Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1494

So everyone, go to bed first._(:з∠)_

The teacher in the class tomorrow is disgusting, there should be only 2 more.orz

Don't say anything, Michan has gone to codewords.

Chapter 815 Come on, let's make the actors younger [plus 9/11]

Although every one of the more than 50 people who came to participate in the audition was extremely nervous, in fact the results of the audition were decided before it started.

These actors will all become actors in "Da Qin", but the roles they play will be different.

Someone like Xiao Mustard can play an important role like Yu Ji.

However, those actors who do not meet the requirements of Qiye can at least get the role of an NPC.

"Da Qin" needs a lot of celestial actors, enough for 50 people.

Looking at it this way, the audition this time has a bit of a taste of the ancient imperial examinations of the Heavenly Dynasty.

Admissions are all admissions, but the levels separated will have a deep impact on their future development of stardom.

Undoubtedly, the trio who Lily called the vixen were all admitted, and they were all asked to play the main roles in the movie by Nanya.

In addition, Xiao Wasabi and Qin Jue signed a contract with Jiufeng to become members of [Trier], and began to conduct activities in the Celestial Dynasty and Japan as members.

Although Xiao Mustard and Qin Jue are not the first foreign members in [Trier], their joining the group still caused a lot of controversy.

The reason is that these two individuals did not pass the selection, but were directly parachuted into the team.

It's because Shion somehow conveyed to the members of [Trier] Xiao Wasabi's interesting hint to Nanya.

This directly makes [Trier] a fryer.

After all, more than half of the important members of this idol team are inextricably linked to Qiye.

Therefore, after Xiao Mustard and Qin Jue joined the group, they were immediately squeezed out by others.

That's why Ah Fu, Ba Ga, didn't know the situation, and stupidly contacted the two people.

Qiye knew about the encounter between Xiao Mustard and Qin Jue, but he did not come forward, nor made any comments.

This incident itself started because of me, and my own intervention would make the two girls more marginalized.

Xiao Mustard's EQ is not low. Although Qin Jue is a little naive, she is also a smart girl.

I believe that after a long time, they will gradually integrate into the team.

Because as long as Qiye shows that they are not interesting to these two little girls, Lily and the others will definitely accept them.

In fact, during the audition in the Heavenly Dynasty, Xiao Mustard made a very vague mention about the original agreement between the two of them.

Unfortunately, Lily was standing beside Qiye at that time.

Staring at Qiye didn't count, Lily even secretly opened the recorder.

So Qiye could only use the phrase "I'll talk later" to prevaricate the past.

As for Lily, or whether Shion behind Lily could hear anything else, Qiye couldn't control it.

Chinese is broad and profound, and it is normal to have multiple understandings of a sentence.

In the future, even if Shion asked about it, Qiye said that what she said was only the first level, and that you thought of going to the second level.

As for Gao Changgong, Qiye originally wanted to throw him into [Trier]'s branch.

But the fact that Gao Changgong is a male has long been known to everyone. Throwing him to [Trier] is likely to reveal the secret of Ah Fu's gender.

So Qiye gave up this idea.

It's amazing to say, even though Ah Fu has never concealed his gender.

But up to now, all [Trier] fans have not seen that this gender is not female.

On the contrary, fans think that the idol with long pink hair is an innocent and lovely energetic girl.

So more and more fans are asking Ah Fu to join the official [Trier] team.

[Trier] Of course, it is impossible for operations to agree to such a request.

They can only use Ah Fu as the main force of the sub-group, and words such as he has no meaning at all after the sub-group leaves the fans.

But because of this, many fans think that Ah Fu has been treated unfairly.

In order to get their idols the treatment they deserve, fans are almost doing their best to support Ah Fu.

There were even two handshake meetings, and Ah Fu's cutting speed was even earlier than Lily.

In response, [Trier] members started to call this gender column by the nickname []. What is [??] Guy.

In addition to the three acquaintances, Qiye also saw many other interesting actors.

For example, there is a young girl who came from the opera class of Yue opera. Her basic performances are very solid, and she has her own characteristics.

Qiye is still very touched by the relative decline of Chinese opera, and the girl who is willing to study so seriously.

Although this little girl is willing to learn Yue Opera, it is more because of family inheritance.

But in this year, it is good for young people to learn.

In fact, Qiye still feels very much about traditional folk art.

Even though he knew that the decline of Chinese opera was an inevitable result, he still wanted to give it a hand when he saw this little girl.

It can only be said that as a director, there is always a relatively literate heart.

You should know that Hong Kong director Fatty Wang, who is famous for his feces, is very enthusiastic about art movies, and even took the initiative to invest in several art movies.

In fact, for Qiye, doing this kind of thing has nothing to do with whether he is a complete businessman or not.

This is more to be regarded as paying the bill for his rich man's interest in himself.

Therefore, this little girl named Mu Bing became the only member of the celestial dynasty to join [Trier] this time apart from Xiao Mustard and Qin Jue.

But she did not go to the main group, but to the deputy group.

Qiye also knew that this little girl had a relatively small audience, so let her start with the deputy team.

However, in the movie "The Great Qin Empire", Qiye still gave her a role with quite a lot of scenes-Jing Ke.

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