Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1496

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Chapter 816

After Qiye threw the special effects request to Jiufeng's special effects department, he temporarily put it aside.

To be honest, it is still unknown whether today's special effects technology can make an actor rejuvenate his appearance.

Although Qiye is not a professional technical worker, but has done so many special effects movies, he still has a little knowledge of film technology.

It is not that simple to achieve the complete replacement of the actor's face.

The special effects technology required by the rejuvenation emperor is far more complicated than the producer Ma Xiangyu.

After all, for the inhuman role, the audience knows that it is not human, so some details can be slightly blurred.

But using special effects to "make up" people a few dozen years younger is not so simple.

This is even completely two concepts with the head-changing technology that appeared in Captain America.

In "Captain America", showing the weak Steve Rogers is not that difficult.

Just let the little stuntman and Chris Evans perform separately in front of the camera.

Then just pick Chris Evans' head off and put it on the little actor.

There is basically no difficulty in the whole process, just pay attention to the correct position of the head and cut out the picture.

But the "rejuvenation" that Qiye requires is not such a simple cut and paste job.

If you want to make the special effects fake and real, you must model the actor's face to ensure that every detail of the actor's face is seamless.

To achieve this, the special effects equipment captures the actor's facial data as detailed as possible.

This requires high equipment accuracy, Qiye wonders if Jiufeng's team can do it at this stage.

Qiye knows very well that the most troublesome and difficult part of CGI special effects production is the production of human faces.

No matter how subtle the expression on the actor's face is, when the computer is processing, the face is data of hundreds of face points.

So far, even in Hollywood, I have not tried purely CG methods to "make up" actors.

After all, the cost is too high, and the price/performance ratio is so low that various special effects studios will not develop related technologies.

Nowadays, the common practice in the film industry is to let actors solve this problem through makeup.

Or simply find another actor to act in the relevant passage.

The major Hollywood film makers are shrewd, and they won't take the initiative to develop this thankless technology so kindly.

And this situation will not completely change until the emergence of a movie.

The name of this movie is "Fast and Furious 7".

Because the movie star Paul Walker died in a car accident during filming.

As a result, the movie project could not go on for a while.

Generally speaking, when the film crew encounters this kind of thing, they can only change actors to reshoot.

But "Quick Attack 7" had already been filmed quite a bit at the time, and Paul was the lead actor.

If the actors are to be replaced, most of the previous materials will be wasted, and the investment cost will be greatly increased.

So the then Universal and film director Wen Ziren made a very risky and unconventional decision.

They decided to resurrect Paul Walker on the screen.

The stakes were high on this decision, but they succeeded.

Not only did "Speedy 7" retain the traditional flavor of the series, but it also made people all over the world miss Paul Walker, a previously less famous actor.

In order to make Paul Walker appear on the screen as perfectly as possible.

The method used by the director Wen Ziren is to first let Paul's two younger brothers perform in front of the camera.

In the later stage, the younger brother in the lens was "make-up" into the older brother with special effects technology.

Although the cost of doing so was high, it even caused the movie to be postponed.

But the result of spending so much energy is worth it.

Relying on the sentiment card of Paul Walker, the box office of "Racing 7" can be said to be soaring compared with the same series.

For the entire film industry, the special effects makeup technology applied in "Quick Shock 7" is a blessing for everyone.

But what is more interesting is that although Universal is the film company that develops this technology.

But it was Disney that was first used on the screen.

The old scene of Peggy in "Captain America 2" should be the earliest screen result of this technology.

Earlier than this, movies with special effects "make-up" are not without, but basically all have big flaws.

I don't know if I have benefited from this technology. It is also Disney who will use this technology the most in the future.

Disney has used this technology in films such as "Civil War", "Pirates of the Caribbean 5", and "Endgame".

Qiye now hopes that the special effects part of Jiufeng will develop this "makeup technique" in advance.

But to be honest, Qiye doesn't know if Jiufeng's special effects team can do it.

But Qiye is very clear about one thing. If even the Jiufeng Special Effects Department integrated with Light and Magic Industry can't do it, then there is no special effects studio in the world that can complete this task.

"In short, we have to prepare with both hands."

In the high-speed car, Qiye withdrew his gaze from the highway leading to San Diego, and turned to look at Ryori, who was sitting next to him.

"If Roger's technology can't do it, then we can only consider the younger generation of actors."

"Understood, let me first let the actors from Jiufeng Tianchao find them first."

Of course Zhiye understands Qiye's thoughts: "Anyway, apart from the first emperor, there are still a few roles that have not been implemented. Just take them by the way to find actors."

"Trouble you, remember to follow up on both sides."

Qiye nodded slightly, expressing affirmation.

He has always had great ambitions and expectations for the FGO series.

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