Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1479

It's not just because if the plan is passed, you can get a promotion and raise your salary to become the master planner of the game.

It is also because I can design FGO's related peripherals, and the operation of secretly leaving a copy for myself in the name of souvenirs will become easier.

The representative of Sony said with a calm face, "Ms. Yakumo, please work hard."

As a Japanese, he actually advocates a corporate management model based on prioritizing capital.

For Qiye's exceptional promotion of such a young employee to become a project manager, he himself does not agree very much.

But considering that Kiryu Nanaya is above him at the age of 30, he can't veto anything.

"Then next is the next issue."

Qiye turned over this part of the FGO game, and then picked up another project about online dramas and said.

"[Erque Studio] will cooperate with FGO Films to produce a series of online dramas in the past few years. After finishing the [Erque Studio], [See Moon] will be responsible for the unified acquisition..."

Before Qiyehua finished speaking, he was interrupted by a representative from Universal.

"Sorry, pause." The other party raised his hand and said in surprise, "We didn't know this before."

"Yes, because this matter was discussed by [Erque Studio] and I submitted it to you today. Are there any questions?"

Qiye looked at him with scrutiny eyes.

The representative of Universal opened his mouth, and after a moment of entanglement, he said nonchalantly: "Sorry, but it just feels a bit abrupt."

The other representatives exchanged worried glances with each other.

"What is the content of these web dramas?"

"At present, the second season of "The Monarch Elmero II Incident Book", a collection of funny short stories, and..."

Qiye paused, he carefully observed the expressions of other people and said: "FGO's web drama."

"FGO's web drama?"

Confused expressions appeared on the faces of all non-Jiufeng members present.

Shion smiled slightly when she heard this, and took a sip of the tea she had on hand.

Zhizhi's brows jumped violently.

Although Qiye had passed his anger with him a long time ago, when Qiye officially announced it, he still felt his liver scream.

Delegates have made comments, don’t watch FGO’s first film officially released today on a large scale.

But the movie's outstanding midnight box office results have already been known to everyone sitting here.

Otherwise, these people will not agree to the FGO mobile game plan just now.

But they didn't expect that there would be a TV series.

"Is such that."

Qiye coughed slightly to signal everyone to be quiet, and then he explained the origin of the web drama to everyone.

"When designing the FGO project, we designed a lot of peculiarities." Qiye said slowly, supporting his chin with both hands.

"The movie-like ideas are our best ideas, but that doesn't mean that other ideas are rubbish."

"You should be aware of the peculiarities of the chapter mode of the FGO story, so using those abandoned projects to shoot web dramas will not have much impact on the main line of the movie."

The remaining main line singularities were filmed into web dramas, which was the result of several discussions between Qiye and the FGO team.

On the one hand, according to Jiufeng's current schedule, FGO will be released at the rate of two movies per year in the next few years.

It's just that despite the tight schedule in film production, it seems a bit empty on the actors' side.

After all, as a special effects blockbuster, most of the post-production of FGO films takes much longer than the shooting time.

Therefore, the main actors will have a lot of gaps between a movie and a movie.

However, for FGO's publicity plan, it seems that the actors are not enough to pick up other jobs during this time.

That's why online dramas are used to fill the gaps.

Of course this is what Qiye gave to the [See Moon] board of directors.

After all, the so-called main actors here actually refer to the trio of Inugai, Yumi, and Kujokaze.

These three signed long-term contracts with Jiufeng.

In order to ensure the maximum utilization of their popularity on FGO, Jiufeng Entertainment certainly will not allow them to pick up other crews during FGO shooting.

But it's not a problem to just put people around and don't do anything. Not only does it waste their popularity, but the senses for the three actors are not very good.

Therefore, it is very necessary for them to find something to do.

And the other reason that prompted Qiye to decide to make the FGO web drama version was because of film considerations.

The linkage between the big screen and the small screen is very rare in the world.

Apart from Marvel, not many film and television works dare to do this.

And in this life, even Marvel has not officially announced the "S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents" plan, just a simple draft.

Qiye believes that this kind of movie viewing mode in which series and movies exist under the same worldview is a very novel experience for many fans.

As for those passerby parties, don’t worry too much. After all, these peculiarities will not affect the main content of the movie too much.

Just watching the movie version instead of watching the web drama will not affect their understanding of the plot.


pS1: Netflix can really be said to be the chosen son of heaven.

Let alone the development of the network environment.

When the wretchedness was developing, the six major teams were busy giving MGM a share, but they did not have time to work together to encircle DreamWorks.

And now the Sixth National Congress is planning to encircle him, and as a result the epidemic has emerged...

Now Netflix's market value has surpassed Disney, becoming the largest entertainment company in North America by market value.

In fact, when the Marvel cooperation expires, the Oscar's zero closure can be regarded as the six major suppressions on Netflix.

In addition to the original works produced by Netflix in recent years, most of the adaptations are foreign works. It can also be seen that he is not welcome in the North American copyright community.

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