Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1654

Although the body may not be too tired, the mental exhaustion made him just want to fall asleep deeply.

Qiye continued to bewitched: "So it's too exaggerated to say that weaving... Find a girl to have a carnival, I believe your exhaustion will be wiped out."

"No, I'm not in the mood."

Zhi coldly rejected Qiye's proposal.

"Senior, you haven't seen those movie fans! Being blocked by so many people makes me feel sick when I recall."

Zhizhi felt that it was a mistake to talk to this guy, and he might as well just go to sleep

"This shows that they like our movies very much," Qiye's tone finally became serious, "that's why they are so fanatical."

Zhizhi didn't talk directly, but made some strange noises.

According to Qiye's understanding of Zhiye, this guy should still drink water now.

So Qiye waited for a while before continuing to speak: "By the way, the overseas box office has come out."

It took more than a week for "Da Qin" to be screened in the Celestial Empire before it began to be screened globally.

After a few days of statistics, the film’s world first weekend box office results have finally been summarized.

"How much?" Zhizhi asked immediately.

"US$274.55 million!" Qiye said, "Counting North America's results, the world's first weekend score exceeded US$450 million! Counting the box office of the previous China, it directly exceeded US$500 million!"

When the number was reported, Qiye laughed.

"How is it, not bad?"

"Well, not bad."

Weaving replied in a faint tone.

"not bad?"

Qiye curled her mouth in dissatisfaction: "This is an achievement that makes countless people envy! Even in Hollywood, 99% of the movies will not get such a figure at the final global box office!"

After a short pause, Qiye emphasized the spoken words: "Such a brilliant result, you actually answered not bad?"

Qiye feels whether her junior has deviated from the market.

If so, you have to ask him to do some tutoring.

"For the predecessors, this kind of achievement is completely expected."

Zhizhi looked at the ceiling and said, "With Fate's popularity and your predecessor's appeal, it would be a problem if there is no such achievement, right?"

"Well... indeed."

Qiye nodded.

"And seniors, haven't you said it before?" Zhizhi said, looking at the starry sky outside the hotel. "With the popularity of 3D movies, is it not commonplace for commercial films to exceed $1 billion in global box office?"


With this said, Qiye found that she was not really surprised.

"So, Senior, if you have time to call and talk to me about this kind of thing, it's better to work hard! The production time of "Camelot" is not as generous as you think!"


After being splashed with cold water by Zhiye, Qiye found that her interest had also decreased a lot.

"That's it, I'm going to bed, good night."

Then Zhibian hung up the phone without thinking.

"Tsk, weave that guy..."

Qiye was unhappy with a cold snort.

But this is "Da Qin"!This is a movie on the subject of heaven!

[Sure enough, no one can share the joy in my heart?

Qiye sighed, he turned on the computer and clicked to enter the [See Moon] website.

At this time, only communicating with fans can make him feel excited again.

After interacting with fans on the message board and answering a few questions, Qiye found that it was already 10 pm.

"Well, rest."

As soon as Qiye was about to close the webpage, she found that the website reminded herself that Zhiye had just updated her personal account.

["Da Qin" movie global box office exceeded 500 million US dollars!!!o(*≧▽≦) Thank you for your support!╰(*°▽°*)╯]

"This guy... didn't he say he is going to sleep?"

Qiye tilted her head.

Sure enough, his younger brother is even more elusive than a woman.


In the remaining working days of the week, Qiye continued the filming of Camelot.

And Zhidu is leading the "Da Qin" crew members to carry out publicity activities in Latin America.

Although the law and order in Latin America is really bad, the publicity activities of the crew members have received official support, and Jiufeng Entertainment has arranged a group of security personnel with live ammunition to serve as security work.

Therefore, the entire publicity campaign went very smoothly.

In particular, Brazil and Argentina, the two largest ticket warehouses in Latin America, the crew of "Da Qin" has become the most perfect crew in the world by local fans.

Of course, when the crew ended the promotion and left, the local official staff also implicitly expressed the hope that the FGO project would consider shooting a film with Latin American culture as the theme.

It’s no secret that the movie is going to promote tourism these days, and the trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" has made New Zealand's scenery known all over the world.

Several films before FGO have also promoted the travel of Europe, Japan and China.

In the week that "Da Qin" was released, the number of tourists in Chang'an increased after the long holiday.

With the large-scale global screening of "Da Qin", the number of international tourists in Chang'an has exploded.

Of course, these countries in South America want to experience such a good thing.

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