Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1648

Those passers-by audiences don't usually go to the movies, and their curiosity about a movie is also time-sensitive.

If the rest day comes too late, these passerby audiences may have been disinterested in movies long ago.

"Da Qin" first set off a movie-watching enthusiasm during the small holiday, and then created topics in the next two working days.

Those passers-by audience just became interested in the movie "Da Qin", and it was the weekend.

As a result, these people will most likely go to the cinema to watch a movie on the day off.

Use the media to drive public opinion, use public opinion to seduce audiences, and audiences buy tickets to watch movies.

And the wonderful plot of the movie will arouse the emotions of the audience, and spread to the surroundings with an audience as the center.

Eventually, more people are driven into the theater, thus forming a virtuous circle.

Perhaps not everyone who is "Amway" will like this movie.

But they have contributed to the movie's box office miracle.

If these people bring more people to watch the movie, that is obviously what Jiufeng Entertainment wants to see most.

So on Saturday, May 4th, the major theaters of the celestial dynasty ushered in another movie-watching boom.

According to incomplete statistics, more than tens of millions of Chinese audiences poured into the cinema on this day.

And their goal is only one-the fifth work of the FGO series "Beauty under the Red Moon"!

Of course, it is not only the celestial dynasty that triggered the movie-watching boom, it is only the country where "Da Qin" was released first.

Because FGO’s previous films have aroused strong repercussions around the world, the second week of "Da Qin" was released on a large scale in more than 80 countries and regions around the world, almost without exception, triggered a movie-watching boom.

Although due to the time difference, Qiye did not receive feedback from other regions except North America.

But after two days of intense screenings on May 3rd (Friday) and 4th (Saturday).

Judging from the feedback received by Jiufeng Entertainment, "Da Qin" really caused a phenomenal movie-watching boom all over the world.

From North America to Mexico, from Japan to the UK, from Australia to Brazil.

Almost audiences around the world were moved by the love between Yu Ji and Xiang Yu, and were shocked by the majestic atmosphere of the Great Qin Empire.

And the media of various countries, of course, will not let go of the hot subject of "Da Qin" and scramble to report this latest Fate movie.

[Every part of the Fate series is very good, and "Da Qin" has reached a new peak in the series.]

[All the key characters in the movie have got their own highlight moments, and their image is sublimated.No role in the entire movie is redundant.]

[At the same time comparing "Prologue", Director Kiryu has made progress in all aspects.The fighting scenes are more intense than the "Prologue", not to mention, on the emotional level of the characters, the characters this time are also deeply moving.]

——Japan "The Secret Treasure of Cinema"

[There are few Hollywood directors who are so obsessed with Eastern culture like Director Kiryu.]

[This may have something to do with the other party’s origin in Asia.But what is really surprising is that he was able to make Oriental stories acceptable to audiences all over the world, which has been impossible for any director so far.]

[The epic grand empire in "The Great Qin", the outstanding architectural wonders, and the final ending with a special oriental charm make this movie so fascinating.]

——British "The Times"

[Although the historical Qin Dynasty did not achieve the feats in the movie, we can still feel its glory in the movie "Da Qin".]

——Le Monde, France

[Although the story frame of "Da Qin" is not much different from other FGO stories, the shock brought by the movie is beyond the reach of the previous movies.]

[The scene of the Great Qin Empire, the movie's oriental soundtrack, and the epic battle showdown are all very impressive.]

[The characters in the movie are so vivid and powerful.I originally thought that with so many Asian actors in the movie, I wouldn't know who is who.Facts have proved that I was worrying too much. Kiryu Nanaya grasped the characteristics of each character very well, allowing you to distinguish them at a glance.]

——U.S. "New York Times"

In addition to the media, the response from fans was equally enthusiastic.

It can be seen from the live interviews in theaters of various national TV stations that Fate fans in various countries are very satisfied with this movie.

However, fans in different countries have different emphasis on this film.

French audiences think that the female characters in the film are very good, especially Yu Ji, who is loyal to Xiang Yu.

Although they didn't quite understand the idea that Yu Ji waited for 2000 for a man, it did not prevent them from feeling the romance in it.

American audiences are constantly praising the special effects scenes of the film to reporters.

A certain black audience used his own RAP language to express that he was playing "Da Qin" and ate three buckets of popcorn.

A certain Japanese Miss Asuna who cannot be mentioned by name directly attributed the film's success to the director.

She said in front of the camera of TV Asahi: "Director Kiryu Qiye demonstrated his unparalleled film talent and love for the culture of the celestial dynasty in "Da Qin".

"To describe the movie he made as "great" really deserves its name!"

"I have already booked a plane ticket to the Heavenly Dynasty, and I plan to take my husband on a tour of the Holy Land tomorrow!"

Of course, compared with these interviews and media reviews, the box office data of a movie is the most powerful proof of the commercial value of a movie.

However, due to the relationship between too many countries and regions at the same time, the global box office statistics of movies are difficult to release for a while.

But just looking at statistics from North America is enough to show how popular "Da Qin" is.

What?Do you mean the box office of the Heavenly Dynasty?

That has been so distorted, except for the exclamation that non-North American markets can still have such awesome box office data, there is no analysis at all.

It won 1.1 billion RMB box office in one week.

This movie is crazy enough that some people have completely given up.

Because they found that they did nothing to discredit the movie except to increase the topic.

Such an already crazy movie, any of their small actions are futile.

The box office performance of "Da Qin" in the Celestial Dynasty is certainly gratifying, but the North American market is the main box office area for "Da Qin" movies.

On Friday’s premiere day alone, the film scored $68.1 million at the box office.

In the following two weekends, "Da Qin" won a lot of box office thanks to its good quality and stable reputation.

Over the three days of the weekend, the movie "Da Qin" received a total of $175 million in box office.

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