Shadow queen development plan

The Queen's Training Plan Chapter 159

Yiliya refused her family again. This time she ran all the way to Qiye's side and sat down next to the seat on the left of Qiye.

"That... Illya?"

"I'm going to have dinner with Ernie...Big brother." Illia said and pulled Qiye's arm, "Na, na. Ernie...Big brother, tell me about New Zealand. Right, I saw the photo you sent me. Is the scenery there really that beautiful?"

"Hey! Illya! This is a dad who can only see once a year..."

"Hmm... it has been very noisy since just now~ Illya hates such Kirishi!"

"Discuss... annoying?!"

The expression on Kirishu's face now seemed to be sapped by someone, as if he had seen the end of the world.

"Anyway, Tankiji will come back every year, but Illya hasn't seen O'Neill for a long time this time... Big brother, this is a rare opportunity."

"Aha, aha. The girls from our Longgu family are really traditional out there~"

Alice Phil held her cheek with one hand, her face full of relief.

[Madam, this kind of thing is not at all proud, right?

Looking at the sights of the two big men like deep-seated women, Qiye felt that this was definitely the most tiring meal she had eaten.


pS: Let me say I'm sorry to everyone. Originally, Mijiang planned to add more tonight, but it was already finished.But at night Michan suddenly felt uncomfortable and was about to go to the hospital, so the increase was delayed.

In fact, Mijiang felt uncomfortable during the day, but thought that she didn't care about minor problems, and it suddenly got worse at night.I went to the bathroom just now, but when I wiped the toilet paper, it was all blood. I was so frightened that Mi Jiang almost thought that her aunt was here, and then she was relieved when she thought about her gender.

Because Michan doesn't know what will happen tomorrow, in order to ensure full attendance tomorrow, the update of the next chapter is temporarily held in her hand.

I'm so sorry!Ing

Chapter 123

Longgu’s dinner is indeed rich. It is said that the whole crab feast is not compromised at all. All the dishes are made of good hairy crabs.

The appetizer is crab meat salad, the soup is crab meat soup, followed by the cheese baked crab treasure, and then the grilled crab legs and crab meat hot pot are served, and the staple food is the millet porridge boiled in crab soup of crab meat hot pot.

This meal can be said to be the ultimate use of a crab, all parts are used, and every part of the delicious taste.

Shion and Iioka are very happy to eat, but Qiye is not a happy one.

Although this is the best and most expensive crab meal that Qiye has ever eaten in her life, Ryugu Nengcheng and Kirishu's eyes wanting to stew him together with the crabs really affect their appetite.

The reason is that Illiya was by her side for the whole meal. Little Lori was very interested in the experience of Seven Nights shooting in New Zealand, and she kept asking questions.

When Qiye finished a filming experience every time, Little Lolita would utter admiration with a very admiring look, and then—

The gaze of being able to become and Kirishi became even more resentful.

"Obviously I am the most powerful filmmaker in Japan..."

This is a frustrated movie emperor.

"The movies I made are not bad, at least more awards than this kid won..."

This is some stupid dad who has been desperate.

"You two, give me a little more seriousness!"

Alice Phil directly gave two men a hand knife, and she was very pleased that Ilia was close to Qiye.In the eyes of this wife, this should be the growth of her own daughter.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality, so I will return to the company first."

After eating, Qiye chose to leave very consciously.Otherwise, the two sitting across from him might be desperate.

Compared to staying here to find uncomfortable, Qiye now prefers to return to the studio, even if it is a floor shop, it is better than here.

"Qiyae you want to go back to the city, then I will send you off."

Alice Phil was about to get up as she said.

"Puff——————" *N

After hearing this sentence, many people directly sprayed it out.

[What a joke, are you planning to murder?!

Alice Phil’s driving skills can be described as wild, almost driving the car as a tank.

It was okay in North America, because the road over there was fairly spacious.But now it's in Japan, and it's Tokyo and not Gunma Prefecture, so I'm afraid that this lady will not be driving over it all the way.

Although Kiriji and Nosari hoped that Qiye could live in Tokyo Bay forever, the passers-by were innocent, so they quickly got up and stopped their wife (daughter).

"Good girl, it's rare for you to go home once, so don't be so tired. Let Sierra send Qiye off."

"Eri, let's watch a movie together tonight, don't go out and drive."

"Mom, let's play games with our mother and daughter!"

Nengcheng, Keishi and Illiya immediately put down the things in their hands, and worked together to press Mrs. Ellie on the chair.

"Yes, yes. I have to go back anyway, let me send Qiye off."

The expression on Shion's face also became very embarrassing. She didn't dare to let Ellie drive after she had been in a car once.That wasn't even a drag racing, it was a complete murder.

"Then Qiye, we are gone."

For fear of Eri's insistence, Shion Limara dragged the collar out of the door after staying for seven nights.

"I'll give away some people."

Sierra followed immediately, and she quickly opened the door to take people away.

"Ouni...bye, big brother."

Even though Illya feels a little regretful that Qiye left so quickly, if she gets caught by her mother more slowly--

Sure enough, O'Neill's life matters.

"Huh? Huh?"

Alice Phil looked at everyone around him strangely, and everyone seemed to take the initiative to arrange everything before he realized it.

"Why are you all so nervous?"


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