Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1657

But in any case, "Man of Steel" can win the weekly box office championship, and it is very good to prevent "Da Qin" from winning consecutive championships.

However, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this has nothing to do with the quality of "Man of Steel" itself, it is purely because the popularity of "Da Qin" has fallen.

After the start of the new week, the box office of "Da Qin" fell to 6.5 million US dollars in the first five working days, and it showed a trend of continuous decline.

However, in the fourth week of the week, it can still get 21.42 million US dollars in the box office. The strength of "Da Qin" is obviously not to be underestimated.

Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment are not dissatisfied with this box office, because this is the normal law of the market.

Of course, continuing to propagate and build momentum is an inevitable job.

In the latest video conference between Qiye and Jiufeng Entertainment, Qiye proposed to add 30 million U.S. dollars to the promotion of "Da Qin".

If necessary, we will continue to increase investment.

Of course, these investments are not for "Da Qin" to hit the box office, but for the later DVD and online version of the preparation.

To make a movie generate profit in every aspect, it needs to have enough investment.

Let alone a commercial production like Fate, which one of Hollywood's successful movies in recent years is not the result of astronomical publicity expenses?

Compared with making movies, how to sell movies has become a mainstream topic in the global movie market.

"So, we still have to continue to spend money."

Looking at the lights on the top of the studio, Qiye said with emotion.

"What? Qiye do you have anything you want to buy?"

Ryan in the armor of the Lion King asked curiously.

"No, I'm just thinking about the movie promotion." Qiye quickly explained, "This time I have a good collaboration with the Tianchao, so I was thinking about how this movie should be done."

"Oh, it was this one."

A smile suddenly appeared on Ryan’s face: "If Qiye works hard to promote, maybe the royal family can consider awarding you honors~"

"Just one movie?"

Qiye is a bit strange.

"Generally speaking, it must not work, but who calls our family name Wei Ting?"

Ryan straightened his back proudly, and Qiye felt overwhelmed by the surging picture of the waves.

"But even then, at best, it's the Honorary Jazz?" Qiye asked.

"Yes." Ryan nodded and said, "After all, Qiye, you are not an Englishman, and I will definitely not give you a higher title."

"oh, I see."

Qiye nodded, and said nothing more.

The so-called Honorary Sir is what people usually call "SIR".

Qiye remembered "Gandalf" Ian McLean in 1991, because of his outstanding contribution to the British drama industry, he had won this title.

Of course, Ian McLean is an Englishman, so it must be easier to take this honor than a foreigner.

However, there are still quite a few people in the entertainment industry who have received honorary jazz from the British royal family.

Although it's not a bad street, it's not rare enough to show off.

Moreover, this kind of honorable title cannot be passed on to future generations, for Qiye is simply dispensable.

To be honest, Qiye wants the title of [the old friend of the people of the Heavenly Dynasty] more than the Honorary Sir.

At the very least, this title will make it easier for Qiye's movie to pass the trial in the Celestial Dynasty.

Unfortunately, this title is out of print.

If Qiye was reborn in the 1970s and 1980s, and "Da Qin" was filmed, it might really have been mixed.

"Hey, Qiye. Are you happy anyway."

Ryan's eyes narrowed, and Qiye's flat reaction made him a little unhappy.

Qiye rolled his eyes and said, "This thing is just pretty good-looking, then does the royal family still pay out money every month?"

"If you want to be beautiful, their Windsor family still rely on this to make money every year."

If the British royal family can be called "their Windsor house", Qiye estimates that there are only two sisters, Ryan and Lily, in this world.

"So, you can't eat this stuff, why should I use it?"

Ryan shrugged his shoulders: "No way, why is Qiye that your nationality is not British? If you say you are willing to marry me..."

"If I marry you, I don't need to ask the royal family for a title."

Qiye interrupted Ryan's speech.

"It seems to be something like this..." Ryan replied with a smile.

Although Qiye marries Ryan, it is impossible to get the title of Wei Ting family directly.

But for the sake of everyone, Wei Ting's family will definitely give Qiye a noble title, and it will definitely be higher than the "honorary knight".

"Okay, you might as well think about how to play the role well if you have this leisurely mind."

Qiye waved to Ryan.

"I see..." Ryan said with a long tone, "Qiye when you had an eighth wife."


Qiye curled his lips at Ryan's back.

I don't know if it is an illusion, he always feels that Ryan has become more and more presumptuous after starting up.

Because most of "Camelot" was shot on a green screen, Qiye directly rented one of the largest studios in Burbank for shooting.

In terms of floor space, this place is about the same size as the large hangar of the aircraft factory.

There is no problem with setting up several scenes at the same time.

Qiye is now shooting, naturally the scene where the Lion King appeared at the end of the movie.

In the middle of the set is the throne of the Lion King.

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