Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1634

When leaving the Afang Palace with Xiang Yu, Yu Ji asked Xiang Yu what he would do if the first emperor died after ruling the world.

Xiang Yu gave an answer after passing the calculation.

"I will make the same choice as him."

Yu Ji shed tears when she heard this sentence.

She hoped that she and Xiang Yu could live in quiet seclusion, and no longer care about the outside world.

Even if their ending will be repaired together with the singularity, she also hopes that the rest of the day can be spent peacefully with Xiang Yu.

However, Xiang Yu said that he was a machine to calm the troubled times. Now that the turmoil is coming, he has the obligation and responsibility to dedicate his life to Da Qin.

Yu Ji was stubborn but Xiang Yu who returned to Xianyang resolutely, could only ask the other party to bring herself.

In Xianyang, Han Xin realized the mass production of Shadow Boarder, and adopted the embarrassing name of "More and Better".

Then he said that he would lead the army of Da Qin to continue the battle under the command of the First Emperor.

At the same time, in order to repair the peculiarities, but also to detoxify the goudazi.

The Chaldeans also went to Xianyang to prepare for the final battle with Qin Shihuang.

Seeing that all parties are gathering to Xianyang, the audience realizes that the final battle of the film is coming.

The Chaldeans kicked open the gate of Xianyang and attacked Qin Shihuang.

Perhaps in the eyes of Emperor Shi, what he did was to save his people from suffering.

But this also obliterates the infinite possibilities of mankind and deprives mankind of its future.

This divergence of ideas made it impossible for the First Emperor and Chaldea to negotiate.

Unlike other FGO stories, there is no absolutely evil side in the "Da Qin" story.

There will be battles between several forces, which are more conceptually different.

Qiye did a deep research on the script of "Da Qin" when shooting the movie.

With the understanding of the story, he now has a very close connection between the story of "Da Qin" and Buddhism.

It is not only reflected in the "birth, old age, sickness and death", which is often said in Buddhism.

Even several important roles represent the [love] to be detached in Buddhism, or the desire of life.

The first emperor represented [you love], that is, the pursuit of [existence] for oneself.

Because of the desire for [immortality] and the avoidance of [death].

So even if he transformed himself into a huge palace flying in the air, Emperor Shi had to continue his life.

And Yu Ji represents [desire], that is, [dependence] on something.

Although in the story her [dependence] is concretized into Xiang Yu, it also represents her desire for love.

Those Daqin villagers are representatives of [Wuyouai].

Although this was not their own request, they tried their best to avoid the concept of [suffering].

They seem to spend their lives carefree, but in fact they have lost the most precious wealth of mankind.

A very important point in Buddhism is to teach people how to accept suffering.

Humans need to get out of the comfort zone that the first emperor gave them and accept the test brought to them by [suffering].

Maybe some of them will be injured or even give their lives.

What Qin Liangyu said to Gudazi might indeed become a reality.

When the Chaldeans worked hard for the future of mankind, the future of mankind might not be so beautiful, and it might even be horrid.

But learning to accept and coexist with suffering is the only way for human development.

It is precisely with [suffering] that people want to avoid [desire] that [suffering] occurs.

Only in this way will humanity develop and society will progress.

This is because the path of human evolution over millions of years has come.

Just as Jing Ke said when facing Qin Shihuang.

The history of mankind will not end. Under the trend of [desire], mankind will always move towards a goal far higher than the present.

Compared with the "Great Harmony Society" built by Qin Shihuang, human beings will continue to advance for a more distant future.

pS1: I don't know if Lao Xu thought so much when writing 2.3.

Mijiang has the illusion of reading and comprehending answers when she writes in middle school.(*/ω*)

pS2: It’s the end of the month.

Please support me more!??(°▽°)?

pS3: Michan is going to another place tomorrow, the update in the evening may be delayed.

Now everyone knows why Michan is so anxious to fix the car this week, right?

I don’t dare to go to the high speed unless repaired...orz

Chapter 885

As the final battle of the whole movie, the Battle of Xianyang can be said to have gone through several twists and turns.

Chaldea first defeated Qin Liangyu, then defeated the combination of Han Xin and Uncle Li, and fought against Xiang Yu and his wife in the Treasure Hall for 300 rounds.

I finally saw Qin Shihuang, who had to appear in front of everyone because of Jingke's implantation of the virus.

At the same time, the Chaldeans and his party also saw the hidden fantasy tree.

"Impossible... How could this thing..."

Compared to other people who looked confused, Romani immediately recognized the existence of the fantasy tree.

Because of this, he was more surprised than others.

It's just that while surprised, Romani also thought about many things clearly.

Why can Da Qin in this parallel world exist for so long after the mutation?

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