Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1639

But the older generation is not the main body of the movie box office after all.

It can only be said that it is a pity.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 887: Breaking Two Records In One Day

The grand occasion of the premiere of "Da Qin" immediately spread throughout the entire movie circle of the celestial dynasty.

Everyone knows that a super strong movie that won't lose to "Little Circle" is about to land on the national theaters.

Although before the movie was released, many people had the idea that Kiryu Qiye would overturn the car.

However, the difference between the ideal of fullness and the reality of the backbone is like the difference in fat between pork belly and tenderloin.

When news came out that the movie was touted at the premiere, those people finally gave up the last thought.

Although in order to avoid the impact of "Da Qin", most movies have staggered their schedules with the May Day holiday.

But if "Da Qin" is too popular, the film's influence is likely to affect the next few weeks.

Not to mention that the popularity of commercial movies will drop a lot after a week.

An excellent Hollywood movie at this time in 2013 is enough to influence the box office performance of the Celestial Kingdom for nearly a month.

After all, I'm afraid of comparison in everything. With the background of Hollywood's peers, how could my own movie get a lot of box office!

It can be seen that this group of Birdmen still have a very compelling mind about the level of their movies.

Therefore, after the audience's reaction to the first round of "Da Qin" was revealed, all forces began to think of ways to pull "Da Qin" back.

When facing a powerful enemy, we must unite all the forces that can be united.

If you are not united, how does it affect this magnificent film?

In fact, these people know one thing very well.

This movie is a co-production with the above participation, and it is also a movie that the audience is very much buying.

With the full support of the above and the cinema, they simply cannot prevent this phoenix from flying above the box office charts.

They just want to slow down the film's progress and reduce its influence as much as possible.

Otherwise, there will be no fun at the May China Movie Market!

And the actions of these people did get some people's response.

For example, the old director who expressed strong dissatisfaction with "Da Qin" at the premiere.

Many people heard him speak at the time, so someone found him soon.

Although the other party usually sees these people very upset, it can even be described as scornful.

After all, they do all the things that abuse small fresh meat, engage in false propaganda, etc., which are not on the table.

But he hates "Da Qin" more than these people.

So on the second day of the full release of "Da Qin", he wrote a special film review for "Da Qin".

["Beauty under the Red Moon", endless disappointment!]

[When I first heard that Hollywood was going to make a movie about my country, I was still looking forward to it.]

[However, this movie is really hard to satisfy me. No, it should be said that this movie is a rubbish.]

[First of all, it's boring!When watching "Beauty under the Red Moon", I actually fell asleep.But because the sound effects in the theater were too noisy, I tortured repeatedly between sleeping and being awakened.]

[I suggest that viewers with insomnia can buy the discs of this movie, and then watch the movie in a silent state.I believe your insomnia will definitely improve significantly.]

[Secondly, this movie is too expensive!Judging from the recently announced production budget, the film cost nearly $200 million.It would be a waste to shoot such a boring movie with such a huge amount of money.]

[Rather than making such a so-called film, these funds should only be given to directors in our country.With this money, how many historical masterpieces we can shoot!]

[Even if you don't make a movie, even if you throw it into the water, you can still hear it!As a result, the money was thrown into the mud by Kiryu Qiye!]

[Third, there is a problem with characterization.The characters in this movie, from Qin Shihuang to Xiang Yu to Yu Ji, are pure nonsense!]

[Adaptation is not random, and joking is not nonsense!Kiryu Qiye came up with such a movie that does not conform to the historical plot and should apologize to the people of the whole country!!]

[Fourth, the movie is too long.It took two and a half hours for such an unknown story.And the whole movie is full of all kinds of meaningless play.]

[Especially at the end of the movie, there should be a conceptual difference, but it turned into a battle in the end.In the thinking of Kiryu Nanaya, can everything be solved with a fist?!]

[Then the editing problem...]

It can be seen that the other party hated the movie Qiye to his bones.

Otherwise, he would never have been so relaxed and would write a film review full of attacks and harsh words.

However, it is a pity that this hard-wrote film review did not have much effect.

Although with the help of some people, this film review appeared on both the print media and the Internet.

The director is quite famous in the celestial dynasty, so after various media have published "Director ** on "Beauty under the Red Moon", there will still be many audiences who will go to see what it is written.

Of course, those young viewers on the Internet would not agree with this old antique.

In their eyes, even if "Da Qin" is not the best movie, it is a movie that can be remembered.

The director is so slanderous of their favorite movie, he is sour and jealous.

[It’s because of such people that our movies can't improve!]

["Beauty under the Red Moon" is my favorite movie of the past two years. After watching this movie, I feel that saying that it is spectacular will make the word look awkward, and saying that it is gorgeous will make the word look very Tacky, to say it is majestic will make the word look extraordinarily stingy.This movie did a lot of things that our director did not do, but now some people don't like it. I can't think of any other reason besides being jealous.]

[That's the same with his old-fashioned thinking.funny]


Fortunately, the director rarely goes online, otherwise he would definitely get a heart attack angry with these comments.

Unlike the all-in-one resistance on the Internet, people who read newspapers may agree with the director's views.

When "Journey to the West" was released, they spurned the movie in all manners.

In the eyes of this part of the audience, the classics are not allowed to be tampered with, and history is not allowed to be fabricated.

Therefore, they will despise "A Journey to the West", "Jingke Assassinate King of Qin", and also despise "Da Qin."

This has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, it is simply that they don't like to see the classics being modified.

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