Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1658

Except for the throne and the ground, which were constructed using real scenes, all other places were strictly blocked by the green screen.

The three cameras are cleverly set up on the reserved photography positions at angles that do not affect each other. While shooting the lens angles that you need, it is guaranteed not to take the cameras or people outside the scene.

As for the focal point of these camera lenses, it is naturally the woman standing in front of the throne.

Staring at the screen on the director's monitor, Qiye watched Ryan's performance.

Although Ryan made a cameo in "The Hundred Years' War", it was strictly her screen debut.

Last time, I could only say that I was helping Lily as a "chest substitute".


Lily, who was standing outside the field observing her sister, sneezed.


Lily rubbed her nose and looked around curiously. She felt offended.

Qiye didn't notice her sister-in-law's movements, but stared at the monitor intently.

Ryan's performance is not bad overall, showing the lion king's divine majesty.

However, Qiye believes that the role of the Lion King is somewhat similar to Ryan himself.

When I first foresee Ryan, the other party's majestic look really resembles the Lion King in the story.

However, in reality, Ryan has become more and more feminine under Qiye's "training".

But this is a privilege that only Qiye can enjoy.

When outside, Ryan was still the "Lion King" with a straight face.

In the monitor screen, Ryan raised the holy spear toward the camera.

She has a solemn expression and firm eyes.

Even the Chaldean lord from the future cannot prevent her from carrying out her "love" for humans.

"The reason why I close the world is to keep you."

Ryan paused every word, reciting the lines in an unsentimental tone.

"Because of a person's great cause, the history of this planet is over."

Although Ryan's tone was calm, it had a unique sense of sacredness.

"Human principles are burned, and human history returns to nothing."

"But this is contrary to the meaning of my existence."

It seems to have completely entered the inner world of the Lion King, or goddess Lungominiad.

Ryan seemed to be completely unaffected by the outside world, still reciting the lines.

As long as Qiye doesn't stop calling, she will continue to act according to the script.

For this role, Ryan has been preparing for several years.

Of course she didn't want to mess up at this time.

"We are things created by humans. Without humans, God cannot exist."


Qiye called to stop, "This one is over."

This is the first shot taken today, but Ryan enters the state very quickly.

Before the official shooting, after only one trial shot, this one has been declared complete.

"Ready to transition!"

Qiye said to the crew.

Although it was just a very simple password, countless people in the crew began to get busy.

After all, I’m not going to use this scene for the next scene.

Today, the Chaldean team such as Inuji and Yumi are not in the Chaldean group, and the dialogue between the Lion King and the Chaldeans cannot be filmed at all.

Originally, Qiye chose to use this lens to start the scene, just to familiarize Ryan with the feeling of filming.

In the beginning, Qiye was even ready for crazy NG.

It seems that Ryan is in very good condition, but Qiye is a little worried.

After setting up the task, Qiye turned his head and looked at Ryan, who was gently rubbing his wrist and walking towards the resting place.

The scene just now was not an action scene. In order to increase the weight, the holy gun that Qiye asked Ryan to lift was made of solid metal.

Except for the lack of the shiny special effects in the final screen of the movie, there is basically no gap between the gun and the setting.

Although I didn't show it when I was shooting just now, I held it firmly in front of the camera.

But judging from Ryan's current performance, she was definitely not easy just now.

"What a serious and good woman."

Qiye lightly proclaimed.

"Need me to help you convey to your sister?"

A familiar voice rang behind Qiye.

Lily winked at Qiye playfully: "I believe my sister will be very happy."

Seek reality.jpg

pS: So what, long live France?

Chapter 897

Facing Lily's question, Qiye shrugged her shoulders.

"Forget it, I always feel a bit nauseous."

He and Ryan were already over the age to say such love words, and Qiye would only feel ashamed if they were to be conveyed such words by Lily.

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