Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1655

In this regard, Zhizhi can only say that he will convey it to Qiye.

As for whether Qiye will agree, this is not what his little deputy director can agree to.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the heavenly dynasty could not engage in honorary citizenship, it is estimated that Chang'an City would be very happy to give Qiye the title of honorary citizen.

A movie actually drives the tourism of a city or even a country.

Before the release of "Da Qin", everyone really didn't expect this kind of thing.

With the passage of time, more and more countries and regions have joined the ranks of screening "Da Qin".

By Friday, May 10th, excluding the Celestial Kingdom and North America, "Da Qin" has appeared in theaters in 114 countries and regions around the world.

However, North America is still the largest ticket warehouse market for Return of the King.

There is no alternative. The developed film market in North America determines that it will become the mainstream of the world's film industry.

However, the disadvantage of this is that the North American entertainment circle Hollywood directly crushes other entertainment industries.

Therefore, entertainment stars who want to mix in North America must pass Hollywood to prove themselves.

It is a good thing for filmmakers like Qiye, but not so good for people in other industries.

After a week of screenings, the box office decline of "Da Qin" is an inevitable law of the global film market.

Not to mention North America, even the heavenly dynasty will inevitably experience a decline.

But relying on its strong reputation, the box office trend of "Da Qin" in various countries and regions is very stable.

As far as North America is concerned, the box office of "Da Qin" in the next week was US$102.45 million, and the decline has remained within 50%.

Overseas, because of the addition of more than a dozen new markets, although the largest overseas ticket warehouse has declined due to the Tingtian Dynasty, the trend has basically maintained a steady momentum.

As a result, it was May 13th.

"Da Qin" North American box office totaled 277,167 million US dollars, and the global box office has accumulated 601.69 million US dollars!

The film's box office penetration rate is among the best in film history.

Of course, Qiye is very clear that this is inseparable from the stable performance of FGO for several consecutive years and the foundation of audience reputation, and it is also inseparable from the development of the global cinema market in the past two years.

Again, without enough theaters and screening screens, and 3D projection equipment, no matter how good the quality and reputation of the movie, it is impossible to get a high box office.

Take Tianchao as an example, if it weren't for "Little Circle" and "Avatar", Tianchao could see the box office potential of its own market and began to vigorously develop its movie theater business.

"Da Qin" wants to get 400 million box office on the first day is simply a dream.

Even if there are so many viewers who want to watch a movie, there are so many movie screens that they can't explode even if they want to explode.

When the new week arrives, "Da Qin" finally meets a somewhat decent opponent "Star Trek: Darkness Unbounded".

pS: What's that, add more on weekends.

Chapter 895 No One Knows DC More Than I

To be fair, Qiye has the deepest memory of this "Star Trek" movie, but its title.

After all, the last word Darkness always reminds Qiye of a certain sister-in-law who likes to open a harem for her brother-in-law.

Well, not the one beside him, but the To Lvoe one.

But for this movie, Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment didn't care too much.

Although the Khan played by Juan Fu left a deep impression, the performance of the picture and soundtrack was also very good.

But the too tight plot still makes the audience feel a little confused when watching it.

Overall, "Darkness Without Borders" is qualified as a popcorn movie, but there is not much to be praised.

In addition, the distributor, Paramount Pictures, has a vague positioning of this series, and has not invested enough publicity resources in the film.

As a result, the film was almost obscured by the carpet bombing of "Da Qin".

Before the film was released, many viewers had never heard of the film except for old fans of the series.

But to be honest, even Monpara's own people don't think this "Star Trek" can challenge Qiye's "Da Qin".

Jiufeng Entertainment also didn't take this movie in its eyes. "Da Qin" has always had two opponents, one is himself, the other is other Fate series movies!

Although the film has become popular, the propaganda offensive has not slowed down at all.

From the Internet to traditional media, all kinds of comments and reports emerge in endlessly.

Brother Zheng, who had been concealed before the release, and rarely appeared in the trailer, began to become the focus of publicity.

Previously, Brother Zheng was not promoted because of the confidentiality of the movie plot, but now the movie does not need to be kept secret. Naturally, this important role should be promoted as a key point.

Of course, Brother Zheng’s soaring popularity after the movie was released is also one of the reasons why Jiufeng Entertainment has designated it as an important publicity tool.

From the setting of the movie background to the special issue of the actor's shooting, various propaganda content related to the first emperor began to be exposed.

The official "Qin Shihuang's "Rejuvenation Technique"" has more than 100 million hits worldwide.

Before that, the audience thought that Uncle Ming's first emperor look was made by makeup.

But no one thought that it would be made with CG.

"True is disguised as fake! I didn't notice any unnaturalness at all when I watched the movie."

"I put on makeup for a few hours every day, just to take a few minutes of shots. Is this the chemical reaction between Hollywood technology and dedicated old actors?! I'm, I'm."


The reason why Jiufeng Entertainment promotes Brother Zheng on such a large scale is also very simple, that is, it is necessary to motivate every audience to enter the theater as much as possible.

It's best to make people buy tickets to watch "Da Qin" repeatedly.

In fact, not only the media reports and the enthusiasm of the audience, many people in the industry are also analyzing the success of "Da Qin" and even the Fate series.

All film companies hope that they can have an evergreen series such as Fate, which can provide themselves with a steady stream of profit creation.

Therefore, there are never a few people who analyze Qiye and his Fate series. After all, there are ready-made successful examples to learn from, and of course he must study thoroughly.

In the latest issue of Hollywood's veteran film magazine "Premier", there appeared an article analyzing Qiye and F, series.

"How did Kiryu Nanya change the entire film industry with his Fate?!

This is the title on the cover of the magazine. The matching cover characters are the standing portrait of Qiye and the poster of "Da Qin".

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