Shadow queen development plan

Shadow Queen Development Plan Chapter 1659

Seeing that Qiye didn't put on the set, Lily didn't care too much, she stretched out a hand.

"Do you need water?"


Qiye took the glass from Lilyson, took a sip, and said, "What are you doing here? I remember the scene is not so fast."

"I am also a member of the crew."

Lily took the cup back and said with a smile: "My sister is making a movie for the first time, of course I have to come and see."

Before Qiye praised Lily for the deep friendship between her and Ryan, Lily gave another reason.

"Furthermore, my sister is busy filming, and sister Zhi is still out of town. There is always someone to take care of you Qiye."

[Do you think of me as a three-year-old child?

Qiye glanced at Lily, but he didn't say much.

Instead, he turned and directed the crew to switch to another set-up scene and began to take shots of the Knights of the Round Table.

In the morning, except for the scene where Ryan's monologue was filmed, the rest of the night was shooting the Knights of the Round Table.

As set in the game, the Round Table Cowboys are all male vases.

The actors of Gawain and Lancelot are naturally looking for Gawyne and Orlando Bloom.

Although the appearance of "Elf Prince" is slightly older than when he starred in the "Lord of the Rings" series, but this degree of deterioration of appearance can be solved directly with makeup.

The other members of the Cowherd Group did not do too much. They were all played by actors who already had a certain reputation.

Age Zhiwen found Christian Bale in Qiye, and the other side's melancholy look was a fight against the stomachache butler.

As for Beckham’s actor, Qiye finally chose the X-Men version of [Quick Silver] Ivan Peters after several screenings.

It's really not easy to find an actor with a tender face and a steady role.

The young actors Qiye knew had obvious faults. At this time in 2013, they were either too old or too tender, or they couldn't play Bediwell in a tender manner.

I would choose Ivan Peters in the end, just because he is the one with the silver hair style that Qiye feels most pleasing to the eyes of all people.

But fortunately, as long as the other party doesn't smirk and maintains a serious face, he still has the charm of Beckham.

What surprised Qiye the most was the role of Cui Sad.

The casting team actually found him "Captain Jack" Johnny Depp.

Seriously, when Depp expressed his willingness to play this role, Qiye was really shocked.

It's not because Depp is willing to play this role, but because the price offered by the other party is only $5 million.

For the average actors, this pay is definitely on the high side.

But for an actor of Depp's level, the price is really too cheap.

Although Depp in 2013 was not as popular as before 2010, he was also a member of the standard $20 million club.

Under normal circumstances, Depp's remuneration exceeds 10 million U.S. dollars even if it is not for the lead role.

Depp was able to play "Camelot" since he dropped the pay. Apart from his own interest in this series, he also came to support Orlando Bloom.

Qiye had seen Depp's outspoken treatment of friends in her previous life.

In this life in Hollywood, Qiye has even heard some rumors of "parasites" around Depp.

Since Depp became famous, he has spent a lot of money every year related to his "hupengou friends".

Perhaps Depp himself thinks that everyone used to be together, and now he should be developed to help.

But it is not clear whether those who suck blood from Depp regard Depp as a friend or a cash machine.

But Qiye really didn't expect Depp to talk about loyalty to this start.

You know, not any actor can make a self-falling pay.

Not to mention the role of this kind of commercial film.

After all, actors make money from these movies.

It can be seen that Depp, like his other good friend Keanu Reeves, is the kind of character that can stab at his friends.

Qiye didn't want to comment on this.

Everyone has their own way of getting along with others.

Although Depp and Keanu Reeves' behavior seems a bit "stupid", it is precisely because of their way of dealing with others that they always have opportunities.

The reason why Keanu Reeves would participate in the "Quick Pursuit" that made him out of the trough of his career was just to cheer his friends.

Even if Depp is on the cusp of the "divorce storm" in the future, he will still be able to get the "Fantastic Beasts 2" contract.

It was also the result of Rowling's insistence that he had a good personal relationship with Aunt Rowling.

Similarly, if Depp will encounter that kind of trouble in the future in this life.

For the sake of Depuken's self-reduction today, Qiye didn't mind pulling the other party.

Due to sufficient preparations, today's shooting went very smoothly.

Although apart from the one shot by Ryan, it is inevitable that there will be many NG situations at other times.

But the crew still finished the morning shooting plan at 12 o'clock.

Because the set of the afternoon set has not yet been completed, Qiye simply gave the crew a lunch break in advance.

That said, but the crew members can’t go back to sleep.

At most, after eating lunch in advance, where you can go to lie down for a nap.

As for lunch, it is naturally settled in the restaurant next to the Burbank Studio, and the crew will pay for it.

It's not the time to shoot "Kingjing" back then, and a penny would be split into two.

Qiye will naturally not save money on this kind of thing. The crew's food, clothing, housing and transportation are guaranteed.

For example, in terms of accommodation for crew members, Qiye rents the highest gear with air conditioning.

You know that California in June is already as hot as a stove.

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