Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1478

Since the Big Six wants to learn art, then learn well.

As long as these people guarantee that the game channel is on the [See Moon] side, no matter how much money you can make, pay me a protection fee!


pS1: Although it was updated 5 minutes late, it has been updated!

Mijiang wins!!(*^▽^*)


pS2: "The Eighth Season of the Lonely Gourmet" is on the air, celebrate with flowers!!??(°▽°)?

By the way, the bull tongue in the second episode looks like a lot of times.(??﹃??)

It's a pity that there is no shop in Mijiang that does this for beef tongue, and I feel like I can't taste it in my life.o(╥﹏╥)o

Chapter 807 Let's Play Games, Watch Online Dramas

Now that he knew the true thoughts of these people, Qiye didn't find a reason to refuse.

Learning or something, Qiye believes that this group of people can definitely learn how to draw a gourd by themselves.

If you refuse directly on your side, it will make things froze.

Because in the early years, Jiufeng's too strong attitude made it suffer a big loss when the Sony PS platform rose.

Therefore, Ziyuan's management philosophy is more inclined to make money with harmony, the kind that everyone makes money together.

As long as you can guarantee your own sufficient interests, there is nothing wrong with giving up a portion to the partner to feed it.

This is somewhat similar to Qiye.

In the matter of making money together, Qiye didn't want to get too stiff in the relationship with the Big Six.

Think about the relationship between Netflix and the Big Six in the past life. Development was threatened everywhere, and the six major forces were almost hanged.

The Sixth National Congress of the People's Republic of China even severed its cooperation with Netflix and built its own streaming media platform.

The best thing to do is that Disney directly cut off Netflix's Marvel role authorization, which led to the direct cut of the superhero web drama series that Netflix has always been optimistic about.

A large part of this is that Netflix's mentality of eating alone is too heavy, which has caused Disney's disgust.

Of course, if this matter is really to be said, in fact, both parties are responsible.

The longer you stay in Hollywood, the more Qiye can feel the xenophobic emotions.

The most intuitive is the licensing agreement between the roles, the Hollywood internal price and external price is very different.

[See Moon] received one-third of the cost of online broadcasting of film and television works by non-US companies and one-half of non-Hollywood companies.

It can be seen how many people in Hollywood discriminate against outsiders.

Of course, Netflix's own overpriced, low share, etc. are also objective conditions.

It can only be said that both sides are standard businessmen, and there is no absolute right or wrong.

However, Qiye himself is in favor of this discrimination, because he and [See Moon] are beneficiaries of this discriminatory environment.

"You want to send representatives to supervise it without any problem, but I hope your supervision will not interfere with the normal operation of the project."

Qiye said blankly: "The entire project funds will be mobilized internally by [See Moon], and only the copyright transactions between [See Moon] will be involved externally."

It may seem strange to trade with one's left and right hands, but it is quite normal in business activities.

Companies like Sony that do not want to trade between left and right hands exist.

On the other hand, there are also many companies that conduct virtual transactions by turning left and right hands.

But this kind of thing touches the legal level.

At present, all countries are the key targets of this kind of meaningless left-hand trading behavior.

However, the transaction between [See Moon] and [Erque Studio] is not included in this list. After all, legally speaking, the two parties are still two independent individuals.

Besides, this copyright transaction is real, and there is no possibility of illegality.

Qiye's proposal made everyone present slowly nod their heads. They all hope to see the birth of another "Magic Record".

The first success case may be said to be a coincidence, but there is a second success, which shows that mobile games are really promising.

All the activities done by the Big Six in Hollywood is to realize the film and television resources in their hands.

The success of mobile games means that there is one more way to monetize, which is a good thing for everyone.

As a result, this project called FGO Mobile Games was officially passed on the [See Moon] board of directors.

"The person in charge of this project is handed over to Miss Yakumo. Do you have any doubts about this matter?"

Qiye looked at Yakumo Midong, the young female member of the staff who was in the limelight at the meeting today.

After several months of training, the housemaid has grown a lot.

Even though Yakumo Midong is still short of those excellent game master planners, Qiye believes that the opponent is at least qualified now.

The representatives of the board of directors shook their heads and said there is no doubt.

Now everyone hopes that Qiye will take everyone to make a fortune, so naturally they will not deliberately make things difficult for this matter.

In fact, these directors still hope that Yakumo Midong can make some mistakes.

This not only gives them a reason to blame Qiye, but also learns more.

After all, successful cases are the same, but failed cases always have their own problems.

Anyway, it is the children of relatives who really fail, and everyone does not feel distressed.

Because they all know that Kiryu Qiye will not let the FGO project fail.

If something really happens, then the most profitable man in the director will definitely interfere.

Since the project can't die, money can be allocated again.

Why don't you have so much knowledge?

"Dear directors, I will do everything I can to accomplish this task."

Yakumo Midong felt very excited inside.

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