Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1616

"I think the biggest problem is Rocky."

Lily commented: "As the protagonist of the movie, Thor is not the most eye-catching character in the movie, so this movie is simply called "Rocky"."

"These are all problems."

Qiye agrees with the two young ladies around him.

They are now considered insiders in the movie, and they can naturally see some problems.

After returning to the hotel, Qiye didn't go back to the room to sleep directly, but sat on a seat in the coffee shop on the edge of the lobby.

"Marvel wanted to make the "Thor" series into an epic movie too much, but they forgot the essence of the original comic book of the character "Thor"."

Although everyone hears the character of Marvel's fantasy color style, the first thing that comes to mind is Doctor Strange.

But in fact, it is Thor.

By the way, the plot of the early comic book of Thor is actually a bit similar to the movie version of Guardians of the Galaxy, but with mythological elements.

Drinking coffee, Qiye said with a long face: "Sure enough, this series still needs the director who is destined to heaven."

"Taiga Viditi?"

Ryan remembered what happened when he was an assistant to Qiye during "Madoka".

"Yes." Qiye nodded and admitted.

Many people in the previous life were a little disappointed with "Thor 3", Qiye thinks that these people were misled by the name "Twilight of the Gods".

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, a movie with the name "God Twilight" should be a serious epic movie.

But Qiye feels that comedy movies are closer to the role of Thor in the comics.

Of course it may not.

After all, Marvel has too many manga series for several important characters, and the positioning of a character has been rewritten many times.

But the "Thor 3" in my memory must have restored the flavor of the early universe fantasy adventure of "Thor" comics.

To be honest, Qiye doesn't think that telling the story of the earth in the Thor series is so interesting.

A god who speaks a standard British accent and comes from outer space, why must he keep his eyes on the earth?

Is it not good to have this leisure time to expand the worldview of the movie universe?

Qiye remembered that he had mentioned reducing the content of the earth as much as possible in this movie, but it was clear that the Marvel gang became deaf ears.

As Qiye was thinking about it, Serra came over with a stack of papers.

Although traveling around the world, Qiye couldn't completely throw away his job, so the two maids also acted as his assistants.

"Jiufeng Entertainment sent the materials over."

Serra walked to the table and passed the materials in her hand.

Ryan subconsciously wanted to take it over and transfer it to Qiye, but did so before Serra.

Ryan, with his hands hanging in the air, was a little embarrassed.

"Miss Lane, you are no longer an assistant now, just leave these things to me."

Serra said to Ryan in an official tone.

Despite the very good reasons, Ryan heard a provocative taste.

Ryan put down his hands in a sorrowful voice: "That's really hard for you, Serra~"

"Nothing, this is what I should do."

Although Serra was expressionless when she said this, Ryan made up for the other's sneer.

[Sure enough, this guy...]

Ryan glanced at Qiye who was reading the information, his eyes were full of helplessness.

pS: Although Mr. Hai (actor of Thor) is Australian, in the "Thor" series he uses standard English accent.

Obviously, Marvel initially defined Thor as a costume movie.

This is also the reason why Ritoni and Thor in "Avengers 1" would complain about the other party in Shakespeare's play when they first met.

Chapter 876

Qiye put the finished materials on the table.

"Sure enough."

Qiye sighed with emotion.

As soon as he picked up the coffee and drank it, he found that Lily, Ryan and Serra were all looking straight at him.

"what happened?"

Qiye's instinct told herself that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong.

"Nothing." Ryan shook his head. "What is true?"

"The stats of Thor 2."

Qiye sipped coffee and replied briefly.

"Are you not doing well?"

Thinking of Qiye's criticism of the movie just now, Ryan guessed.

"I think the results are not bad?"

Lily picked up the materials, "The first weekend score is 92.33 million U.S. dollars. The current North American box office score has reached 202.2 million U.S. dollars, and the global box office has exceeded 500 million U.S. dollars."

"The next week's data dropped too much." Qiye responded.

"Insufficient stamina?" Ryan was a little worried. "You won't lose money, right?"

Qiye shook his head: "No, this is the benefit of the movie universe. A decline in the standard of a movie will not affect the box office too much."

The greatest charm of the movie universe is that it makes people chase like a series.

Just like watching a TV series, the level of an episode will not affect the overall ratings.

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