Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1495

After all, this role is a key role that promotes the development of the story.

The two changes of the first emperor's attitude towards Chaldea were related to Jing Ke.

Including the first encounter with each other and the second assassination by Jing Ke.

Although Jing Ke's behavior looks like a child's play from the result.

But it was precisely because she showed the first emperor the possibility of human self-development that the first emperor re-examined his behavior and made a change.

In Jing Ke's appearance setting, there is a red eye shadow with a very strong flavor of Chinese opera.

This is the reason why Qiye thought of asking this little girl with opera skills to play Jing Ke.

The audience in the celestial dynasty pays much attention to form, and it will definitely be a good publicity point for actors with a background in opera to play such a role.

On the other hand, Qiye chooses an actor with a background in opera to play Jing Ke, which can be regarded as Qiye's way of coping with this role being mothered in Xingyue.

For Jing Ke, including the gender of another Nezha, Qiye intends to use obscuration.

He will let Jing Ke and Nezha be played by female actors, but these two characters will not mention gender in the story.

Nezha is better to say something.

Except for Duan Yu and Miss Ma Jinlian's husband, Mr. Wang, a few versions of Nezha were performed by boys.

In most other film and television works, Nezha is basically played by women.

This is especially true in the 86 version of "Journey to the West" which was regarded as a classic by the audience in the celestial dynasty.

Therefore, as long as Qiye does not deliberately reveal the gender of the character, she will slightly modify Nezha's clothing to make it more traditional.

Basically, there are not many celestial audiences who have opinions on this.

But Jing Ke is different. Even now, Qiye still remembers the uproar caused by the female version of Jing Ke in a certain mobile game in her previous life.

It is not FGO, but the MOBA type.

Qiye didn't want to be boycotted by the audiences of the celestial dynasty by being labeled as distorting history.

Not to mention that there are few Fate nymphs in Qiye's hands.

Even Fate fans have not been used to the trend of babbling historical figures.

Of course, Altria is an exception.

After all, Altria, who everyone loves, must be privileged.

But if the dramatization of this character is aggravated, take it as a representative of the Chinese opera culture in the movie.

Qiye believes that the audience will be much more receptive.

Although the singers in ancient times were all male, even female characters were sung by males.

Mr. Lu Xun, the creator of Internet famous sentences, also commented specifically on this matter.

However, since the Republic of China, female singers began to show up.

With the development of opera, the number of women on the stage began to increase, and even became the main force in the opera industry.

In modern times, many people think that modern singing should be the work of women.

In such a big environment, it is not too strange to let some actresses play male roles in costume dramas.

The most typical example is "Legend of White Lady".

But even so, not all roles can adopt women.

If it is really that way, it's simple, but the problem is that the role of the first emperor can't use female actors at all.

The character of Emperor Shi almost made Qiye sad.

Qiye tried to interview several young actors, but it was difficult for them to act like the first emperor's domineering.

But if you hire a middle-aged actor, you feel too old.

The first emperor was a well-known senile phobia. The longevity he pursued was placed at the top of the 2,000-year history of the emperor.

When such a person reshapes his body, the age of appearance will certainly not adopt middle age.

Therefore, if you choose a middle-aged and stable actor, then there will be a problem with age.

Until Qiye returned to the United States from the Heavenly Dynasty, he was still worried about this matter.

Finally, Qiye saw Downey at the Marvel Cinematic Universe Symposium, and only then came up with a solution.

"Can you say your request again?"

Roger Gate, the former light and magic industry special effects artist and the special effects director of the FGO series, looked at his boss in surprise.

Qiye said with a serious face: "Roger, I need to make the actors young through CG processing. Can your team do it?"

"How old are you going to be younger?"

"From middle age to youth." Qiye said after thinking about it.

Roger Gate touched his bald head that looked like a goose egg, and said with embarrassment: "No one has ever considered this kind of thing. I can only say try my best. Let my team try it for a month. ."

Qiye wasn't very satisfied with this answer, but she could only wait.

Fortunately, this month and seven nights do not have to wait.

The annual San Diego comic show is here, and he is going to San Diego to attend the live press conference.

pS1: Unexpectedly, someone in the past guessed that the special effects are getting younger 2333

Originally, Michan saw that someone guessed that she wanted to exchange it, but after thinking about it, it was fine._(:з∠)_

pS2: The usual weekend PY, this time I recommend two books by Michan's friends.

[Relentless Code Word Machine]

"Hercules just wants to live a peaceful life"

And [Cat Playing with Flannel Ball]

"The Greek Gods Want Me to Confess"

Because both of them are based on Greek mythology, they are recommended together.

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