Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1633

In terms of commercial film sensation, Hollywood directors are undoubtedly the world's top level.

Kiryu Nanaya is not the most powerful of them, but at least the top batch.

Just look at this scene.

There is no need to use many clever means, directly in the simplest and most direct way to sensation.

Even if the audience can see that the film is sensational, they are intoxicated and enjoy the emotions the film brings.

Not to mention the audience, even if he is a professional director, the scene just now felt enthusiastic.

At this point, his own director of the celestial dynasty is not enough.

He has also made large-scale commercial films such as "Assembly Number" and "Tangshan Earthquake", and these films also used sensational techniques to arouse the emotions of the audience.

But the overall rhythm is worse than that of Kiryu Nanaya, a Hollywood director.

Lao Feng felt that this gap was much harder to track than the gap in pure special effects technology.

After all, the technological gap can be made up with money, but this is a question of the level of filmmakers.

Although he can see the problems in his previous movies, he has no idea how to change it.

"Perhaps we should try to plan the front and back parts of the sensational bridge?"

Lao Feng felt that after the film was released on a large scale, he could watch it twice, so that he might be able to learn Hollywood sensationalism.

In fact, Qiye's sensational technique is not simply a matter of exciting the audience.

The plot of the movie should serve the entire movie, especially those that emphasize the portrayal, and give the audience a clear feedback.

Qiye is not an artist, nor is this movie made for critics.

Therefore, after personal heroism, it is to let the audience see the meaning of Spartacus' sacrifice in the most intuitive way.

His will was passed down, and the hope of mankind was ignited!

For the first time, the people of this country had the emotion of wish, and this wish connected the Heroic Seat, and new servants were summoned to this land.

So two figures, one man, one horse and two, descended on Daqin's land.

The humanoid called himself Chen Gong, and the horse-shaped one called himself Lu Bu, but Chen Gong complained as a red rabbit.

As soon as the two appeared on the stage, the cross talk performance began, and the depressive atmosphere of the original film also suddenly eased.

Especially the look of Chitu made many audience members who were still sad for Spartacus laugh.


Ma Zhongbo felt that drinking water just now was really a wrong move.

Looking at the evil animal red rabbit on the screen, Ma Zhongbo had such a sentence in his mind.

Only magic can defeat magic, so it is necessary to use sagittarius to defeat sagittarius.

Well, nothing wrong.

The two men rushed along while talking about cross talk, and soon met Gu Dazi and his party who were following Shadow Boarder.

Qiye here simplified. It was supposed that the cross talk duo played Da Qin first, then had a fight with Gu Dazi, and then Da Qin.

But this is too cumbersome.

Therefore, Qiye directly simplified this part of the content to the fact that when Gu Dazi was fighting the Daqin army, the cross talk duo entered in disorder, and then joined the team.

Some scenes cannot be omitted, such as the sacrifice of Spartacus.

But some plots that are too cumbersome need to be simplified.

Otherwise, the movie will probably be 4 hours away.

Such a movie is not a pastime for the audience, but a torture.

After eliminating Da Qin's pursuit, Gudazi received a communication from Da Vinci.

It turns out that the people of the Qin Dynasty are too low-cultured and have never seen a small walkie talkie.

This gave Da Vinci and others a chance to contact Gudazi.

In the Afang Palace, Mustard Hinako also petitioned the First Emperor, hoping to guard the prison.

Mustard young child's goal is very clear. She doesn't want Xiang Yu to disappear, so she must eliminate Gudazi and his party.

With the help of the followers, Gudazi successfully rescued Leonardo and other Chaldean staff.

But just when they were about to evacuate the prison, they ran into the puppet soldiers of the mustard young child master and Da Qin at the door.

Because there was no relationship with the fox, Gudazi directly directed his followers to have a head-on with the opponent.

In the end, both sides cleared Da Qin's puppet soldiers, and severely injured Gao Changgong and Mustard Hinako.

Gu Dako originally intended to make Mustako stop her hand, so she just made the opponent lose the ability to fight.

However, Gao Changgong would take the initiative to sacrifice himself to restore Yu Ji's true ancestor's abilities.

"Master, I hope you can go down with your beloved Master Xiang Yu and witness the end of each other."

With the disappearance of Gao Changgong, Yu Ji, who changed her appearance, officially appeared on the stage.

The audience didn't know how to complain about Yu Ji's appearance.

It's summer clothes, she still wears a scarf around her neck.

Say it's winter clothes. Who has winter clothes that are split to the root of the thigh?

But anyway, this outfit looks pretty good when you fight with little mustard.

After all, apart from swimwear, few clothes can show the smooth thighs of girls like this.

Let alone the audience, even the First Emperor was greedy.

So when the Chaldeans could not hold on, Emperor Shi called a timeout and called Yu Ji back.

After that, Emperor Shi Huang revealed a humble face and studied Yu Ji's body well.

Not the kind of fragrant research, but the real research.

As a reward, the first emperor gave Xiang Yu a reward to Yu Ji.

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