Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1653

"Man of Steel" has undergone several trial screenings, and the overall response has been good.

Although the movie hasn't been released yet, a sequel is already a certainty.

But Warner announced at this time that Nolan was removed from the core circle of DCEU.

Nolan will only serve as a producer in subsequent DC movies, not as producer and screenwriter like "Man of Steel".

Don't underestimate this change. Without the role of screenwriter, Nolan's voice in the crew will be greatly reduced.

As I said before, even though Hollywood is a producer-centric system, a single producer does not have much power.

Because there are too many producers for one crew.

Unless it's the chief producer, this name alone can't fool anyone.

In addition to the director, the best way for a producer to expand his voice in the crew is to serve as a screenwriter.

But now Warner actually canceled Nolan's screenwriter duties, obviously not planning to take him to play with.

"Warner actually believes in Zac's two knives so much, probably because "Watchmen" has not eaten enough."

Lee Smith said strangely.

"Okay, Lee."

Nolan has a smile on her face: "I have a lot of things here, even if I continue to control the DC movies, I can't manage it."

Having said that, Nolan felt a little unhappy for sure.

Although he had a good personal relationship with Zach Schneider, Nolan still had some doubts about his friend's ability to direct.

"Watchmen" was cut to pieces due to the length of the release.

In the end, the film was not well received.

Fragmentation and ambiguity were the most common problems reflected in this movie at the time.

After that, Zach Schneider relied on himself to complete a 186-minute director's cut version to save his momentum.

Then a 216-minute ultimate version was released, which pushed the movie to the status of a masterpiece among fans.

It took 216 minutes to tell a story clearly, and only fans would think this director was amazing.

Although Nolan's own movies often go up to 2 hours, he will never go crazy and come up with a 3 hours and 36 minutes movie.

In Nolan's eyes, that is not a movie at all.

Warner intends to completely delegate power to Zach, and Nolan doesn't think this will be good news.

"Forget it, don't think about such annoying things." Nolan put the newspaper aside, "I have booked a few IMAX movie tickets for "Da Qin" at night. Anyone of you has the idea of ​​watching this movie again? "


The second after Nolan's voice fell, everyone in the conference room raised their hands.

pS: I saw someone asking about the length of the movie before, so let me explain.

There is no hard and fast standard for how long a movie is.

But according to the efficiency of the theater's film arrangement, the length of the audience's attention, and the limit of the human bladder, many considerations are given.

At present, it is generally believed that a movie is suitable for about 90 minutes.

But because of the increasing amount of information that commercial films need to give in recent years, the audience's demand for special effects and large scenes is also increasing.

Therefore, the current commercial movies are longer than 2 hours, and there is even a 3-hour metamorphosis like "Endgame".

However, cartoons are generally kept at 90 minutes. After all, children don’t spend as much time as adults.

In fact, it is very uneconomical for theaters to schedule a three-hour movie.

During the period of "Endgame" movie ticket prices increased, partly because of the relationship between the film length.

Of course, the more reason is because the film market was too sluggish before the release of "Endgame" last year.

The theater line is pointing to this movie.╮(╯▽╰)╭

Chapter 894

Let Warner himself bother about DC matters, and Nolan doesn't bother to care about these shit things.

Moreover, although he lost control of DC movies, Warner is not without compensation.

Starting from his new movie, he can make a movie exactly according to his own ideas.

Although there are budget constraints, in general there is a lot of freedom.

Instead of wrangling with people about meaningless things every day, it is better to devote yourself to the movie you want to create.

As for Warner, just give him money to make a movie.

Thinking of this, Nolan suddenly realized that it was a good thing that he had left the DC circle of right and wrong.

Since the end of the "Harry Potter" series, Warner has been looking for the next project that can be popular all over the world.

Judging from the current situation, DC is undoubtedly the one with the most potential.

There may be similar reasons for Warner's impatient resumption of power.

However, unlike the anxious Warner, Jiufeng Entertainment is already very mature in the operation of the movie universe project.

After ending the propaganda of the celestial dynasty, and now "Da Qin" is also very popular in North America, Qiye's eyes inevitably shifted to other countries and regions.

Starting from Monday, the important members of the crew have embarked on an intensive overseas promotion trip.

On Wednesday, the crew of "Da Qin" arrived in Mexico City and they received a very warm welcome.

Juju said that they were surrounded in Zocalo Square by more than 100,000 fanatical fans.

Even with the help of the Mexican police, they were tossed out until the night and returned to the hotel.

"After all, Latin Americans are enthusiastic..."

Qiye joked to Zhizhi on the phone, "How about? Are you interested in having an affair?"

"Senior, what are you kidding about! Do it again, it will really break people down!"

In the hotel room, the knitting clothes fell on the sofa in a mess.

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