Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1635

If it is a general peculiarity, it is impossible for the First Emperor to develop like this for more than 2,000 years.

It’s just that what’s happening with strange news is not what the movie "Da Qin" will tell.

This is the pit that Qiye dug for FGO2.0, whether it is an anecdotal zone or a fantasy tree, it will not be explained in this movie.

Therefore, this fantasy tree that rose from the ground was called the hibiscus tree throughout the movie.

However, Qin Shihuang clearly knew the meaning of the fantasy tree. He understood that the empire he built had no future.

But even so, Emperor Shi did not intend to just give up his country.

He abandoned the huge mechanical body, intending to compete with Gudazi and others in human history as [human].

"It was really scary just now."

Ma Zhongbo patted his chest, commenting with lingering fears.

The special effects of the collapse of Afang Palace just now were so real that he almost thought he was going to be hit by a building.

The audience sitting next to Ma Zhongbo spit out: "I know what the phrase "A Fang goes out and overwhelms more than three hundred miles" means. It's so fucking capable of over three hundred miles!"


Although I really wanted to comment on this sentence, Ma Zhongbo couldn't speak.

Because the first emperor finally revealed his true face.

Although before Jing Ke's assassination failed, Ma Zhongbo already had this feeling.

But when the first emperor appeared, he still couldn't calm his excitement.

Looking at Emperor Shi Huang who was floating in the air, the audience in the movie hall exclaimed "Wow--".

The glimpses in the trailer can't be compared with the official meeting at this moment.

Moreover, under the effect of the special lens of Qiye, Ma Zhongbo unconsciously raised his head and looked up while observing Qin Shihuang.

"Regardless of history, this should be the most magnificent emperor in the movie, right?"

Zhang Guoshi shook his head slightly.

Although he also has many colorful movies, he also considers himself to be one of the best masters in lens color in the world.

However, such a role on the screen at this time will never appear in his movie.

The magnificent emperor's clothes were nothing, but the mercury ribbons used as weapons around the first emperor really couldn't do it.

If it is pure silk, I can still think of a way, but this is obviously a mercury ribbon made with CG special effects.

This is really a technological gap.

"But Daoming is too young?"

The face on the screen that looked like a small meat almost made Lao Zhang dare not recognize it.

He felt that Uncle Ming in the movie was much younger than when he made "Hero".

Since Emperor Shi's appearance, his ears kept hearing comments from the audience about this shape.

Basically it can be attributed to "he is so handsome!", "he is really handsome!", "he is so handsome!" these three.

"Which makeup artist's handwriting? It can be so natural."

Lao Zhang secretly asked the people nearby.

"I heard that it is not makeup, but CG."

The person sitting on Lao Zhang's right hand whispered: "It is said that on average, the production cost of the character of the First Emperor is as high as hundreds of thousands of dollars per frame."

Lao Zhang grinned.

In his early years, the production cost of a movie was not so high, and the Japanese director was really willing to spend money.

"Huh, something flashy."

Lao Feng heard this comment from someone not far away.

Is it flashy?

It is possible, but people dare to spend the money, and the effect is so perfect.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lao Feng would not even be able to make up for this "rejuvenation" screen miracle.

And even if it's really flashy, it's not that you get nothing.

Listening to the audience's discussion, Lao Feng knew that the first emperor was likely to be discussed for a long time.

On the screen, the First Emperor finally revealed his purpose.

"History should be woven by human will, and it is definitely not determined by accident!"

"It must be a stronger and better person to get the seat of future compilation of things!"

Emperor Shi expressed his attitude, and he wanted to fight the Pan-human history followers of Chaldea.

Although the two sides are fighting for ideas, since they are guarding their own history, it is obviously more intuitive to speak directly with their fists.

"Only the stronger side can face the next dilemma in the world."

"There is no such clear order in the world! Do you have any objections?"

Hearing this sentence, Ma Zhongbo couldn't help clenching his fists.

Will Gudazi win here?Can pan-human history overcome this seemingly impossible obstacle?

Ma Zhongbo had such a question in his mind, but Gu Dazi gave an answer.

"This is not a battle for venting anger. In that case, I will never back down!"

In a simple sentence, the audience in the theater heard a sigh of relief around them.

Everyone knows that such a commercial film will definitely be the winner of Chaldea.

But the atmosphere created by the film really tightened the nerves to the extreme.

Especially the first emperor on the screen, who looked like a god, gave the illusion that he couldn't beat it.

Others don't know, Ma Zhongbo doesn't think he has the courage to face each other.

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