Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1647

[Is it crazy, or is the world crazy?


As soon as Qiye made a sound, several people looked at him.

"Hi, everyone. Good morning."

Qiye deliberately greeted them with a cheerful voice.

"Seven nights, good morning." *N

The girls responded in unison, and then went to do their own thing again.

After simply tidying up the messy clothes, the girls left Qiye's room one after another.

This group of people neither blushed nor shy, as if what happened last night was completely the same as usual.

When only Qiye was left in the room at the end, he was completely speechless.

The world is already messed up, and he even suspects that when he drank the fragments last night, he went through it again.

Qiye didn't know that these girls were actually more nervous than him.

When he was in his room, one by one remained calm.

But when they walk out the door and return to their room...

Unfortunately, Qiye couldn't see the shyness of the girls anymore.

When Qiye finished washing and came to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast, he finally saw Shion.

"Did you have a good night last night?" Shion teased, "Jiuchi Roulin must feel great."

"I didn't do anything!"

Qiye defended in a low voice.

Shiyuan nodded directly: "I know, otherwise do you think it will be so peaceful this morning?"

Shion sneered twice.


Although Qiye didn't know that those girls were pretending to be calm, but if there was any physical communication last night.

It was definitely not so calm when I got up just now.

Among other things, Qiye estimated that Serra was likely to throw herself directly out of the window.

Or cut yourself into pieces with an axe and throw them into Tokyo Bay when you return to Japan.

"By the way, where did you go last night?"

Shion curled up his mouth, showing a queen smile.

"What? You want me to sleep in your bed this morning?"

"Um... forget it."

Qiye feels that it is better not to delve into some things.

"Yesterday's thing, let's go over it."

Qiye sighed, he picked up the spoon and started to attack the lean porridge in front of him.

"Not always."

Shion looked at Lily and the others who walked into the restaurant.

The complicated gazes of these girls looking towards Qiye were all in her eyes.

"Maybe things will be different from now on, maybe..."

Shion concluded meaningfully.


Although Qiye was busy taking a leisurely time, came a night of "excessive licentiousness" with a few beautiful girls.

However, the propaganda of "Da Qin" in the celestial dynasty did not relax because of the achievements already made.

On the contrary, Jiufeng Entertainment is constantly using "Da Qin" to break through the box office record to make a fuss, trying to set off a nationwide movie craze again.

To achieve this goal, not only large-scale publicity on the Internet, but the power of traditional media cannot be ignored.

After all, those middle-aged viewers don't pay attention to the Internet like young people, they will get more information from traditional media.

Although countless people in the movie circle of the celestial dynasty were singing bad "Da Qin", but in the face of Jiufeng Entertainment's strong cash capabilities, their efforts have formed a counterproductive effect.

It's not that their "dark material" did not appear in the media, but there are also many messages to sing praises to "Da Qin".

This has created an illusion that people who support "Da Qin" and those who oppose "Da Qin" are fighting in the media.

If it is all bad reviews, the public might still have aversion to this movie.

But a movie has good reviews and bad reviews, and the box office data is so good.

Such a controversial movie can attract the attention of these passers-by audiences more than all praise.

What kind of movie it is that will trigger such a heated discussion.

With such curiosity, many viewers who didn't watch the movie very much also bought tickets to enter the cinema.

pS: Although I know I am thinking about peaches, if Mi-chan wakes up with beautiful girls around...

But it seems that some of the people in this chapter are over the age of beautiful girls._

Chapter 891

The phenomenon-level upsurge caused by "Da Qin" in the heavenly dynasty can be said to be the result of the right time, the right place and the harmony of people.

In 2013, the Chinese Labor Day holiday is very special.

First work for a week, and then take a three-day holiday from Monday to Wednesday.

This does not count, after two days of work on Thursday and Friday, and then another two days of weekends.

This created very good conditions for "Da Qin" to attract passersby.

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