Shadow queen development plan

Queen Cultivation Plan Chapter 1641

"What are you doing?"

Lily asked, squinting.

"Nothing, just celebrate."

Little Wasabi saw that he had no chance to score twice, so he could only let go for Qiye.


Lily looked suspiciously back and forth between Qiye and Little Mustard.

Although she didn't see the scene where Little Mustard kissed Qiye just now, she always felt that something happened before the two of them opened the door.

"Why did you come out?"

Qiye straightened her collar a bit, and asked a little embarrassedly.

At this time, he was very fortunate that Little Mustard had not put on makeup early in the morning, and there was no hickey on his face.

Otherwise, think of a [?] mark on your face, it will definitely make Lily run away.

"I received the first day's box office results, so I came to see you."

Lily turned on her cell phone.

"Congratulations on the Seven Nights. The first day results are very good in North America~"

According to the exchange rate, more than 400 million RMB is almost 60 million US dollars.

Such first-day results are considered first-rate in North America.

Of course, that was before the arrival of the 3D era.

But in any case, in non-North America, the first day box office can achieve such a result, it can be described as a miracle.

Before the results on the premiere day came out, everyone had guessed that "Da Qin" movies would explode, but no one would have thought that the results would be so high.

Even the director Qiye never thought about it.

In the past, Qiye predicted the box office based on his own "historical experience" in his previous life.

For example, the previous "Little Circle".

Whether it is North America, China, or the global box office, Qiye relied on the data of the previous "Avatar".

However, "Da Qin"'s 400 million box office, Qiye is really not counted.

After all, with the current market size of the celestial dynasty, how can I think that 200 million is already the sky?

And the achievement of 400 million...

"What are you thinking?"

Lily poked Qiye's cheek and asked, "Is it possible that you want to have the hug again?"

"I don't know what you are talking about." Qiyan replied without changing his face, "I'm just surprised by the result."


Lily's eyes turned into a half moon shape, she didn't seem to believe Qiye's words very much

"Good news! Good news!"

Qin Jue was too lazy to deal with the constant cutting between these few, and the still messy relationship.

She just wants to share her joy with everyone.

So Qin Jue knocked on the room door of the crew members one by one, and said in the loudest voice: "Good news! Our movie had a box office score of 400 million yuan yesterday!!"

"What happened?"

Someone yawned and walked out of the room door, and asked sleepily.

Not everyone gets up early in the morning and waits for box office results like Qiye, most people are still sleeping at this time.

They were all awakened by Qin Jue's knock on the door.

Qin Jue repeated, "The box office of "Beauty under the Red Moon" was 423 million RMB on the first day!!"


"Really! Today is not April Fool's Day?!"

"Hey hey hey! Don't just joke around!"

Most of the crew members of "Da Qin" are locals from the celestial dynasty, and they certainly know what the achievement of 400 million on the first day means.

"It's true."

Qiye confirmed Qin Jue's information to everyone.

"Wow~" *N

There was a sudden burst of cheers in the corridor.

All raised their hands, and some even hugged or high-five to celebrate their miracles.

"I propose a toast!"

Head Li laughed loudly.

"Agree, this kind of beautiful thing is not to be celebrated!"

Head Chu also nodded frantically.

Although these older generation actors don't care much about movie box office performance for a long time.

But it really can't stand the box office data explosion.

There were 400 million box office in just one day.

Two years earlier, this result can directly become the annual champion

Many of them responded to Leader Li's suggestions.

"Yes, we must have a toast!"

"Drinking early in the morning is not good, right?"

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