to ignore the shortcomings of the movie."

"The success of this movie is not a problem, but I don't know what height it can reach." A Rong said to himself.

"Definitely not at the level of "Maiden"."

"You are nonsense."

Miss Arong rolled her eyes, and a magical film like "Little Circle" is hard to come by.

And as the first work of a new series, Miss Arong can clearly feel that this movie was made in a closed.

This also means that subsequent movies will have a broader blueprint.

Just don't know if Kiryu Qiye and his team can achieve the predetermined goal.

Miss Arong is very confident in Kiryu Qiye.

Because many spectators are still playing with their phones (looking around) when they walk out of the field, which affects the speed of the field.

This caused the AMC theater to exit very slowly, and many people were stuck in the crowd.

Not only has it added a lot of trouble to the theater staff, it also made the work of another group of people quite tricky.

As a market investigator for Cinema Score, Mander Wilder almost burst into tears.

With so many people all at once, he didn't know which viewers should be selected for the survey.

Although the current movie network data statistics have been very developed, the accuracy of big data statistical analysis on the Internet has always been difficult to guarantee.

When most people fill out online questionnaires, they are far less focused than physical questionnaires, so the authenticity of the questionnaire has always been a problem.

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