Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 158

Because Qiye himself is also a two-handed knife, he learned a lot from the marketing methods of those Internet companies before.

Fortunately, Shion and Kirishu complemented each other, and finally decided on the general publicity plan of "Goblin Slayer".

During the period, Illiya and Mrs. Ellie visited the reception room when they were resting on the way.

However, the two people were not too interested in what Qiye discussed

In the words of Mrs. Eri, "This kind of thing for men, we women don't need to blend in, we just need silent support."

As a result, Shion, whose gender has been modified, can only have a black question mark on his face.

Although Qiye speeded up as much as possible, the entire publicity plan was too complicated. Although there was a general plan, there were too many aspects to consider in terms of specific plans.

Throughout the day, Keishi and Shion’s mobile phones have not been stopped. It is not because they are constantly harassing them, but because they need to keep calling to confirm whether the various departments of the company can provide the corresponding resources.

As a result, when Qiye returned to God, the sky outside was completely dark.

"Ah, this time has come, I have been busy and I have forgotten the time."

Illya, who was lying on the edge of the table and had been observing Qiye’s work, glanced at the clock and said, "Hey~, Ernie...Big brother, you can stay for dinner tonight! It's already late~"

"It's okay, but Ilia, have you done anything?"

Qiye looked at the happy little Lolita, as if this Lolita had done nothing but acted as the background board.

Illya laughed and patted Qiye on the back: "Euny...big brother, if you chase details like this, you will be like Uncle Golang and will only die alone until middle age."

[So Illia also watched "The Lonely Gourmet"?But what is this metaphor?Is it a curious metaphor that belongs to Ilia alone?

"Mo~Ouni... Big brother, just say you don’t have dinner."

It is estimated that Qiye has not spoken for a long time, and Illya is a little unhappy.

"Of course, Lord Ilia. Please let me eat."

Of course Qiye would not refuse to be able to Cengfan, although Qiye's eyes urged him to get out as soon as possible, Qiye selectively ignored it.

"Is this time already? I should go, too."

Shion looked up at the sky, and she quickly packed up her things.

"It's okay. You can also stay for dinner with Shionjang. It's just two more chopsticks. Tonight is a full crab feast~"

Mrs. Eri grabbed Shion's arm.

Shion seemed to want to refuse, but Ai Li directly took her towards the reception room.

"Mr. Assistant, come here too. Those who are here are all guests. Inadequate care can damage the facade of Longgu's house."

"Then bother."

Iioka was more refreshing than his boss, and directly agreed.I don't know if it was due to etiquette or because it was a full crab feast.

In this way, the group headed to the restaurant with Mrs. Ai Li and the Shion she was holding.

Longgu’s restaurant was not too far away from the reception room. It took almost 1 minute to walk there, and it did not appear to have walked for dozens of minutes as before.

However, Qiye was very concerned about the metal nameplate engraved with [Zwei Zhi Angel Restaurant] above the restaurant door.

[Could it be that there are other restaurants such as [Throne Seraph] and [Drei ]?

"Yes." Mrs. Eri replied with a smile. "There are 7 restaurants in the villa with different uses. This second restaurant is used to entertain regular customers."


[Seven restaurants, are you going to fight the halberd version of the Holy Grail War?

Qiye couldn't get the points for these names at all, but he chose to ignore it.

This second-ranked restaurant is not too big, but the chandelier installed on the ceiling emits light like a small sun.

Under the chandelier is a round table, and the main seat of the table, Mr. Longgu Nengcheng, has already been sitting there waiting for everyone.

"You are here."

Seeing everyone walking into the restaurant, the old man immediately smiled from his heart.

"Dad, you have been waiting for a long time."

Ai Li first pushed Shion to a side seat to sit down, while she herself sat next to Neng Cheng.

"Dad, hello."

Kirishu sat calmly on the other side of Ai Li's free space.

Iioka consciously sat to the right of Shion, but in order not to disturb his boss's meal, he deliberately vacated a seat with Shion.

Qiye didn't want to rely on Keiji to eat, because it was estimated that both of them would eat very uncomfortably, so he learned Iioka to be on Shion's left.

"Ilia, sit down with Dad."

Keiji smiled and waved to his baby girl. He had been working in North America all year and wanted to get close to his daughter.

After all, it is only a few days after the Chinese New Year that I can see my daughter. Of course, I must seize every opportunity to be with her.

But Ilia turned her head to the right.



The daughter refused so simply, Kirishi's face was full of loss.He looked as if his whole person had become gray and white, his head drooped and he looked as if he had lost motivation for the world.

"Haha!" The old man Nengcheng let out a relieved laugh, "With me, your kid still wants to grab Ilia with me. Give me peace of mind to eat. Come, Ilia, come to Grandpa's side. Come."


Ilia turned her head to the left this time.


Longgu Nengcheng has also become exactly the same as Keishu.

"Really, our man is really useless."

Ellie shook her head. She beckoned to her daughter and said, "Come on, Illiyachan is coming to mom."

"No more."

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