Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1471

In the pursuit of survey accuracy, established statistical agencies like Cinema Score still use the most primitive investigator approach.

Although this approach is not efficient, it wins in the fact that the data is true and the analysis value is great.

Mander Wilder is such an investigator.

His main task during this period was to conduct first-hand surveys and statistics on the audience who had just watched the "Prologue".

For his own work, Mander Wilder could only bite the bullet and walk past the flow of people.

"Hello there."

He stopped a male audience who was about 25 to 30 years old, and stuffed a pen with a Matthew shield as a cap.

"Can you ask a few questions about this film?"

The other party took the pen, glanced at the work certificate on Mand Wilder's chest, and nodded quickly.

"Of course it can."

"If you score with ABCD and + and -,"

Mander Wilde pressed the record button of the small tape recorder in front of the man, which was necessary for the investigation process.

"Which one would you rate "Prologue"?"

"A-!" The male audience gave the answer without thinking, "Of course it is A-!"

Mander Wilder continued to ask, "Can you give me a few comments?"

"In general, the plot of the film is a bit simple. It's just about the beginning of the human crisis."

The male audience thought for a while, and then said: "It can be seen that Director Kiryu Nanya played a lot this time. This movie is just the beginning of his ambition."

"Compared to other movies, "Prologue" can certainly get A+, but for this series, if the first film is given A+, it would be too unfair for the subsequent movies."

Mander Wilder closed the recorder and said, "Thank you, thank you for your rating."

"You're welcome, I really like Matthew, a strong girl."

The male audience took the peripheral pen as a gift and walked away contentedly.

Mander Wilder didn't stop here, he immediately found another fan.

"The early stage of the movie is a bit slow, but the second half of the movie portrays the doomsday very well. There are countless easter eggs in the movie. People who have watched FSN watch this movie twice as much fun as others."

The audience did not hesitate to give the "Prologue" an A+ rating, he did not consider the same as the previous audience.

"The only regret of the movie is that the cast is not strong enough. The idea of ​​changing the ranks is very novel, but I want to see the emergence of new followers. But overall the film is not bad. Finally, Leonardo Di Caprio's cameo is super handsome!"

The audience gave a rating of a, but it can be seen that he is still very satisfied with the movie itself.

Another audience later recognized the "Prologue" even more.

"It's been a long time since you can watch a movie that allows people to watch some of the shots in one go. The rhythm is good and the fight is handsome. The wait for a year after "Magic Circle" is worthwhile."

This is a female audience, she said directly: "I give "Prologue" full marks! If possible, one hundred and twenty points!"

Of course, Mander Wilder also met audiences who did not like this style of film.

"It feels like a very ordinary movie, far less exciting than Madoka. Maybe I haven't seen Fate's relationship before. I can't get many points."

After struggling for a while, the other party gave his own score: "B+ grades, as a popcorn movie is still good, and the appearance of the black Saber is very beautiful."

But the people who rated Grade B are only a few of them. According to the data collected by Mander Wilder, more than 90% of them are grade A.

Many viewers who gave A-ratings mentioned the issue of film format.

They all believe that later movies will be better, so A and A+ scores are reserved for those movies.

"I can only say that Kiryu Qiye did a great job this time!"

"Ma Xiu and Lixiang are obviously still newcomers, and I look forward to their growth in the future. They are too weak in this one."

"Director Kiryu did a great job. The budget for this movie is definitely not as much as that of Madoka, but it's still wonderful and good-looking. The movie is basically Fate-related from beginning to end."

"The movie is very exciting. But what makes me uncomfortable is that "Prologue" is not so much a movie as a super long trailer! After watching it, I just want to have time to fast forward, so that I can fast forward directly. By the time the next movie is released."

"DiCaprio is so handsome! That robe is really too big for a boss, I look forward to his performance in the future."


After completing the site investigation, it was close to midnight in New York.

But Mander Wilde couldn't go home to rest yet. Instead, he sorted out the statistical data and comments and sent them to his head office.

He doesn't know the other early screenings, but the audience's comprehensive evaluation on the spot at the premiere of the AMC cinema must be A-level!

I believe that by tomorrow, news about the "Prologue" will emerge overwhelmingly.

Compared with the busy staff, Qiye is a lot easier here.

After the press conference for the premiere, his work today is over.

After bidding farewell to the others, Qiye asked Sierra to drive back to her villa in the suburbs of New York to rest.

Because there is still a lot of work to do after "Prologue" is released, he will stay in New York for some time.

When getting off the bus, Qiye glanced at the corner of the street in front of the villa.

It was dark and there was no sparkle.

"It's a pity that there is only one person staying overnight with such a good opportunity." Qiye muttered.

No flash means no paparazzi.

Obviously, the reporters and paparazzi went after the movie actors Yumi, Inuji and Lili.

Especially Lily, I believe that the role of Black Saber can make her popularity rise a lot.

For Qiye, without reporters and paparazzi following, it is simply an excellent opportunity to behave with the women.

But it is a pity that none of the women who are related to him are willing to come back with him.

It's not that I don't want to, but I have a job and cannot come back.

Qiye sighed, "I'm going to sleep alone again tonight."

He opened the door and entered a dark living room.

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