Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1617

Only when several consecutive movies are bad, the mediocre consequences of "Thor 2" will be revealed.

Fortunately, the two titles of "Captain America 2" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" after "Thor 2" are both high-quality works, and Qiye is not worried about the overall decline.

"So, I am worrying for nothing?"

Ryan put his hands on his chest and pouted.

"Why, Ryan, your worries are very reasonable. It is imperative to change the director of the Thor series."

Qiye tried to appease Ryan, only to see that the other party was winking at Sierra.

"What are they doing?"

Qiye asked Lily secretly.

"who knows."

Lily rolled her eyes, she threw the materials onto the table.

"Although "Thor 2" has a mediocre box office, the peripheral sales are very good. So far, the global peripheral sales have added up to 300 million US dollars."

Lily looked at Qiye enviously: "You have made a lot of money, Qiye."

Qiye laughed happily: "After all, peripheral consumption is more of impulse consumption. As long as the movie is not too bad, most fans will still be willing to pay."

Although Thor has always been the worst of the Big Three, as the protagonist of the Marvel independent film series, Thor's charm is beyond doubt.

"In addition, the peak consumption season of Christmas...It's really better than people, so angry..." Lily sighed slightly.

"What's wrong?"

Qiye didn't know where she had upset this young lady again.

"I thought I was rich enough, but Qiye you are richer than me!"

Lily came over, and she curled Qiye's chin with her index finger.

"Now, Qiye. Since you made so much this time, shouldn't you treat you~~"

Qiye's forehead is full of black lines: "Are you asking other people's attitude?"

"Haha~~" Lily let out a laugh from the queen, "So, for someone like you, I should be tougher..."

Before Lily could finish her words, she was put back to her place by Ryan and Serra.

"Lily, you have crossed the line."

"Miss Lily, you should be more reserved."


Lily skimmed the two people with the light of her eyes.

"Men are all demons, Miss Lily, you have to be on guard. Maybe Qiye will attack you at night."

Serra reminded in a calm tone.

"If that's the case, I can't ask for it." Lily gave a provocative look, "I'm afraid someone doesn't even have the courage."

Ryan nodded his head and agreed: "Indeed, this guy Qiye didn't take the initiative the first time."

[You guys... what do you think of me!

Qiye angrily picked up her cup and drank all the coffee.

"I'm going to bed."

Qiye got up angrily.

When she walked out of the cafe, Qiye clearly heard the silver bells of the girls.

Early the next morning, Qiye called Barrie, who was helping him with affairs in the United States, and asked her to communicate with Marvel.

This is a more euphemistic way of saying that, in fact, it is through Barry to tell Marvel about their attitude.

I didn't look at you for a second, you are just messing around!

If something similar happens again, let him crawl!

After hitting Marvel, Qiye and his party walked east along the China-Europe Railway to the Heavenly Dynasty.

Although he has been to the heaven more than once, Qiye stayed here for several days.

In addition to traveling in several important cities, Qiye participated in an interview with a TV station, which is considered to be a boost for "Da Qin" in the Heavenly Dynasty.

With the announcement of the Tianchao schedule, Jiufeng's Tianchao branch also began various publicity.

With the rapid development of the Chinese film market in the past two years, Hollywood has been eyeing this super big cake.

From the Hollywood blockbusters released every year, it can be seen that in order to share this huge market with more than one billion people, Hollywood is increasing the elements here accordingly.

Jiufeng and Disney should be the companies that value this market most among all Hollywood companies, but they are not the only ones who want this piece of cake.

It's just that there are probably few people in Hollywood who know better than Qiye, that the elements of the celestial dynasty can not be added to please the audience.

Because of cultural differences, the simple appearance of one or two landmarks, or the meaningless addition of actors from the celestial dynasty, cannot make the celestial audience pay.

On the contrary, this will have a counterproductive effect and make the audiences of the celestial dynasty hate it.

In fact, the massive use of celestial actors as important roles in movies like Qiye is not what ordinary Hollywood crews dare to do.

After all, with the exception of Qiye, the fact that most of the roles use Asian actors will not appear in a film project with a production cost of hundreds of millions of dollars.

The thinking of these people still stays at the level of finding some Chinese or other actors on the other side of the Pacific to play soy sauce.

But I don't know that this approach will only make the audience over there take the initiative to abandon the movie.

Looking at the whole Hollywood, Qiye is the clearest group of people in dealing with the celestial market.

Many of the "Chinese elements" that are forcibly implanted, or the "Chinese elements" that Hollywood thinks.

This is simply an act of "superfluous".

Because the self-esteem of the audience in the celestial dynasty is probably the strongest in the world.

The audiences of the heavenly dynasty will not laugh at the wrong presentation of their own country's culture.

However, from an objective point of view, the audience of the celestial dynasty in this era is probably the best movie audience in the world.

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