Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1640

Unfortunately, the era belonging to this group of audiences has finally passed.

They didn't like "Journey to the West", which led to the movie's box office death.

But now, they don't like "Da Qin" but it will not have any effect on the film's box office.

Because "Da Qin" was officially released on the first day of the Tian Dynasty, its box office directly exploded.


The eastern sky showed a hint of white belly, but in the hotel where the "Da Qin" crew stayed, Qi Ye had already been sitting on the sofa in the room.

Although it was not a night without closing his eyes, Qiye didn't sleep long last night.

Yesterday was the first day of the May Day holiday of the Chinese dynasty, and it was also the first day that "Da Qin" was officially released on a large scale in this country.

Although I saw the crowd of people in the cinema next to the hotel last seven nights.

But until the box office results on the first day of "Da Qin" came out, his mind has not been able to calm down.

"How long has it been so nervous?"

Qiye laughed at himself.

Even in "Little Circle," Qiye has never been nervous like this.

After all, that movie is a non-adapted non-sequel movie, and the opening score of the movie will not be too high. Seven nights had already expected it.

But the words of "Da Qin"...

Qiye knew that the score of this movie would certainly not be low, but how high it could be, he was still very much looking forward to it.

This country has extraordinary significance for Qiye, plus this special theme.

Qiye's expectations for "Da Qin" at the box office in this country are much higher than in North America.

Because "Da Qin" is...

The mobile phone that Qiye put on the coffee table suddenly rang without warning.


Qiye answered the phone immediately.

"Yes, I am Qiye."

Qiye was refreshed when he heard the numbers from the person on the other end of the phone.

"400 million?! Are you sure?"

The drowsiness and drowsiness originally caused by lack of sleep disappeared without a trace, Qiye's whole person's spirit instantly became excited.

Counting the advance field and zero o’clock field, "Da Qin" on the first day of its release with a score of 423 million RMB, tells everyone what a box office miracle is.

On the first day of its release, "Da Qin" set two box office records: the highest single-day box office in China and the highest box office on the first day of a single film.

This result is too illusory, so high that Qiye has the illusion of dreaming.

In his memory, the first film of the Heavenly Dynasty that broke 400 million yuan on the first day should be two years later.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure."

The employee of Jiufeng Entertainment on the other side of the phone said with a wry smile.

He has called all this, how could it be fake data.

But when he got this data, he himself was really taken aback.

But Director Kiryu's mood is too much, right?

Although not much contact with Qiye, Qiye's attitude at this time really made him feel a little strange.

But Qiye didn't plan to talk with him anymore.

After getting the premiere box office data, he is now thinking about sharing it with others.

Just as the seal had shipped and wanted to expose a circle of people around, Qiye was eager to report this result to everyone at this time.

"Director, good news!!"

As a result, Qiye just opened the door to the room and went to the corridor, and there was still time to knock on other people's rooms.

Xiao Mustard and Qin Jue rushed out of their room.

"You already know?" Qiye immediately guessed the reason for their excitement.

"Yeah!!! 400 million! This is 400 million!!!"

Qin Jue's whole body became incoherent.

"The score in one day is higher than the total box office score of most movies!! This is really incredible!"

Little mustard hugged Qiye's neck excitedly.

"Director Qiye, thank you very much!"

After speaking, Little Mustard kissed Qiye directly on the cheek.

"This is the down payment of the good remuneration we said at the beginning~"

Little Wasabi put a finger up and said, blinking at Qiye.

pS: The first domestic achievement of breaking 400 million yuan appeared in 2015. The one who got this achievement was "Quick Excise 7".

By the way, the domestic box office of "Quick Exclamation 6" is 414 million.

In one day, surpassing the box office record of the previous film, the movie "Quick Attack 7" is really a very amazing movie in every way.

Chapter 888

Little Wasabi kissed herself suddenly, Qiye really didn't expect it.

He stared at Little Mustard in a daze, and forgot to push her away.

Little Wasabi looked at Qiye with a smile, and then poked her head over again.

It just so happened that Lily opened the door and walked out.

Originally a happy face, she quickly changed his face after seeing the dog and the man and woman hugging each other in the corridor.

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